7 research outputs found

    Effects of hyaluronic acid (Hyalonect) on callus formation in rabbits

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    Objective: Bone fragment and graft stabilization are important during reconstructive surgery of cases with comminuted fractures and bone defects. We examined the effect of Hyalonect surgical mesh on the healing dynamics of metaphyseal bone defects created in rabbit tibiae

    Osteoid Osteoma of a Mecacarpal Bone: Case Report

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    A 16-year-old girl presented to our clinic with a nocturnally aggravating pain on her 5th metacarpal bone for approximately one year, which responded well to salicylate medication. Clinical diagnosis of our case was achieved through anamnesis, physical examination, and imaging studies. In plane X-Ray, increased sclerosis in middle 1/3 of the 5th metacarpal bone extending from cortical area to medulla was observed. MRI revealed an intracortical lesion surrounded by increased sclerotic tissue. History of nocturnally aggravating and salicylate-responding pain made us suspect osteoid osteoma for diagnosis. After curettage of the area we thought as nidus, autografting was performed. After excisional biopsy, histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis. In our case, we would like to draw attention for the fact that although being a rare localization, osteoid osteoma should be kept in mind in patients with nocturnally aggravating and salicylate-responding pain in metacarpal region, where radiological studies showed an intracortical lesion

    Relationship between Meniscal Tears and Tibial Slope on the Tibial Plateau

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    Objective: The geometry of the tibial plateau has a direct influence on the translation and the screw home biomechanics of the tibiofemoral joint. Little information on the relationship between the tibial slope and meniscal lesions is available. The objective of this retrospective study was to examine the effect of the tibial slope on the medial and lateral meniscus lesions in patients with intact ACLs. Materials and Methods: The MRIs and lat roentgenograms of 212 patients with meniscus lesions were examined to determine the possible effect of the tibial slope on meniscal tears. First, the anatomic axis of the proximal tibia was established. Then, the angle between the line drawn to show the tibial slopes (medial and lateral) and the line drawn perpendicular to the proximal tibial anatomic axis was established on MRI. The patients with previously detected meniscus lesions were classified into three categories: patients with only medial meniscal tear (Group 1, 90 patients); patients with only lateral meniscal tear (Group 2, 15 patients); and patients with both medial and lateral meniscal tear (Group 3, 19 patients). Group 4 had no meniscal tear (88 patients). The MRIs of the patients who had applied to the Orthopedic Outpatient Clinic with patellofemoral pain and no meniscal tear were included as the control group. Results: The average tibial slope of the medial tibial plateau was 3.18° in group 1, 3.64° in group 2, 3° in group 3, and 3.27° in group 4. The average tibial slope of the lateral tibial plateau was 2.88° in group 1, 3.6° in group 2, 2.68 in group 3, and 2.91 in group 4. The tibial slope on the medial tibial plateau was significantly larger than the lateral tibial plateaus in group 1 and group 4 (p0.05). In addition, the tibial slope on the lateral side of group 2 was significantly larger than that of groups 1, 3, and 4 (p<0.05).Conclusion: An increase in the tibial slopes, especially on the lateral tibial plateau, seems to increase the risk of meniscal tear

    Effects of calcitonin on the biomechanics, histopathology, and radiography of callus formation in rats

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    Background. This study was designed to examine the effect of salmon calcitonin on fracture repair

    Are MR imaging and pathologic tissue sizes compatible in morton neuroma?

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    It is claimed that Morton Neuroma (MN) is symptomatic if it is greater than 5mm. In contrast, significant amounts of Morton neuroma that do not reach this critical level may become symptomatic. Therefore, it is thought that MN size and intensity of symptoms do not show a positive correlation. Twenty patients who were operated at Medipol University School of Medicine between 2015-2019 for the diagnosis of Morton neuroma and whose disease was diagnosed as Morton Neuroma by MRI and pathological evaluation and were evaluated retrospectively. Pathological tissue size measurements and MRI measurements were compared. The mean age of the operated patients was 47, 14 were female and 6 were male. The average of the pathological tissue dimensions after the measurements was 16,6 mm. The average of the radiological image dimensions after the measurements was 8,5 mm. The pathologic dimension was significantly higher (p [Med-Science 2023; 12(2.000): 475-8

    Effects of Sleeping Positions on the Rotator Cuff Pathology

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    The rotator cuff tear aetiology is still unclear. Especially for atraumatic ruptures, degenerative processes come into prominence. This study aims to correlate between four most commonly-seen sleeping positions and patients with rotator cuff pathology. 87 patients who applied to the institute for suffering from shoulder pain for more than 6 months without a trauma and 93 voluntary people (as control group) above the age of 50 who applied to the institution for reasons other than shoulder pain included in the study. Rotator cuff ruptures and acromion types of the patients are diagnosed via magnetic resonance imaging. In face-to-face interviews, all the patients are asked to show their favourite sleeping positions on the visual cards and also questioned about their smoking habits and overhead activities. There is not any statistically substantive parameters between the patients and the control group in terms of age and sex. 83.9% of the patients with rotator cuff rupture have stated prefering lateral decubitus position while this rate is %61.3 among the control group (p=0.003). Atraumatic rotator cuff tears are increase with age. The increase pressure in the subacromial space can lead distribution in microvascular circulation of rotator cuff. Decrease in the microvascular circulation also affect the regeneration potential of rotator cuff. Laboratory studies demonstrated that lateral decubitus position has the most prominent increase in the subacromial pressure over all sleeping positions. We consider that sleeping in the lateral decubitus position causes long-term high subacromial pressure, leading to a microcirculatory disorder in the rotator cuff, which is a risk factor for the rotator cuff aetiology. [Med-Science 2015; 4(4.000): 2825-33

    Genetic analysis of Anatolian apples (Malus sp.) by simple sequence repeats

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    The apple is one of the most important fruit species in the world. Turkey has a diverse and ancient apple germplasm that have played a major role in the domestication of the Malus genus. However, so far locally grown Anatolian apple germplasm has largely been uncharacterized. In this study, 171 local apple (M. domestica Borkh.) accessions originated from eco-geographically diverse regions of Anatolia were studied using 16 SSR (simple sequence repeat) loci, which generated 254 alleles. Of the SSR markers used, the CH04g10 locus showed the highest allele diversity. Relatively high genetic similarities were found between some accessions. The factorial correspondence analysis did not clearly separate different all apple accession groups, suggesting that Anatolian apple accessions are highly intermixed. However, most apple accessions were grouped according to their collection sites in structure analyses. In addition, reflecting the richness of the Anatolian apple germplasm, low numbers of synonymous, and identical accessions were identified among the germplasm. Finally, using the publically available SSR data generated in other studies, we investigated genetic relationships between Anatolian accession groups and European apple accession groups. Our results reported here provide a useful base for future studies aimed at investigating the genetic diversity of wild and cultivated apples from Anatolia and the surrounding regions