442 research outputs found

    Evaluating extreme flood characteristics of small mountainous basins of the Black Sea coastal area, Northern Caucasus

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    The probability of heavy rains and river floods is expected to increase with time in the Northern Caucasus region. Densely populated areas in the valleys of small mountainous watersheds already frequently suffer from catastrophic peak floods caused by intense rains at higher elevations. This study aimed at assessing the flood characteristics of several small basins in the piedmont area of the Caucasus Mountains adjacent to the Black Sea coast including ungauged Cemes River in the Novorossiysk city. The Deterministic-Stochastic Modelling System which consists of hydrological model Hydrograph and stochastic weather generator was applied to evaluate extreme rainfall and runoff characteristics of 1% exceedance probability. Rainfall intensity is shown to play more significant role than its depth in formation of extreme flows within the studied region

    Polystyrene-based nanocomposites with different fillers: fabrication and mechanical properties

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    The paper presents a comprehensive analysis of elastic properties of polystyrene-based nanocomposites filled with different types of inclusions: small spherical particles (SiO2 and Al2O3), alumosilicates (montmorillonite, halloysite natural tubules and Mica) and carbon nanofillers (carbon black and multi-walled carbon nanotubes). Composites were fabricated by melt technology. The analysis of composite melts showed that the introduction of Montmorillonite, Multi-walled carbon nanotubes, and Al2O3 particles provided an increase in melt viscosity by an average of 2 to 5 orders of magnitude over the pure polystyrene. Block samples of composites with different filler concentrations were prepared, and their linear and nonlinear elastic properties were studied. The introduction of more rigid particles led to a more profound increase in the elastic modulus of the composite, with the highest rise of about 80% obtained with carbon fillers. Carbon black particles provided also an enhanced strength at break of about 20% higher than that of pure polystyrene. The nonlinear elastic moduli of composites were shown to be more sensitive to addition of filler particles to the polymer matrix than the linear ones. The nonlinearity coefficient β\beta comprising the combination of linear and nonlinear elastic moduli of a material demonstrated considerable changes correlating with changes of the Young's modulus. The absolute value of β\beta showed rise in 1.5-1.6 times in the CB- and HNT-containing composites as compared to that of pure PS. The changes in nonlinear elasticity of fabricated composites were compared with measurements of the parameters of bulk nonlinear strain waves in them. Variations of wave velocity and decay decrement correlated with observed enhancement of materials nonlinearity

    Grammatical Semantics of a Complex Sentence with an Immediate Succession Conjunction “yedva” [hardly]

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    The question of qualifying the meaning of allied means, which in traditional grammar are defined as syntactic markers of “immediate” or “fast” succession, and in the part of corpus studies are considered as connectors of “immediate succession”, is studied. Complex sentences with a conjunction “yedva” [hardly] is the object of the study. The types of taxis relations that are expressed in such sentences are analyzed. The research has shown that the grammatical semantics of sentences with the conjunction of “immediate succession” is determined by a whole  complex of categorical features, the most important of which is the linguistic representation of time in events. This feature is an indicator of the category of the time order. It was found that the sentences under consideration signal “disturbance of the natural course of events”, and the marker of such a “failure” is a conjunction “yedva” [hardly]. The authors believe that its semantic function, is complicated by the meta-meaning “exaggeration”, which indicates a special communicative attitude of the speaker. The relevance of the research lies in the consistent functional and semantic interpretation of grammatical phenomena. Such interpretation takes into account the established grammatical tradition of considering syntactic units. In the context of modern linguistic research, the scientific continuity of research paradigms is extremely important

    Directions to improve economic efficiency of regional production

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    The paper provides theoretical grounding and the directions for improving the economic efficiency of the regional feedstuff production. The study develops a conceptual model of distributing management functions of feedstuff production between the regional authorities of state sectoral and economic management and the district level. The authors suggest the methodology for calculating potential capacity of intraregional feedstuff market, considering the demands of all categories of agricultural manufacturers. The study examines possibilities for implementing the strategy of diversified growth and development of the intraregional feedstuff market, including the terms of interaction between the large and micro-business inside the industry and cooperation of micro-business feedstuff manufacturers with agricultural production. The authors have developed the methodology for assessing the efficiency of feedstuff production, based on the aggregate estimation of the management organization, conditions for the development of feedstuff production and changes in the feedstuff production and livestock breeding industry.peer-reviewe

    «Зеленое» финансирование и ESG: возможность для устойчивого социально-экономического развития

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    The implementation of the sustainable development strategy and the formation of a “green” economy model provide for the reorientation of financial resources, accounting by economic entities and public authorities and management of ESG-principles and the development of “green” financing tools.The purpose of the paper is to develop theoretical provisions and modeling of the impact of “green” financing on the socio-economic development of the subjects of the Russian Federation.Methods of data mining were used with temporary delays and corresponding lags responses of endogenous indicators, as well as cluster and correlation analysis. The result of the study was the specification of the economic content of the definition of “green” financing, as well as the construction of econometric models of the degree of interrelationship between “green” financing and the socio-economic development of the regions of Russia. The authors described the economic content of the definition of “green” financing, developed econometric models of the degree of interdependence of “green” financing and socioeconomic growth of Russia’s regions, calculated an integral indicator of sustainable socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation taking into account ESGfactors (social risks, environmental risks, quality of management). Clustering of Russian regions according to the level of influence of “green” financing on their socio-economic development has also been carried out.The article concludes that the relationship between the level of socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation and the volume of “green” financing is direct, strong, and can be expressed by increasing linear regression. The prospects for further research may be related to the assessment of the real needs of the volumes of “green” financing in the context of ensuring sustainable economic growth.Реализация стратегии устойчивого развития и формирование модели «зеленой» экономики предусматривают переориентацию финансовых ресурсов, учет хозяйствующими субъектами и органами государственной власти и управления ESG-принципов и развитие инструментов «зеленого» финансирования.Цель работы —  развитие теоретических положений и моделирование влияния «зеленого» финансирования на социально-экономическое развитие субъектов Российской Федерации.Использованы методы интеллектуального анализа данных с учетом временных запаздываний и соответствующих лаговых откликов эндогенных показателей, а также кластерный и корреляционный анализ. Авторы конкретизировали экономическое содержание дефиниции «зеленое» финансирование, построили эконометрические модели степени взаимосвязи «зеленого» финансирования и социально-экономического развития регионов России, рассчитали интегральный показатель устойчивого социально-экономического развития регионов РФ с учетом ESG-факторов (социальные риски, экологические риски, качество управления). Также осуществлена кластеризация регионов России по уровню влияния «зеленого» финансирования на их социально-экономическое развитие.Сделан вывод о том, что связь между уровнем социально-экономического развития регионов РФ и объемом «зеленого» финансирования —  прямая, сильная, может быть выражена возрастающей линейной регрессией. Перспективы дальнейших исследований могут быть связаны с оценкой реальных потребностей объемов «зеленого» финансирования в контексте обеспечения устойчивого экономического роста

    Resistance of modern spring barley cultivars to harmful organisms

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    Background. Diseases and pests cause great damage to barley stands and harvests. Harvest losses from harmful organisms reach 25–30%.Materials and methods. During 2017–2020, 46 spring barley cultivars from the VIR collection, listed in the State Register for Selection Achievements, were studied for their resistance to fritfly, net and spot blotches, brown rust, and powdery mildew. The tests were carried out in the field with provocative colonization by fritfly and under natural infection pressure of leaf pathogens.Results and conclusions. In 2017, net blotch predominated over other diseases. In 2018, there was an epyphytotic outburst of spot blotch, and cultivars with weak development of this disease were identified. In 2019 and 2020, the incidence of brown rust and powdery mildew was significant, and the virulence of fritfly increased greatly in the same years. Field tests resulted in identification of 3 barley accessions resistant to fritfly: ‘Odon’ (k-31118, Buryatia), ‘Miar’ (k-31203, Orenburg Province), and ‘Omsky 99’ (k-31230, Omsk Province). Cv. ‘Posada’ (k-31245, Germany) was weakly affected by fritfly, brown rust and powdery mildew. Cultivars were selected for their low susceptibility to powdery mildew (up to 5%): ‘Chiraz’ (k-31131, Denmark), ‘Cheerio’ (k-31297, Denmark), and ‘Odyssey’ (k-31333, England), and brown rust: ‘Chiraz’ (k-31131, Denmark), ‘Eifel’ (k-31249, France), ‘Ursa’ (k-31339), and ‘Sunshine’ (k-31129, Germany). Such long-term assessment results can be used in breeding programs to develop cultivars with group or complex resistance to harmful organisms

    Pollution of atmospheric air and incidence of the population of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

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    It is established that in long-term dynamics in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), it was characterized by statistically significant growth, as pollution of atmospheric air, incidence growth on the main classes of diseases of MKB - 10. Studying of correlation communications between incidence indicators on separate classes of diseases and technogenic pollution of atmospheric air allowed to establish that from 304 calculated coefficients of correlation 129 (42,4 %) were statistically significant (р < 0,05 or р < 0,01). The carried-out regression analysis between total incidence and total of the emissions arriving in the atmosphere of the studied territory, revealed that one ton of emissions getting to atmospheric air initiates emergence of diseases of a various etiology of 10,10/00 and 41,80/00 cases among adults and children respectively