Pollution of atmospheric air and incidence of the population of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)


It is established that in long-term dynamics in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), it was characterized by statistically significant growth, as pollution of atmospheric air, incidence growth on the main classes of diseases of MKB - 10. Studying of correlation communications between incidence indicators on separate classes of diseases and technogenic pollution of atmospheric air allowed to establish that from 304 calculated coefficients of correlation 129 (42,4 %) were statistically significant (р < 0,05 or р < 0,01). The carried-out regression analysis between total incidence and total of the emissions arriving in the atmosphere of the studied territory, revealed that one ton of emissions getting to atmospheric air initiates emergence of diseases of a various etiology of 10,10/00 and 41,80/00 cases among adults and children respectively

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