412 research outputs found

    On the status of expansion by regions

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    We discuss the status of expansion by regions, i.e. a well-known strategy to obtain an expansion of a given multiloop Feynman integral in a given limit where some kinematic invariants and/or masses have certain scaling measured in powers of a given small parameter. Using the Lee-Pomeransky parametric representation, we formulate the corresponding prescriptions in a simple geometrical language and make a conjecture that they hold even in a much more general case. We prove this conjecture in some partial cases and illustrate them in a simple example.Comment: Published version: presentation improved, Section 7 delete

    Entendimento poético como entrada inicial de ser-no-mundo

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    Comprehension of modern poetic phenomena is based on Heidegger’s fundamental ontology and Gadamer's hermeneutics. The rhythm of poetry cuts through the inner space of a thing, as agitated movements cut through the air, and almost every poetic line exists in its own special inclination, which makes the poems become voluminous. The composition of words in poetry is shifted and relabeled as if over tightened by a single rhythmic impulse, which also changes the state of literature. The initial occurrence of being-in-the-world through poetic understanding – these are the word-whistlers and word-spells from which verses are created, can be formed (and are added) into meaningful phrases, but their nature remains the same: mental and impulsive, in fact, pre-speech. According to Heidegger, Poetry is regarded as the initial mode of realization of the language. The essence of language – speech – permeates all existentials (being-preunderstanding, mood), in its original mode, speech is revealed in the self-pronunciation of being-in-the-world, that is, in finding the word-in-being-in-the-world. Since the pronunciation of meaning in words occurs simultaneously with understanding, poetic pronunciation is the place for the most complete manifestation of meaning in language.La comprensión de los fenómenos poéticos modernos se basa en la ontología fundamental de Heidegger y la hermenéutica de Gadamer. El ritmo de la poesía atraviesa el espacio interior de una cosa, como movimientos agitados cortan el aire, y casi todas las líneas poéticas existen en su propia inclinación especial, lo que hace que los poemas se vuelvan voluminosos. La composición de las palabras en la poesía se desplaza y se vuelve a etiquetar como si estuviera más apretada por un solo impulso rítmico, que también cambia el estado de la literatura. La aparición inicial del ser en el mundo a través de la comprensión poética: estos son los silbadores de palabras y los hechizos de palabras a partir de los cuales se crean los versos, se pueden formar (y agregar) en frases significativas, pero su naturaleza sigue siendo la misma: Mental e impulsivo, de hecho, pre-discurso. Según Heidegger, la poesía es considerada como el modo inicial de realización del lenguaje. La esencia del lenguaje, el habla, impregna todos los existenciales (ser un pre-entendimiento, estado de ánimo), en su modo original, el habla se revela en la auto-pronunciación de ser-en-el-mundo, es decir, en encontrar la palabra-in estar en el mundo Dado que la pronunciación del significado en palabras ocurre simultáneamente con la comprensión, la pronunciación poética es el lugar para la manifestación más completa del significado en el lenguaje.A compreensão dos fenómenos poéticos modernos baseia-se na ontologia fundamental de Heidegger e na hermenêutica de Gadamer. O ritmo da poesia corta o espaço interior de uma coisa, enquanto movimentos agitados atravessam o ar, e quase todas as linhas poéticas existem em sua própria inclinação especial, o que faz com que os poemas se tornem volumosos. A composição das palavras na poesia é deslocada e rotulada como se fosse apertada por um único impulso rítmico, que também muda o estado da literatura. A ocorrência inicial do ser-no-mundo através da compreensão poética - estes são os assobiadores de palavras e os feitiços de palavras dos quais os versos são criados, podem ser formados (e adicionados) em frases significativas, mas sua natureza permanece a mesma: mental e impulsivo, de fato, pré-fala. Segundo Heidegger, a Poesia é considerada o modo inicial de realização da linguagem. A essência da linguagem - fala - permeia todos os existenciais (estar-pre-entendimento, humor), em seu modo original, a fala é revelada na auto-pronúncia do ser-no-mundo, ou seja, em encontrar a palavra-in-the-word. estar-no-mundo. Como a pronúncia do significado em palavras ocorre simultaneamente à compreensão, a pronúncia poética é o lugar para a mais completa manifestação de significado na linguagem

    The RATAN-600 multi-frequency catalogue of blazars -- BLcat

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    In this paper we present the RATAN-600 multi-frequency catalogue of blazars, an updated version of the BLcat: the RATAN-600 multi-frequency catalogue of BL Lacertae objects. The main novelty in the catalogue is an extension of the sample with flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs), thus currently it contains more than 1700 blazars of different types. The main feature of the BLcat is a compilation of radio continuum data for blazars based on the RATAN-600 quasi-simultaneous measurements at frequencies of 1.1, 2.3, 4.7, 7.7/8.2, 11.2, and 21.7/22.3 GHz. We additionally supplement the catalogue with the radio data from external sources to provide an opportunity to more complete study of radio spectra and radio light curves. For the convenience of users, we developed tools to calculate the spectral index, variability index, and radio luminosity. We briefly describe basic radio properties of blazar subsamples of the catalogue: spectral classification, spectral indices, flux density variability, and radio luminosity.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Optimization of Nanostructuring Burnishing Technological Parameters by Taguchi Method

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    On the basis of application of Taguchi optimization method, an approach for researching influence of nanostructuring burnishing technological parameters, considering the surface layer microhardness criterion, is developed. Optimal values of burnishing force, feed and number of tool passes for hardened steel AISI 420 hardening treatment are defined

    Factors influencingmicrobial transmission in a meat processing plant

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    The review paper examines the main risk factors for microbial contamination of meat at different stages of its processing. Particular emphasis has been placed on primary animal processing being the most hazardous in terms of microbial contamination of meat. Carcass cross-contamination most frequently occurs during skinning and evisceration since hides and the digestive tract are the primary sources of microbial pathogens. It is necessary to observe stringent sanitary and hygienic rules when performing these operations. Continuous cold chain management along all following stages of meat processing and control of the sanitary status of cold chambers during meat storage are of extreme importance. An increase in the microbial counts due to the high number of manual operations was observed during meat cutting, boning, and trimming. Subsequent stages of meat processing, including mincing, curing, the addition of spices, also promote significant microbial growth. Strict control regarding detection of dangerous pathogens, especially L. monocytogenes, is needed at this stage. In general, to minimize problems linked with meat and meat product safety, it is necessary to take timely measures on sanitary treatment of meat processing facilities, including the prevention of biofilm formation

    Directions to improve economic efficiency of regional production

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    The paper provides theoretical grounding and the directions for improving the economic efficiency of the regional feedstuff production. The study develops a conceptual model of distributing management functions of feedstuff production between the regional authorities of state sectoral and economic management and the district level. The authors suggest the methodology for calculating potential capacity of intraregional feedstuff market, considering the demands of all categories of agricultural manufacturers. The study examines possibilities for implementing the strategy of diversified growth and development of the intraregional feedstuff market, including the terms of interaction between the large and micro-business inside the industry and cooperation of micro-business feedstuff manufacturers with agricultural production. The authors have developed the methodology for assessing the efficiency of feedstuff production, based on the aggregate estimation of the management organization, conditions for the development of feedstuff production and changes in the feedstuff production and livestock breeding industry.peer-reviewe

    Experimental Demonstration of Nanolaser with sub-μ\muA Threshold Current

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    We demonstrate a photonic crystal nanolaser exhibiting an ultra-low threshold of 730 nA at telecom wavelengths. The laser can be directly modulated at 3 GHz at an energy cost of 1 fJ/bit. This is the lowest threshold reported for any laser operating at room temperature and facilitates low-energy on-chip links.Comment: 3 pages with 2 figure


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    Kleine–Levin syndrome (KLS) is characterized by sleep attacks lasting several hours or days with imperative onset and awakening difficulty. The syndrome belongs to rare and little studied diseases not only in our country, but also throughout the world. It was first described in 1786. The diagnostic criteria for KLS include: 1) complaints of excessive somnolence; 2) sleepiness episodes lasting at least 18 hours daily; 3) at least 1–2 annual hypersomnia episodes lasting 3 days to 3 weeks; 4) predominance generally in adolescent males; 5) characteristic changes at polysomnographic study; 6) no relationship of hypersomnia to other somatic or mental disorders, such as epilepsy or depression; 7) no association with other sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy, sleep apnea, or nocturnal myoclonus. The etiology of the syndrome remains unknown. The disease may occur in the presence of trauma, metabolic disturbances, and other diseases. The likely etiology is considered to be viral or postinfection autoimmune encephalitis involving chiefly the hypothalamus. No specific treatment for KLS has been developed at present.The authors consider the historical description of the syndrome, its presumed etiology, pathogenesis, and clinical manifestations, including the results of additional studies. They describe their observed clinical case of KLS that manifested itself as hypersomnia, hyperphagia, and psychopathic disorders and developed when using amphetamine and cannabinoids for the treatment of traumatic brain injur