41 research outputs found

    An empirical approach to studying gender attitude to parenting

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    Background. The paper provides the results of studying gender views on parenthood. For efficient performance of the parent role the system of the subject’s ideas about the phenomenon of “parenthood” and its specific features, as well as personal features aimed at the effective performance of parental functions by both women (mothers) and men (fathers) are laid emphasis on. The Objective is to describe the pilot experimental research focused on males and females’ attitude to parenthood. The hypothesis of the study is an assumption about gender-specific attitude to parenthood in males and females in relation to the parental roles and functions that are eventually actualized in children. Females are focused on personal relationships with a child and emotionally coloured attitudes towards them, while for males mostly active forms of parenting are typical. Design. The first stage of theoretical understanding of the issue included the literature review of the foreign and Russian national psychologists focused on the psychology of parenthood (A. Adler, E. Badinter, D. Winnicott, M. Marcons, M. Mead, D. Peynes, S. Fanti, E. Erickson; T.V. Andreeva, K.N. Belogay, N.N. Vasyagina, A.I. Zakharova, O.A. Karabanova, S.Yu. Meshcheryakova, R.V. Ovcharova, V.A. Ramikh, Yu.A. Tokareva, G.G. Filippova, L.B. Schneider, etc.). The second stage of the research was focused on the study of gender-specific ideas about parenthood. Results. Based on the analysis of the existing approaches to understanding the phenomenon of “parenthood”, we defined it as a complex personal education including positive affective manifestations of the subject in relation to children shaped in the process of his interaction with the child and having a positive impact on the entire harmonious development and education of children. The survey data showed that the respondents expressed gender-specific attitudes to parenthood. In particular, the discrepancy lies in the perceptions of males and females of the “ideal parent” and their parental roles. Conclusion. The study proved the presence of gender features in the ideas of parenthood. To optimize the level and content of ideas about parenting will contribute to further rendering psychological support for the family

    Scenarios of the innovative development of education in the context of the Russian economy’s modernization: entrepreneurial universities vs. high-tech universities

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    The article is aimed at identifying the scenarios of the innovative development of education in the context of the Russian economy’s modernization through the opposition of entrepreneurial universities and high-tech universities. The authors conduct a system econometric analysis. The scenario analysis showed that the strategic prospects (optimistic, long-term scenario) of the innovative development of education to support the modernization of the Russian economy through the optimization of universities’ activities require the upgrading of equipment by 982.51% for increasing the research activities to 10269.44% (compared to the threshold), which will bring Russian universities to the 1st place in the QS ranking. In the medium-term period, the share of modern (less than 5 years old) equipment in Russian universities should tend to be 90%. As it is shown by a probable and promising scenario, this will improve the position of the Russian universities in the QS ranking by 6.17%. It is proved that only high-tech universities contribute to the innovative development of education in the context of the Russian economy’s modernization. Therefore, the reduction of state funding of higher education and science makes no sense in Russia, as well as the development of entrepreneurial universities. Instead, the focus should be on the upgrading of university equipment. The originality of this paper lies in a new vision of the prospects for the development of the system of higher education in Russia in the Decade of Science and Technology (2022–2031). This new vision is as follows: for the innovative development of education in the context of the Russian economy’s modernization, it is necessary to refuse the diversification of universities and to achieve their unification, making a choice either in favor of entrepreneurial universities or in favor of high-tech universities

    New and rare lichens and allied fungi from Arkhangelsk region, North-West Russia

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    Thirty-one lichen-forming fungi, 12 lichenicolous fungi, and 5 non-lichenized fungi are reported as new for Arkhangelsk Region; 7 species are new for its mainland area. Micarea fallax is reported for the first time for Russia; M. laeta and M. pusilla are new for the European part of Russia. The second finding of Nicropuncta rugulosa for Russia is recorded; microconidia are first observed in this species. The records of ten species which have been included in the new edition of the Red Data Book of the Arkhangelsk Region (2020) are presented. Nephromopsis laureri from the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation (2008) and Leptogium rivulare from the IUCN Red List are reported for the first time for Arkhangelsk Region

    The model of lateral spinal cord hemisection. Part I. The technical, pathomorphological, clinical and experimental peculiarities

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    Relevance of the topic. A promising tool for restoring the spinal cord function is the application of tissue neuroengineering. The approbation of its techniques is possible on qualitative spinal cord injury models that makes the transplantation of solid neuroengineered matrices feasible.Objective. To optimize and test a model of lower thoracic rat’s spinal cord hemisection.Materials and methods. 2 groups of experimental animals: 1 — mature animals (3–6 months, n=40) and 2 — young animals (1 month, n=32), the injury — left-side spinal cord hemisection (LHS) at Т11 level; monitoring of hindlimbs’ function (BBB scale), pathomorphological study.Results. LHS provides simultaneous display of a slight, moderate and severe spinal cord injury (the correlates, respectively, are: the function deficit of a contralateral hindlimb [CH] and an ipsilateral hindlimb [IH] among the animals with better and worse recovery indicators). As of the 11th week of the observation a function indicator was 3,2±0,58 points under BBB scale and 5,31±0,79 (p<0.05) in group 2, which indicates a significant fullness of the intersection of all descending fibers. Mortality in group 1 at the stage of intervention and in the acute phase of trauma consists 25%, in the remote phase — 15%, including 5 percent of animals with bilateral injury. At full bilateral intersection mortality within 10 days with relevant conditions of detention comprises 100 percent.Conclusion. LHS model is technically simple, easy to be reproduced, has low mortality under the condition of deep ipsilateral spinal cord function deficit, provides for three simultaneous options of spinal cord injury, is adapted for testing the neuroengineering tools

    Clinical and pathomorphological features of penetrating spinal cord injury model with prolonged persistence of a foreign body in the vertebral canal

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    Background. Penetrating spinal cord injury with a foreign body in the spinal canal is one of the most common spinal cord injuries during wartime; the experimental reproduction of particular elements of complex interaction between a foreign body and the spinal cord is complicated.Objective. To examine clinical and pathomorphological features of the model of this type of spinal cord injury.Materials and methods. Animals: albino male rats (5.5 months, 300 grams, inbred line, the original strain is Wistar); experimental groups: basic (spinal cord injury + immediate homotopical implantation of a fragment of the microporous hydrogel – a foreign body [n=10]); comparison groups (spinal cord injury [n=16], spinal cord injury + immediate homotopical implantation of chemically identical macroporous hydrogel NeuroGel™ [n=20]). Model of injury: left-side spinal cord hemisection at ТXI level; monitoring the function of hind legs — the BBB scale; pathomorphological study: conventional histological techniques, transmission electronic microscopy.Results. Compression of the spinal cord by biologically compatible foreign body significantly worsens the course of the regeneration process; during the first 8 weeks the hind ipsilateral leg function indicator (HI LFI) in animals was the lowest one — (1.30±0.94) points by BBB scale; during the 3rd–4th month HI LFI increases to 2.35±0.95 points by BBB scale, which is likely due to the change in the form of a foreign body and its utilization, decrease of the pressure on the spinal cord. On the 24th week of the follow-up HI LFI was (8.45±0.92) points (in NeuroGelTM group) compared with (2.35±0.95) points by BBB scale (in the group with a foreign body). During the experiment a foreign body, unlike the fragments of the NeuroGelTM, was not integrated into the tissue of the spinal cord, was surrounded by a thick fibrous capsule, hardly infiltrated by tissue component. Morphological picture in the contra-lateral part of the spinal cord at the level of injury did not change.Conclusion. The model satisfactorily a mechanical component of a foreign body effect on the spinal cord tissue, presents the picture of post-traumatic syndrome of spasticity; reducing the spinal cord compression even at the late period of injury significantly improves the regeneration process

    Inhalational Anthrax Outbreak among Postal Workers, Washington, D.C., 2001

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    In October 2001, four cases of inhalational anthrax occurred in workers in a Washington, D.C., mail facility that processed envelopes containing Bacillus anthracis spores. We reviewed the envelopes’ paths and obtained exposure histories and nasal swab cultures from postal workers. Environmental sampling was performed. A sample of employees was assessed for antibody concentrations to B. anthracis protective antigen. Case-patients worked on nonoverlapping shifts throughout the facility. Environmental sampling showed diffuse contamination of the facility, suggesting multiple aerosolization events. Potential workplace exposures were similar for the case-patients and the sample of workers. All nasal swab cultures and serum antibody tests were negative. Available tools could not identify subgroups of employees at higher risk for exposure or disease. Prophylaxis was necessary for all employees. To protect postal workers against bioterrorism, measures to reduce the risk of occupational exposure are necessary

    The Public Health Response and Epidemiologic Investigation Related to the Opening of a Bacillus anthracis–Containing Envelope, Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C.

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    On October 15, 2001, a U.S. Senate staff member opened an envelope containing Bacillus anthracis spores. Chemoprophylaxis was promptly initiated and nasal swabs obtained for all persons in the immediate area. An epidemiologic investigation was conducted to define exposure areas and identify persons who should receive prolonged chemoprophylaxis, based on their exposure risk. Persons immediately exposed to B. anthracis spores were interviewed; records were reviewed to identify additional persons in this area. Persons with positive nasal swabs had repeat swabs and serial serologic evaluation to measure antibodies to B. anthracis protective antigen (anti-PA). A total of 625 persons were identified as requiring prolonged chemoprophylaxis; 28 had positive nasal swabs. Repeat nasal swabs were negative at 7 days; none had developed anti-PA antibodies by 42 days after exposure. Early nasal swab testing is a useful epidemiologic tool to assess risk of exposure to aerosolized B. anthracis. Early, wide chemoprophylaxis may have averted an outbreak of anthrax in this population

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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    Клініко-морфологічна оцінка ефективності променевої терапії медулобластом у дорослих пацієнтів

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    Introduction. Concerning the relevance of estimation of radiation therapy (RT) efficiency in adults with cerebellar medulloblastoma, histological features of therapeutic pathomorphosis in tumors tissue after RT studied.Materials and methods. Comparative aspects of medulloblastomas histological structure investigated in 24 adult patients before and after RT using biopsy material at first and repeated operations.Results. Based on assessment of cell-tissue changes severity in medulloblastoma in adults after RT we installed individual differences of sensitivity to RT in most of them.Conclusions. Standard RT course in adults with medulloblastoma after surgery induces in tissue of most “treated” tumors cytotoxic and cytodestructive effect that correlates with disease-free period prolongation.Вступление. Учитывая актуальность комплексной оценки эффективности лучевой терапии (ЛТ) при медуллобластомах мозжечка у взрослых больных, изучены особенности гистоструктуры лечебного патоморфоза в ткани таких опухолей после ЛТ.Материалы и методы. В сравнительном аспекте исследована гистоструктура медуллобластом у 24 взрослых больных до и после проведения ЛТ на материале биопсии во время первой и повторной операций.Результаты. На основании оценки степени выраженности клеточно-тканевых изменений в медуллобластомах у взрослых больных, которым после операции проведена ЛТ, установлены различия индивидуальной чувствительности к ней большинства из них.Выводы. Проведение после операции стандартного курса ЛТ по поводу медуллобластом у взрослых больных индуцирует в ткани большинства «леченых» опухолей цитостатический и цитодеструктивный эффект, что коррелирует с увеличением продолжительности безрецидивного периода.Вступ. Зважаючи на актуальність оцінки ефективності променевої терапії при медулобластомах мозочка у дорослих хворих, вивчені особливості гістоструктури лікувального патоморфозу у тканині таких пухлин після променевого лікування.Матеріали і методи дослідження. У порівняльному аспекті досліджена гістоструктура медулобластом, видалених у 24 дорослих хворих, до і після проведення променевої терапії на матеріалі біопсії під час першої і повторної операції.Результати. На підставі оцінки вираженості клітинно-тканинних змін у медулобластомах дорослих хворих, яким після операції проводили променеву терапію, встановлені відмінності індивідуальної чутливості до неї більшості з них.Висновки. Проведення після операції стандартного курсу променевої терапії з приводу медулобластом у дорослих хворих індукує у тканини більшості «лікованих» пухлин цитостатичний та цитодеструктивний ефект, що корелює з збільшенням тривалості безрецидивного періоду

    Clinical and morphological estimation of radiation therapy efficiency in adults with medulloblastoma

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    Introduction. Concerning the relevance of estimation of radiation therapy (RT) efficiency in adults with cerebellar medulloblastoma, histological features of therapeutic pathomorphosis in tumors tissue after RT studied.Materials and methods. Comparative aspects of medulloblastomas histological structure investigated in 24 adult patients before and after RT using biopsy material at first and repeated operations.Results. Based on assessment of cell-tissue changes severity in medulloblastoma in adults after RT we installed individual differences of sensitivity to RT in most of them.Conclusions. Standard RT course in adults with medulloblastoma after surgery induces in tissue of most “treated” tumors cytotoxic and cytodestructive effect that correlates with disease-free period prolongation