42 research outputs found

    ATLAS detector and physics performance: Technical Design Report, 1

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    The Physics of the B Factories

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    Spectra of one – and two photon excited luminescence of medical drugsin photon traps

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    A technique for studying the photoluminescence spectra of pharmaceuticals (analgin, paracetamol) was developed for single- and two-photon excitation by a pulse-periodic laser. The technique is based on the fiber-optic recording of photoluminescence spectra using a small-size spectrometer, quartz light guides, and mini cavity cuvettes, which makes it possible to compare the analyzed spectrum with the spectrum of the reference substance

    Динамика заболеваемости болезнями системы кровообращения взрослого населения Московской области

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    Circulatory System Diseases (CSD) are the leading causes of high morbidity and mortality of the adult population in many countries, including in the Russian Federation and largely determine public health status. The aim of the work is to analyze the dynamics of the general and primary morbidity of CSD and coronary heart disease (CHD) in the adult population of the Moscow Region for 2008-2016. We used the data of Rosstat for 2008-2016. The indicators of the total and primary morbidity of CSD and CHD of the adult population were determined. A high level and dynamics of an increase in the morbidity of CSD and CHD in the Moscow Region for the 2008 - 2016 period, which determine the high need for endovascular care, especially for patients with acute coronary syndrome, have been established.Болезни системы кровообращения (БСК) являются ведущими причинами высокой заболеваемости и смертности взрослого населения во многих странах, в т. ч. в Российской Федерации и в значительной степени определяют состояние общественного здоровья. Цель работы - провести анализ динамики общей и первичной заболеваемости БСК и ишемической болезнью сердца (ИБС) взрослого населения Московской области за 2008-2016 гг. Использованы данные Росстата за 2008-2016 гг. Определены показатели общей и первичной заболеваемости БСК и ИБС взрослого населения. Установлены высокий уровень и динамика увеличения заболеваемости БСК и ИБС в Московской области за период с 2008 по 2016 г., определяющие высокую потребность в рентгенэндоваскулярной помощи, в первую очередь больным с острым коронарным синдромом

    Стратегия развития медико-экономических стандартов рантгенэндоваскулярного лечения

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    The scientific article summarizes the experience of development and implementation in 2012-2015 medico-economic standards for endovascular treatment of diseases in the clinical practice of medical organizations involved in the implementation of the Moscow regional program of compulsory health insurance and an assessment of their effectiveness. It is concluded that the development strategy of endovascular treatment based on medical and economic standards improves the quality of medical care, improves the routing of patient flows, the intensity of hospital beds and provides effective endovascular care for patients. The standardization of endovascular care is a strategic priority for healthcare development.В научной статье обобщен опыт разработки и внедрения в 2012-2015 гг. медико-экономических стандартов рентгенэндоваскулярного лечения заболеваний в клиническую практику медицинских организаций, участвующих в реализации Московской областной программы обязательного медицинского страхования и проведена оценка их эффективности. Сделаны выводы, что стратегия развития рентгенэндоваскулярного лечения на основе медико-экономических стандартов способствует повышению качества медицинской помощи, совершенствованию маршрутизации потоков пациентов, интенсивности использования коечного фонда стационаров и обеспечению рентгенэндоваскулярной помощью больных. Стандартизация рентгенэндоваскулярной помощи является стратегическим приоритетом развития здравоохранения

    Clinical and organizational assessment of endovascular care accessibility at the regional level

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    The world health care system´s concern of inequalities in treatment of receiving the necessary medical care. The purpose of article to evaluate the availability of endovascular care (EVC) for patients at regional level in Russia and to develop a system for its improvement. As a result the low availability of EVC for the population at the regional level in Russia with coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis of the brachiocephalic arteries and critical lower limb ischemia (CLLI) was funded. The main reasons for the difficulties in obtaining EVC in the regions of Russia are the low frequency of diagnosing a critical stage of cardiovascular disease (CVD) requiring surgical treatment, the absence of cardiovascular surgeons and cardiologists in the medical care organizations, the failure in information to patients attending a regular doctor´s appointment about effectiveness and safety of endovascular treatment technology. More old-school traditional methods remain in place like bypass or endarterectomy surgery. Further obstacles are prolonged waiting list at the regional level for the provision of high-tech care in cardiovascular surgery, choice of conservative treatment methods or amputation of lower limbs for patients with CLLI 3 and 4 st. (p<0.05). In Conclusion the Clinical and organizational assessment of the endovascular care accessibility in CVD for the population in regions of Russia elaborated. One way to improve the situation is the introduction of the cardiovascular care clinical management. A dual-circuit clinical and organizational system was developed and proposed to increase endovascular care accessibility in regions