83 research outputs found

    Technique for Magnetic Susceptibility Determination in the High Doped Semiconductors by Electron Spin Resonance

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    Method for determining the magnetic susceptibility in the high doped semiconductors is considered. A procedure that is based on double integration of the positive part of the derivative of the absorption line having a Dyson shape and takes into account the depth of the skin layer is described. Analysis is made for the example of arsenic doped germanium samples at a rather high concentration corresponding to the insulator metal phase transition.Comment: Pages 13, figures 9, references 1

    Identification of influential patterns of sulfitation treatment of sugar production thick juice and remelt on the beet sugar quality

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    It is well known that in order to obtain crystalline sugar of a high quality category (Extra and TS1), it is necessary to ensure the production of concentrated sugar-containing intermediates with the lowest possible color, since it is these intermediates that directly determine the color of the resulting crystalline sugar. Laboratory studies have been carried out on the effect of sulfitation treatment using various reagents, namely, sulfurous anhydride and sodium bisulfite, of concentrated intermediates – thick juice and remelt syrup B+C of sugar production on the quality of beet sugar. It has been established that the sulfitation treatment of concentrated intermediates using sulfur dioxide provides a greater reduction in their color compared to sodium bisulfite – from 996,70 to 830,30 and 857,30 ICUMSA units respectively. It has been established that sulfitation treatment with using various reagents of concentrated intermediates provides a decrease in the color of sugar. So, according to the color index, sugar obtained in laboratory conditions from samples obtained using sulfitation treatment, according to the requirements of GOST 33222-2015, corresponds to category TS1, and obtained from an untreated sample, to category TS2. Thus, in a critical situation, sulfitation treatment can provide sugar with a higher quality category. It has been established that during long-term storage (up to 100 days) of concentrated sugar-containing intermediates, their color increases, however, preliminary sulfitation treatment using sulfur dioxide provides the smallest increase in color during storage, compared with treatment with sodium bisulfite. The increase in color after 100 days of storage relative to the initial values was 18,46 and 36,26%, respectively

    Improvement of the liquid-jet sulfitators construction to increase the efficiency of sulfitation treatment of sugar production liquids

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    The article discusses and analyzes the construction of liquid-jet sulfitators used in the beet sugar industry. The importance of sulfitation treatment in the sugar beet processing and raw cane sugar technology is noted and the main advantages of its use at various technological stages are given, namely, preparation of extractant used for diffusion sucrose extraction out of beet cossettes, thin juice processing, thick juice with B- and C-remelts processing, as well as raw cane sugar remelt processing. The advantages and disadvantages of liquid-jet sulfitators in comparison with other constructions are noted and criteria for their improvement are given. It has been noted that the created ejection, which sucks in the sulphitation gas into the contacting chamber, and the fact that the absorption of sulfur dioxide occurs on a larger surface than in other types of structures the main advantages of liquid-jet sulphitators. The main disadvantages are the short length of the contacting chamber, which is insufficient for ensuring complete absorption of sulfur dioxide, as well as instability of the generated ejection when the productivity changes. This determines the criteria given in the article for the improvement of liquid-jet sulfitators. The description of the developed construction of the sulphitator centrifugal-jet nozzle of sugar production liquids is given, which provides: the stability of the sulphitation gas supply in a wide range of plant productivity; stability of the hydroaerodynamic regime of the system «treated liquid – sulphitation gas» inside the sulphitator; sufficient contact time for complete dissolution in the treated liquid of the sulfur anhydride contained in the sulphitation gas. The advantages of the developed centrifugal-jet sulfitators in comparison with typical liquid-jet sulfitators are noted: ensuring the operation range of 50-120% of the nominal capacity (plant production capacity); significant reduction in the technical sulfur consumption for the sulphur anhydride production, which is used as a reagent for the sulfitation treatment of liquids in beet sugar processing; reduction of harmful emissions into the atmosphere due to 100 % sulfur anhydride dissolution in the treated liquid

    Вплив екзогенних чинників на поліферментну активність РуБісКО та АТФ-синтази хлоропластів з листя гороху

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    Aim. To isolate and purify protein complexes – ATP synthase and RuBisCO – from pea leaf chloroplasts and study the effect of a microbiological fertilizer “Extracon” and sulfonamide inhibitors acetazolamide and ethoxyzolamide on the enzymatic activity of these proteins.Materials and methods. Chloroplasts were isolated from the leaves of two-week-old pea sprouts, protein complexes of purified thylakoid membranes were solubilized with digitonin (10 mg of digitonin per 1 mg of protein), the protein concentration was determined according to Lowry. Native electrophoresis with displacement of the charge of the soluble protein fraction from the chloroplast stroma, as well as membrane proteins, was carried out in the modified system of Anderson et al., Kolisnichenko et al. A modified Lemmley system was applied to the protein electrophoresis in the polyacrylamide gel in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The methods of Alain and Hintsik, as well as Gomorrah were used to determine the ATPase activity in the polyacrylamide gel. Visualization of the carbonic anhydrase activity in the polyacrylamide gel was performed by the method of Edwards and Petton. Results and discussion. Using physicochemical methods of potentiometry, spectrophotometry the ATPase, carbonic anhydrase and esterase activities of the enzymes were studied. The results obtained indicate that specific carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (acetazolamide and ethoxyzolamide) also block the esterase and ATPase activity of the enzyme complexes. “Extracon” (a multifunctional microbiological preparation) almost 1.5 times increases the activity of the enzymes, showing a complex activating effect of the fertilizer on both light and dark reactions of photosynthesis.Conclusions. The method of identification and isolation of RuBisCO and ATP synthase on the basis of two-dimensional electrophoresis and electrophoretic elution has been proposed. It allows determining the presence of certain enzyme activity of complexes at first in SDS plates (express analysis) and further to study the effect of various factors of endogenous and exogenous origin on the enzymatic properties of electrophoretically pure enzymes. The use of two-dimensional electrophoresis as a tool for assessing the impact of various factors of endogenous and exogenous origin on the plant cell and the plant as a whole through constant monitoring of the work and activity of enzyme systems of the plant cell is promising.Мета. Виділити й очистити білкові комплекси – АТФ-синтазу й РуБісКО – з хлоропластів листя гороху та дослідити вплив на ферментну активність цих білків мікробіологічного добрива «Екстракон» й інгібіторів сульфаніламідної природи – ацетазоламіду й етоксизоламіду.Матеріали і методи. Хлоропласти виділяли з листя двотижневих паростків гороху, білкові комплекси очищених тилакоїдних мембран солюбілізували за допомогою дигітоніну (10 мг дигітоніну на 1 мг білка), концентрацію білка визначали за методом Лоурі. Нативний електрофорез зі зміщенням заряду фракції розчинних білків строми хлоропластів та мембранних білків проводили у модифікованій системі Андерсон та ін., Колісниченко та ін. Для електрофорезу білка в поліакриламідному гелі (ПААГ) за наявності натрій додецилсульфату використовували модифіковану систему Леммлі. Для визначення АТФазної активності в ПААГ використовували методи Алена і Хінцика, а також Гоморі; візуалізацію карбоангідразної активності в ПААГ виконували за методом Едвардса і Петтона.Результати та їх обговорення. Застосовуючи фізико-хімічні методи потенціометрії та спектрофотометрії дослідили АТФазну, карбоангідразну та естеразну активності АТФ-синтази та РуБісКО. Одержані результати свідчать, що специфічні інгібітори карбоангідрази (ацетазоламід та етоксизоламід) також блокують естеразну та АТФазну активності ферментних комплексів. «Екстракон» (мультифункціональний мікробіологічний препарат) майже в 1,5 раза підвищує активності цих ферментів, що свідчить про комплексний активувальний вплив добрива як на світлові, так і на темнові реакції фотосинтезу.Висновки. Запропоновано метод ідентифікації та виділення РуБісКО й АТФ-синтази на основі двовимірного електрофорезу й електрофоретичної елюції, який надає можливість спершу визначати наявність певної ферментної активності комплексів на пластинах ПААГ (експрес-аналіз), а потім вивчати вплив різноманітних чинників ендогенного та екзогенного походження на ферментні властивості електрофоретично чистих ферментів. Перспективним є застосування методу двовимірного електрофорезу як інструменту для оцінювання впливу різноманітних чинників ендогенного й екзогенного походження на рослинну клітину й рослину в цілому через постійний моніторинг роботи й активності ферментних систем рослинної клітини

    Balanced spinal-epidural anesthesia in reconstructive and plastic gynecological surgery in geriatric patients with circulatory failure

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    The purpose of the study - the study of the restructuring of hemodynamics in a balanced spinal-epidural anesthesia in geriatric patients with heart failure in reconstructive plastic gynecological operations. In 28 patients aged 65 to 85 years with heart failure studied hemodynamic alteration during plastic reconstructive and gynecological operations performed under spinal-epidural anesthesia. The absence of pronounced negative effect on the hemodynamics of the method and the possibility of its use in this group of patients.Цель исследования - изучение перестройки гемодинамики в условиях сбалансированной спинально-эпидуральной анестезии у гериатрических больных с недостаточностью кровообращения при реконструктивно-пластических гинекологических операциях. У 28 больных в возрасте от 65 до 85 лет с недостаточностью кровообращения изучена перестройка гемодинамики во время реконструктивно-пластических гинекологических операциях, выполненных в условиях спинально-эпидуральной анестезии. Установлено отсутствие выраженного отрицательного влияния метода на гемодинамику и возможность его использования у данного контингента больных

    Особенности распространенности артериальной гипертензии и уровня удовлетворенности жизненных потребностей в различных социально-экономических группах населения

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    The role of the professional factor in subjective satisfaction of the basic vital needs (by Mazhnikova N.V. et al., 2001) and frequency of an arterial hypertensia at 791 workers of the enterprises and establishments was studied. It is shown that conditions of labor activity cause distinctions as the general, and separate types of satisfaction of requirements that associates with various level of frequency of an arterial hypertensia.Изучалась роль профессионального фактора в субъективной удовлетворенности основных жизненных потребностей (Мажникова Н.В. и соавт., 2001) и распространенности артериальной гипертензии у 791 работника предприятий и учреждений. Показано, что условия трудовой деятельности обусловливают различия как общей, так и отдельных видов удовлетворенности потребностей, что ассоциируется с различным уровнем распространенности артериальной гипертензии

    Synthesis and properties of metallized cellulose nanomaterials

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    Considerable interest in cellulose nanomaterials is driven by their sustainable worldwide availability, biodegradability, and versatility. Their extraordinary physical (optical, rheological, thermal, etc.) and mechanical properties (tensile strength, stiffness) make them promising engineering materials of the future. Additionally, cellulose nanomaterials possess a high aspect ratio, rod/fiber-like morphology with easily modifiable surfaces, which make them attractive for template assisted synthesis of functional 1-D nanoparticles. Anisotropic nanomaterials are of great scientific interest because, using directed self-assembly, their individual nanoscale direction dependent properties can be translated to macroscopic materials; such materials have the potential to stimulate breakthroughs in many modern technologies. Unfortunately, numerous state-of-the-art synthesis methods for direct fabrication of 1-D nanomaterials involve the use of complex chemistries and expensive reagents that complicate large scale implementation, and many of these methods are not applicable across material chemistries. Therefore, this research is focused on generating functional nanomaterials through application of conformal coatings of tailorable composition onto high aspect ratio cellulose nanomaterial templates as well as exploring the physical properties of these organic/inorganic hybrid nanomaterials. This work is divided into four specific research thrusts. First, a wet chemical surface modification process is developed to generate stable suspensions of individually dispersed cationic cellulose nanocrystals. Second, a wet chemical electroless deposition method for applying thin, conformal, and continuous gold coatings onto the surface-modified cellulose nanocrystals is used to produce gold nanoshell-bearing CNCs with tailorable plasmonic properties. Third, correlated single-particle spectroscopy is used to gain further understanding of how size, surface roughness, and surrounding environment affect the plasmonic properties of gold nanoshell-bearing bacterial cellulose nanocrystals (AuNS-BCNCs); this data is then used to establish structure-property relationships. Finally, the versatility of the methods developed in the first two thrusts is demonstrated by extending these techniques to two new material systems, nickel and silver, which produced magnetic and electrically conductive 1-D nanoparticles, respectively.Ph.D