171 research outputs found

    Development of Human Potential in the Information Society: Educational Changes and Organisational Development

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    The information society necessitates the continuous development of education. At the same time, the development of education creates new opportunities for the development of human potential. The purpose of this work is to analyse the instrumental possibilities of educational change for the development of education in the conditions of demanding educational requests and tasks of professional work with a substantial amount of information. The approaches of joint creative activity of participants of the educational process as effective means that create an unfavorable context for educational changes are determined. It is emphasised that the development of human potential depends on the ability of education to be flexible relative to the needs of the information society. It is determined that the transformation of the social institution of education requires radical changes in the training of a new generation of managers with a high level of professionalism, culture, innovative creative thinking. It is found out that a set of theories of organisational development is submitted methodologically capacious for creating conceptual models of management of educational changes. Reasonably scientific bases of educational changes as objects of public management are characterised by tendentiousness of public management of educational changes of collective nature.The information society necessitates the continuous development of education. At the same time, the development of education creates new opportunities for the development of human potential. The purpose of this work is to analyse the instrumental possibilities of educational change for the development of education in the conditions of demanding educational requests and tasks of professional work with a substantial amount of information. The approaches of joint creative activity of participants of the educational process as effective means that create an unfavorable context for educational changes are determined. It is emphasised that the development of human potential depends on the ability of education to be flexible relative to the needs of the information society. It is determined that the transformation of the social institution of education requires radical changes in the training of a new generation of managers with a high level of professionalism, culture, innovative creative thinking. It is found out that a set of theories of organisational development is submitted methodologically capacious for creating conceptual models of management of educational changes. Reasonably scientific bases of educational changes as objects of public management are characterised by tendentiousness of public management of educational changes of collective nature


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    The article researches the transformation of the Russian state identity policy in response to new geopolitical challenges. The features of the formation and modification of the official normative representation of national identity in Russia at the present stage are conceptualized. Russian identity policy has undergone significant changes in recent years due to new geopolitical challenges. This research examines how the national identity of the country developed in response to changes in the system of international relations. The scientific novelty of this article consists in the proposed research optics focused on the intersection of identity politics and geopolitics in the Russian context. The presented research analyzes the concept and content of the state identity policy of the Russian Federation, its transformation in recent years, and also structures the mechanisms and tools of state policy in the field of identity formation. The empirical basis of the research is the conceptual normative legal documents defining the key directions of the implementation of the identity policy of the Russian Federation, which have undergone changes during the period under review, as well as policy statements by representatives of the federal political elite on this issue in the same time interval. The purpose of the study is to identify key changes in the officially declared directions of state identity policy in the context of ongoing global geopolitical processes. In conclusion, the article presents the results of the analysis of the transformation of the policy of the Russian state identity in the context of new geopolitical challenges

    Ensuring Information Security of Ukraine in Conditions of Modern Development of Society

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    The article pays special attention to the structural and functional characteristics and elements of national security as a factor in state and social development. The authors argue that the elements of the hierarchical world community: individuals, groups, classes, nation-states, and their various associations are under the constant influence of internal and external factors. The main objects of national security protection are defined as a triad consisting of the following components: man-society-state. The aim of the article is to consider the economic and political aspects of national security in the context of modern Ukrainian research. The article states that the current stage in the formation and implementation of Ukraine’s national security strategy is related to the need to protect its national interests in the face of new threats to its state sovereignty and territorial integrity. It was found that they determine the basic principles and current threats to national security, the relevant goals, as well as mechanisms to protect the national interests of Ukraine. It is proved that the main goal of Ukraine’s state policy is to further strengthen national security as a key factor in sustainable social development. It was emphasised that the modernisation of Ukraine’s foreign policy and diplomatic service is aimed at strengthening its position in the international environment and ensuring the development of a system of collective security within the Euro-Atlantic community – the European Union and NATO. It is proved that one of the priority tasks of the state power is the complex implementation of the National Security Strategy of Ukraine in the conditions of growing asymmetric threats and conflict factors.The article pays special attention to the structural and functional characteristics and elements of national security as a factor in state and social development. The authors argue that the elements of the hierarchical world community: individuals, groups, classes, nation-states, and their various associations are under the constant influence of internal and external factors. The main objects of national security protection are defined as a triad consisting of the following components: man-society-state. The aim of the article is to consider the economic and political aspects of national security in the context of modern Ukrainian research. The article states that the current stage in the formation and implementation of Ukraine’s national security strategy is related to the need to protect its national interests in the face of new threats to its state sovereignty and territorial integrity. It was found that they determine the basic principles and current threats to national security, the relevant goals, as well as mechanisms to protect the national interests of Ukraine. It is proved that the main goal of Ukraine’s state policy is to further strengthen national security as a key factor in sustainable social development. It was emphasised that the modernisation of Ukraine’s foreign policy and diplomatic service is aimed at strengthening its position in the international environment and ensuring the development of a system of collective security within the Euro-Atlantic community – the European Union and NATO. It is proved that one of the priority tasks of the state power is the complex implementation of the National Security Strategy of Ukraine in the conditions of growing asymmetric threats and conflict factors


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    Purpose. The purpose of the article is to give designers of highly reliable technical systems that do not have special knowledge in the field of optimization and programming skills, a simple and accessible mathematical tool for choosing the optimal solution for structural redundancy of systems. Methodology. The article poses the problem of optimal structural redundancy of technical systems. Two typical redundancy schemes are considered: a) a separate "hot" backup scheme; b) a separate "cold" backup scheme. The computational models for estimating the reliability of redundant systems are formulated. We offer optimization models that allow us to find a rational option for reserving a system that is being designed, taking into account conflicting requirements for its reliability and cost. These models are numerically implemented in the operating environment of the Excel spreadsheet as applied to the main object, consisting of 7 elements. The optimal variants of reserving this object according to the "hot" and "cold" separate reservation schemes are given. Findings. Calculated models for estimating reliability, as well as models for optimizing the systems reserved for the "hot" and "cold" separate backup schemes, have been developed. With the use of the Excel spreadsheet, the optimal options for reserving 7 element objects are found for separate "hot" and "cold" backups. Originality. New computational models for estimating the reliability of redundant systems are proposed, as well as optimization models developed on the basis of these, which are formulated using the decomposition of unknown initial problem of structural redundancy into binary components. In this case, the obtained optimization models belong to the class of problems of non-linear mathematical programming with binary variables, for the numerical solution of which (even for a sufficiently large dimension) well-known packages of applied computer programs, in particular, the MS Excel spreadsheet, are well adapted. Thus, the process of solving the initially very complicated problem of optimal structural redundancy is much simpler and reduced to performing elementary actions in the corresponding software interfaces. Practical value. The proposed calculation models for estimating the reliability of redundant systems, models for optimal structural redundancy, and the methodology for their formation, in order to simplify further numerical implementation, can be useful in solving problems of ensuring the reliability of technical systems in the early stages of their design


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    The purpose of this work is the analysis of the database performance parameters of the test knowledge information system in the medical education. The BLOB-fields usage follow the database tables fragmentation. The ASKS and ASK_ANSW tables average and real fragmentation levels are presented. The impact of the tables fragmentation level to the database performance was examined too. For this purpose the execution time was measured to the most important database query.Целью даной работы является, используя резервные копии файлов БД ИСПЗМО, сохраненные при проведении пробного тестирования, проведение анализа эксплуатационных характеристик разработанной БД ИСПЗМО. Произведена оценка влияния BLOB-полей данных и RTF-текста в качестве их содержимого на фрагментированность таблиц БД. Также проанализировано влияние уровня фрагментации таблиц на быстродействие БД путём измерения времени выполнения наиболее важных для работы ИСПЗМО запросов.Метою даної роботи є проведення аналізу експлуатаційних характеристик розробленої БД ІСПЗМО використовуючи резервні копії файлів БД ІСПЗМО, збереженні при проведенні пробних тестувань. Зокрема, оцінено вплив застосування BLOB-полів даних та RTF-тексту в якості їх вмісту на фрагментованість таблиць БД. Також проаналізовано вплив рівня фрагментованості таблиць на швидкодію БД шляхом вимірювання часу виконання найбільш важливих для роботи ІСПЗМО запитів

    Застосування хмарних технологій при побудові інформаційної інфраструктури медичного ВНЗ

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    Показано шляхи застосування хмарних технологій при побудові інформаційної інфраструктури медичного ВНЗ. Розглянуто можливості застосування в галузі медичної освіти хмарних сервісів від провідних постачальників:MicrosoftOffice 365 та GoogleAppsForEducation. Продемонстрованоокремі переваги та недоліки вказаних сервісів на основі досвіду їх використання в ТДМУ


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    The purpose of this work is the practical implementation of the test database and also development of the algorithm for the automatic test sets construction. Information model of the database for the test storage is offered. This model was practicaly implemented using the Firebird database managment system. Basic topics of the test sets development are considered. The algorithm forthe automatic test sets construction was developed. This algorithm was implemented in terms of Object Pascal programming language using the Delphi development system.Целью даной работы является практическая реализация базы заданий, а также разработка алгоритма автоматического проектирования тест-билетов. Предложена информационная модель базы данных для хранения тестовых заданий, которая практически реализована в СУРБД Firebird. Рассмотрены общие вопросы проектирования тестов. Разработан алгоритм автоматического проектирования тест-билетов, который реализован на языке Object Pascal с использованием инструментальной среды Delphi.Метою даної роботи є практична реалізація бази завдань, а також розробка алгоритму автоматичного проектування тест-білетів. Запропоновано інформаційну модель бази даних для зберігання тестових завдань, що практично реалізована в СУРБД Firebird. Розглянуто загальні питання проектування тестів. Розроблено алгоритм автоматичного проекту


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    An open-source software application is an important part of the modern approach to the medical education. The experience of the Moodle learning management system in Ternopil State Medical University by I. Ya. Horbachevsky implementation, adaptation and support was presented. Examples of application of the version control system to the open-source software adaptation and support also was shown.Применение свободно распространяемого ПО с открытым кодом является важным элементом современного подхода к реализации учебного процесса в медицинском образовании. Показан опыт внедрения, адаптации и поддержки системы дистанционного образования Moodle в Тернопольском государственном медицинском уни­верситете имени И. Я. Горбачевского. Приведены примеры применения системы контроля версий для поддержки процесса адаптации и сопровождения свободно распространяемого ПО с открытым кодом.Застосування вільно розповсюджуваного ПЗ з відкритим кодом є важливим елементом сучасного підходу до реалізації навчального процесу в медичній освіті. Показаний досвід впровадження, адаптації та підтримки системи дистанційної освіти Мооdlе в Тернопільському державному медичному університеті імені І. Я. Горбачевського. Наведено приклади застосування системи контролю версій для підтримки процесу адаптації та супроводження вільно розповсюджуваного ПЗ з відкритим кодом


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    The aim of the study is to present an author's experience of the LMS Moodle configuration for the STACK question type with MAXIMA CAS usage.Materials and Methods of the research. The configuration of Bitnami-based LMS Moodle test instance is presented. The usage ot the STACK question type with MAXIMA CAS integration for the for the "Higher mathematic" course assessment is proposed.Results and Discussions. The problem of the MAXIMA CAS usage on LMS Moodle server running on CentOS 7 is depicted. An update of the procedure of the LMS Moodle adoption and configuration process for the STACK question type usage is offered. The steps-by-step manual for the MAXIMA CAS compilation and installation on server runs by the CentOS 7 OS is developed. The question type STACK questions authoring for the "Higher mathematic" course assessment are given as example.Conclusion. Benefits of STACK question type usage for the "Higher mathematic" course assessment are presented. The further research and development perspectives are described.Мета дослідження – представлення досвіду автора щодо налагодження СДО Moodle для проведення тестового оцінювання з курсу “Вища математика” з використанням тестових питань типу STACK та системи комп’ютерної алгебри MAXIMA.Матеріали та методи дослідження. Для проведення дослідження розгорнуто тестове середовище у вигляді віртуальної машини в мережному кластері ТДМУ, на якому було встановлено сервер під управлінням ОС CentOS7 з СДО Moodle, версії 3.1.3 з репозиторію ПЗ Bitnami. Для розробки тестів з курсу “Вища математика” запропоновано застосування типу питань STACKiз системою комп’ютерної алгебри MAXIMA.Результати й обговорення. Встановлено проблему використання системи комп’ютерної алгебри MAXIMA на сервері СДО Moodle під управлінням ОС CentOS7. Представлено результати удосконалення процесу налагодження СДО Moodle для проведення тестового оцінювання з курсу “Вища математика” з використанням тестових питань типу STACK та системи комп’ютерної алгебри MAXIMA. Розроблено алгоритм налаштування системи комп’ютерної алгебри MAXIMA на сервері під управлінням ОС CentOS 7. Показано приклад розробки тестових питань.Висновки. Представлено переваги використання тестових питань типу STACK та системи комп’ютерної алгебри MAXIMA для проведення тестового оцінювання з математичних дисциплін засобами СДО Moodle. Показано перспективність застосування алгоритму потенційованого дерева відповідей (Potential response trees), що підтримується плагіном тестових питань типу STACK, при підготовці тестового оцінювання