96 research outputs found

    e-RNA: a collection of web-servers for the prediction and visualisation of RNA secondary structure and their functional features

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    e-RNA is a collection of web-servers for the prediction and visualisation of RNA secondary structures and their functional features, including in particular RNA-RNA interactions. In this updated version, we have added novel tools for RNA secondary structure prediction and have significantly updated the visualisation functionality. The new method CoBold can identify transient RNA structure features and their potential functional effects on a known RNA structure during co-transcriptional structure formation. New tool ShapeSorter can predict evolutionarily conserved RNA secondary structure features while simultaneously taking experimental SHAPE probing evidence into account. The web-server R-Chie which visualises RNA secondary structure information in terms of arc diagrams, can now be used to also visualise and intuitively compare RNA-RNA, RNA-DNA and DNA-DNA interactions alongside multiple sequence alignments and quantitative information. The prediction generated by any method in e-RNA can be readily visualised on the web-server. For completed tasks, users can download their results and readily visualise them later on with R-Chie without having to re-run the predictions. e-RNA can be found at http://www.e-rna.org

    Study of the effectiveness of different methods of mulching potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) with cereal straw in eastern Ukraine

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    Received: March 19th, 2023 ; Accepted: June 16th, 2023 ; Published: July 2nd, 2023 ; Correspondence: [email protected] the conditions of global climate change, there has recently been a tendency to worsen weather conditions during the growing season in the East of Ukraine. The significant increase in average daily air temperatures and the uneven nature of rainfall do not meet the biological requirements of potato plants, which leads to a decrease in their productivity. The purpose of the research. Improve the microclimate on potato plantations by mulching them with different types of materials. Results of research. Using wheat straw or basalt mineral wool as mulch reduces overheating of the upper layers of the soil by 6.6–7.0° and contributes to moisture conservation. At the same time, there is a significant decrease in temperature and relative humidity fluctuations under the mulch layer compared to the soil surface. The use of spent mineral basalt wool for this purpose, which was previously used as a substrate in greenhouses, solves the disposal problem. Deterioration of soil chemical parameters and product quality was not noted. The use of nitrogen fertilizers (urea) or microbial preparations Azotofit-r and Ecostern before mulching with wheat straw has a positive effect on plant nutrition, which contributes to the improvement of biometric indicators and increases the yield of potatoes by 4.2–4.7 t ha-1 . Potato mulching with zero tillage involves planting tubers on its surface. At the same time, their contact with the soil is significantly reduced, decreasing the supply of nutrients from it after the transition of potato plants to autotrophic nutrition. Under these conditions, minimal tillage of the soil during its pre-planting preparation improves the development of the root system and promotes the formation of stolons and tubers at a certain depth. Depending on the number of technological operations, the degree of loosening of the soil significantly affects the yield of potatoes. Its growth with minimal tillage is from 1.3 to 10.7 t ha-1 compared to zero tillage. This allows you to compensate for additional costs related to mulching and collecting additional products. The improvement of the main economic indicators confirms the high efficiency of mulching potatoes with wheat straw with minimal tillage. Results were expressed as averages. Chemical composition was analyzed using analysis of variance with P ≤ 0.05 for yield and plant height using the program of statistical analysis (SAS) v. 9.1.3


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    The most effective types of treatments of freshly harvested potato tubers for dual cropping in conditions of irrigation of North steppe of Ukraine were determined. For the cv. Impala it is a pretreatment by water solution of Fumar and Gibberellin, water solution of Reastim and Gibberellin. For the cv. Zagadka it is a pre-treatment by water solution of Reastim and Gibberellin.Установлены наиболее действенные способы подготовки свежеубранных клубней к высаживанию в двуурожайной культуре при возделывании молодого (раннего) картофеля на орошении в зоне северной Степи Украины, а именно: обработка посадочного материала водными растворами регулятора роста фумара и фитогормона гиббереллина; регулятора роста реастима и фитогормона гиббереллина (для сорта Импала) и растворы регулятора роста биоглобина, регулятора роста реастима и фитогормона гиббереллина (для сорта Загадка)

    Lamination of wood boards with modified amino-formaldehyde resins

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    This paper focuses on the development of the formulation of modified amino-formaldehyde oligomers, the study of their properties, obtaining impregnation compositions based on them and the study of the properties of the finished product -reinforced wood particle board. As a modifying component we chose ethylene glycol, salts of organic acids (modifier CN) and alloying additive “OLIGO LD”. Ethylene glycol at the stage of synthesis was used to improve stability and elasticity of oligomers. The CN modifier was introduced during the synthesis of oligomers, which allowed to influence the properties of the obtained products in a directed way

    Competitive outcome of Daphnia-Simocephalus experimental microcosms: salinity versus priority effects

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    Competition is a major driving force in freshwaters, especially given the cyclic nature and dynamics of pelagic food webs. Competition is especially important in the initial species assortment during colonization and re-colonization events, which depends strongly on the environmental context. Subtle changes, such as saline intrusion, may disrupt competitive relationships and, thus, influence community composition. Bearing this in mind, our objective was to assess whether low salinity levels (using NaCl as a proxy) alter the competitive outcome (measured as the rate of population biomass increase) of Daphnia-Simocephalus experimental microcosms, taking into account interactions with priority effects (sequential species arrival order). With this approach, we aimed to experimentally demonstrate a putative mechanism of differential species sorting in brackish environments or in freshwaters facing secondary salinization. Experiments considered three salinity levels, regarding NaCl added (0.00, 0.75 and 1.50 g L(-1)), crossed with three competition scenarios (no priority, priority of Daphnia over Simocephalus, and vice-versa). At lower NaCl concentrations (0.00 and 0.75 g L(-1)), Daphnia was a significantly superior competitor, irrespective of the species inoculation order, suggesting negligible priority effects. However, the strong decrease in Daphnia population growth at 1.50 g L(-1) alleviated the competitive pressure on Simocephalus, causing an inversion of the competitive outcome in favour of Simocephalus. The intensity of this inversion depended on the competition scenario. This salinity-mediated disruption of the competitive outcome demonstrates that subtle environmental changes produce indirect effects in key ecological mechanisms, thus altering community composition, which may lead to serious implications in terms of ecosystem functioning (e.g. lake regime shifts due to reduced grazing) and biodiversity

    Architectural Exemplification of social Space for Different Age Groups on Social Wefare

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    Purpose: The aim of this work is a study of the existing structure of social buildings in the Russian Federation and determination of the main directions of social space development for several generations on social welfare. A number of social problems is discussed as well as the improvement of living conditions of poor people on social welfare due to modernization of the existing social building typology. A new structure of social building development is proposed for several generations on social welfare.Design/methodology/approach: The development of the social space structure for several generations is based on the data collection. Theoretical and practical studies include the existing experience of social buildings formation for younger and older generations as well as the experience of creating living environment for several generations in common. Apart from the analysis of the existing experience, a socio-economic analysis is conducted, which will determine further demands for investigations of the issue. Research findings: It is shown that the problem of interest is underexplored, especially in the Russian Federation. However, the research findings in the field and related fields demonstrate the suppositions of the social space exemplification for several generations on social welfare. The problem of lonely people on social welfare, a lack of unity and understanding between people are the most important problems in the modern society. Thus, from the architectural viewpoint, it is crucial to build a social space for communication and interaction of people in the Russian Federation. Practical implications: The research results will assist in the formation of a new type of social buildings which will be further designed and constructed in the cities of Russia. The structure of social buildings will consist of subtypes depending on the needs discovered. The needs of people who live in a specified area will contribute to the formation of the functional structure. In this lies the potential to create the structure which will lead to the implementation of certain stages in the social buildings construction. Originality/value: It is possible to determine and rationalize basic principles of social space exemplification for several generations. The proposed strategy can be used to create a social space for several generations in cities of Russia. However, the process will be unique for every single area. The basic steps of the social space development are shown for several generations. The detailed analysis will allow using these steps to solve the problems posed. As there is a variety of factors in the social buildings formation which influence the existing stages, it is essential to study them. This will lead to eliciting some stages and modernization, or using just one of the stages, according to a structural scheme of a certain area. Finally, this research is a tool for further strategy development. The research results will help lonely people to find a family and, secondly, become meaningful members of the society. Moreover, it will provide them with comfortable accommodation