14 research outputs found

    Development in Renewable Energy Production in Serbia with the Emphasis on Bioethanol

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    Production and use of renewable energy sources has become an imperative for development around the world, including Serbia. The aim of this paper is to study the possibilities of production and use of renewable energy sources, especially bioethanol, as well as their place in the strategic objectives in the energy sector in Serbia. For this purpose, we will firstly frame the policies related to the production of renewable energy, and afterwards display the results of the cost-effectiveness of bioethanol production from the most important domestic biomass-based feedstock - corn. Our assumption is that, despite the existence of sufficient quantities of raw materials required for the production, knowledge, and the potential consumers of bioethanol in Serbia, its wider use will not be possible without the application of a systematic approach, especially without the development of adequate infrastructure in the production and use of energy resources

    Effectiveness of the EU Programmes for Serbian SMEs

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    For several years Serbia has gained access to and is integrated into the main EU support programmes for research, innovation and competitiveness such as the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP), Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). Meantime, Serbia has successfully set up the infrastructure to manage EU-based programmes. In this paper we are discussing the effectiveness of these programmes on improving technology transfer and linkages between the R&D sector and SMEs, as crucial components of a national innovation system in Serbia

    Izgradnja kapaciteta MSP za usvajanje koncepta održivog razvoja

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    Polazeći od ciljeva održivog razvoja i bazičnih definicija istog, u radu se razmatra veza izmedju inovacija i održivog razvoja kao i njhov uticaj na njega, posebno kad je reč o inovacijama u malim i srednjim preduzećima. Budući da se MSP sektor smatra generatorom inovacija, razmatra se njegov potencijal za pozitivan uticaj na održivi razvoj kroz opis koncepta održivih inovativnih proizvoda koji su analizirali različiti autori. Predstavljeni su modeli održivosti i njihove komponente, sagledane su prednosti primene strategija korporativne društvene odgovornosti i uticaj na ekonomske perfomanse preduzeća kao i načini da se preduzeće održivo razvija. Na kraju je predstavljena i jedna od metodologija za ocenu održivosti poslovanja u malim i srednjim preduzećima kao primer dobre prakse i putokaza za unapređenje performansi održivog poslovanja u malim i srednjim preduzećima

    Inovaciona infrastruktura za transfer i difuziju tehnologija u Srbiji

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    Namera istraživanja u ovom radu je da pokaže da je za uspešan razvoj inovativnih preduzeća u Srbiji neophodna saradnja sa svim inovacionim stejkholderima. Ukazuje se na značaj efikasnog transfera tehnologije kao faktora privrednog i tehnološkog razvoja u Srbiji. Na osnovu podataka empirijskog istraživanja o inovacionim aktivnostima u preduzećima u Srbiji u periodu 2008-2010. godine, koje je sproveo Republički zavod za statistiku, ocenjeno je korišćenje različitih izvora informacija za inovacije. Predstavljeni su i pojedini oblici inovacione infrastrukture sa funkcijom komercijalizacije naučnoistraživačkih rezultata. Naveden je primer Evropske mreže preduzetništva kao međunarodnog podsticajnog mehanizma za transfer tehnologije u Srbiji

    Training As the Indicator of Female Entrepreneurship Development, and Training Needs Analysis

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    The paper elaborates the strategic need to support entrepreneurship and women entrepreneurs in particular, highlighting the need for an organized approach towards development of the professional and managerial capacities of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Serbia, with a special focus on women owned enterprises. First part of the paper deals with the women entrepreneurship (WE) importance rationale, following the presentation of the newest EU policies regarding women entrepreneurship development based on Small Business Act (SBA). SBA is a set of ten policy principles which form the framework for policies explicitly aimed at the support of SME’s, both at individual (national) levels as well as in the EU. Among the 10 SBA principles, indicators of measuring female entreprenurship (WE indicators) are involved in the first one: Create an environment in which entrepreneurs and family businesses can thrive and entrepreneurship is rewarded (SBA, 2008). Education and training of WE, as one of the four indicators, is elaborated further on. Therefore, the methodology of the training needs assessment (TNA)is elaborated, as well as the analysis of the conducted TNA survey results. Special focus is given to business performance, information and networking and human resources and training

    Perspectives of innovation in Serbian firms: Empirical evidence from agro-food and software industry

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    Based on the available literature on theory of innovation and the data processed from the official research on innovation activities in Serbian firms, this paper shows different perspectives of usage of the innovation activities indicators. The results showed that firms involved in software sector are more innovative than firms in agrofood sector. On the basis of the research conducted in this paper, it is possible to draw conclusions which are significant to the management of enterprises in observed industries. According to these recommendations, innovative enterprises management could respond to problematic situation of business economy in the field of innovation management through adequate business strategies. Besides that, empirical research in innovative activities in Serbia in the two observed sectors yield a serious analytic framework to guide industrial policy and employ appropriate measures in order to improve national competitiveness based on knowledge

    Rangiranje nacionalnih inovacionih sistema pojedinih evropskih zemalja

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    Rad je nastao u nameri da se istraži efikasnost nacionalnog inovaciong sistema (NIS) Srbije uz benčmark sa pojedinim drugim zemaljama i korišćenjem metodologije kompromisnog programiranja. Budući da je nacionalni inovacioni sistem dinamičan i u stalnoj tranziciji za donosioce odluka od značaja je praćenje njegovog razvoja (ili nazadovanja) uz pomoć rezultata analiza koje mogu biti ponuđene od strane istraživača u ovoj specifičnoj oblasti. Različite metodologije (prethodno korišćene a predstavljene u radu) za ocenu samog NIS njegovo rangiranje, benčmark ili merenjem efikasnosti, su značajni alati koji pojedinačno i/ili u sprezi mogu dati pouzdanu ocenu i prognozu za preduzimanje budućih aktivnosti u vezi sa unapređenjem NIS

    Perspectives of innovation in Serbian firms: Empirical evidence from agro-food and software industry

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    Based on the available literature on theory of innovation and the data processed from the official research on innovation activities in Serbian firms, this paper shows different perspectives of usage of the innovation activities indicators. The results showed that firms involved in software sector are more innovative than firms in agrofood sector. On the basis of the research conducted in this paper, it is possible to draw conclusions which are significant to the management of enterprises in observed industries. According to these recommendations, innovative enterprises management could respond to problematic situation of business economy in the field of innovation management through adequate business strategies. Besides that, empirical research in innovative activities in Serbia in the two observed sectors yield a serious analytic framework to guide industrial policy and employ appropriate measures in order to improve national competitiveness based on knowledge.Publishe

    ICT as challenging driver for social transformation in Serbia

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    Innovation infrastructure for techonlogy transfer and difusion in Serbia

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    The research presented in this paper shows that for successful development of the innovative enterprises in Serbia, collaboration with all innovation stakeholders is needed. It points out the importance of effective technology transfer as a factor of economic and technological development in Serbia. Based on data of empirical research on innovation activities in enterprises in Serbia in the period 2008-2010, conducted by the Republic Statistical Office, the usage of the various sources of information for innovation is explored. Some innovation infrastructure forms in Serbia are presented as tools with function of research results commercialization. The Enterprise Europe Network is listed as an international incentive mechanism for technology transfer in Serbia