216 research outputs found

    Sigmoid colon perforation at CT colonography secondary to a possible obstructive mechanism: report of a case

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    We report a case of colonic perforation in CT colonography, which was observed in a sigmoid colon segment contained within an inguinal hernia. At surgery, apart from the perforation, a normal large-bowel wall was found. Although rare, perforation may occur in patients with normal bowel wall, possibly resulting from a mechanical strain caused by gaseous overdistention. Radiologists performing the procedure must be aware of this possibilit

    A network-based analysis of the preterm adolescent brain using PCA and graph theory

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    The global increase in the rate of premature birth is of great concern since it is associated with an increase in a wide spectrum of neurologic and cognitive disorders. Neuroimaging analyses have been focused on white matter alterations in preterm subjects and findings have linked neurodevelopment impairment to white matter damage linked to premature birth. However, the trajectory of brain development into childhood and adolescence is less well described. Neuroimaging studies of extremely preterm born subjects in their adulthood are now available to investigate the long-term structural alterations of disrupted neurodevelopment. In this paper, we examine white matter pathways in the preterm adolescent brain by combining state-of-the-art diffusion techniques with graph theory and principal component analysis (PCA). Our results suggest that the pattern of connectivity is altered and differences in connectivity patterns result in more vulnerable premature brain network

    Tumour ADC measurements in rectal cancer: effect of ROI methods on ADC values and interobserver variability

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the influence of region of interest (ROI) size and positioning on tumour ADC measurements and interobserver variability in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC). METHODS: Forty-six LARC patients were retrospectively included. Patients underwent MRI including DWI (b0,500,1000) before and 6-8 weeks after chemoradiation (CRT). Two readers measured mean tumour ADCs (pre- and post-CRT) according to three ROI protocols: whole-volume, single-slice or small solid samples. The three protocols were compared for differences in ADC, SD and interobserver variability (measured as the intraclass correlation coefficient; ICC). RESULTS: ICC for the whole-volume ROIs was excellent (0.91) pre-CRT versus good (0.66) post-CRT. ICCs were 0.53 and 0.42 for the single-slice ROIs versus 0.60 and 0.65 for the sample ROIs. Pre-CRT ADCs for the sample ROIs were significantly lower than for the whole-volume or single-slice ROIs. Post-CRT there were no significant differences between the whole-volume ROIs and the single-slice or sample ROIs, respectively. The SDs for the whole-volume and single-slice ROIs were significantly larger than for the sample ROIs. CONCLUSIONS: ROI size and positioning have a considerable influence on tumour ADC values and interobserver variability. Interobserver variability is worse after CRT. ADCs obtained from the whole tumour volume provide the most reproducible results. Key Points • ROI size and positioning influence tumour ADC measurements in rectal cancer • ROI size and positioning influence interobserver variability of tumour ADC measurements • ADC measurements of the whole tumour volume provide the most reproducible results • Tumour ADC measurements are more reproducible before, rather than after, chemoradiation treatment • Variations caused by ROI size and positioning should be taken into account when using ADC as a biomarker for tumour response

    Tumour ADC measurements in rectal cancer: effect of ROI methods on ADC values and interobserver variability

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the influence of region of interest (ROI) size and positioning on tumour ADC measurements and interobserver variability in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC). METHODS: Forty-six LARC patients were retrospectively included. Patients underwent MRI including DWI (b0,500,1000) before and 6-8 weeks after chemoradiation (CRT). Two readers measured mean tumour ADCs (pre- and post-CRT) according to three ROI protocols: whole-volume, single-slice or small solid samples. The three protocols were compared for differences in ADC, SD and interobserver variability (measured as the intraclass correlation coefficient; ICC). RESULTS: ICC for the whole-volume ROIs was excellent (0.91) pre-CRT versus good (0.66) post-CRT. ICCs were 0.53 and 0.42 for the single-slice ROIs versus 0.60 and 0.65 for the sample ROIs. Pre-CRT ADCs for the sample ROIs were significantly lower than for the whole-volume or single-slice ROIs. Post-CRT there were no significant differences between the whole-volume ROIs and the single-slice or sample ROIs, respectively. The SDs for the whole-volume and single-slice ROIs were significantly larger than for the sample ROIs. CONCLUSIONS: ROI size and positioning have a considerable influence on tumour ADC values and interobserver variability. Interobserver variability is worse after CRT. ADCs obtained from the whole tumour volume provide the most reproducible results. Key Points • ROI size and positioning influence tumour ADC measurements in rectal cancer • ROI size and positioning influence interobserver variability of tumour ADC measurements • ADC measurements of the whole tumour volume provide the most reproducible results • Tumour ADC measurements are more reproducible before, rather than after, chemoradiation treatment • Variations caused by ROI size and positioning should be taken into account when using ADC as a biomarker for tumour response

    Characterization and Technological Features of Autochthonous Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci as Potential Starters for Portuguese Dry Fermented Sausages

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    The manufacture of dry fermented sausages is an important part of the meat industry in Southern Europeancountries. These products are usually produced in small shops from a mixture of pork, fat, salt, and condiments andare stuffed into natural casings. Meat sausages are slowly cured through spontaneous fermentation by autochthonousmicrobiota present in the raw materials or introduced during manufacturing. The aim of this work was to evaluate thetechnological and safety features of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) isolated from Portuguese dry fermented meatsausages in order to select autochthonous starters. Isolates (n = 104) obtained from 2 small manufacturers were identifiedas Staphylococcus xylosus, Staphylococcus equorum, Staphylococcus saprophyticus,andStaphylococcus carnosus. Genomically diverseisolates (n = 82) were selected for further analysis to determine the ability to produce enzymes (for example, nitrate-reductases, proteases, lipases) and antibiotic susceptibility. Autochthonous CNS producing a wide range of enzymes andshowing low antibioresistance were selected as potential starters for future use in the production of dry fermented meatsausages

    Phenotypic Diversity of Seminal Root Traits in Bread Wheat Germplasm from Different Origins

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is a major staple crop, and more adapted varieties are needed to ensure productivity under unpredictable stress scenarios resulting from climate changes. In the development of new genotypes, root system traits are essential since roots have a key function in water and nutrient uptake, and root architecture determines the plant’s ability to spatially explore the soil resources. Genetic variation in wheat root system may be assessed at the early stages of development. This study evaluates in vitro and at the seedling stage, the genetic diversity of root growth angle (RGA), seminal root number (SRN), and radicle length (RadL) in 30 bread wheat genotypes from different origins and belonging to distinct evolutive or breeding groups. SRN and RadL were analyzed at 1, 2, 3 and 6 days after sowing (DAS) and RGA was measured through the angle between the first pair of seminal roots. A large variability was found in RGA values that ranged from 63° to 122°. Although differences were found between genotypes within the same groups, the narrower angles tended to occur among landraces, while the higher RGA values were observed in advanced lines and Australian varieties. Differences were also observed as regards the SRN (1.0–3.0, 2.7–4.7, 3.2–5.0 and 4.4–6.3 at 1, 2, 3 and 6 DAS, respectively) and RadL (0.1–1.5, 2.1–5.0, 4.0–7.5 and 5.1–13.7 cm at 1, 2, 3 and 6 DAS, respectively). Genetic variability in root traits at seedling stage allows more rapid selection of genotypes better adapted to environmental and soil constraints, necessary to Portuguese Wheat Breeding Program. It will also contribute to the definition of wheat ideotypes with improved performance under Mediterranean climate conditions.publishersversionpublishe

    High-resolution shotgun proteomics reveals that increased air [CO2] amplifies the acclimation response of coffea species to drought regarding antioxidative, energy, sugar, and lipid dynamics

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    Funding Information: This work received funding support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 727934 , project BreedCAFS), and from national funds from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT) , Portugal, through the project PTDC/ASP-AGR/31257/2017 , and the research units UIDB/00239/2020 ( CEF ), and UIDP/04035/2020 (GeoBioTec) and under the Scientific Employment Stimulus - Individual Call (CEEC Individual) - 2021.01107.CEECIND/CP1689/CT0001 (IM) . Fellowships from the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, Brazil (CNPq) , (to F.M. DaMatta and F.L. Partelli), and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais, Brazil (FAPEMIG, projects CRA-RED-00053-16 and APQ 01512-18 , to F.M. DaMatta) are also greatly acknowledged. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Elsevier GmbHAs drought threatens crop productivity it is crucial to characterize the defense mechanisms against water deficit and unveil their interaction with the expected rise in the air [CO2]. For that, plants of Coffea canephora cv. Conilon Clone 153 (CL153) and C. arabica cv. Icatu grown under 380 (aCO2) or 700 μL L−1 (eCO2) were exposed to moderate (MWD) and severe (SWD) water deficits. Responses were characterized through the activity and/or abundance of a selected set of proteins associated with antioxidative (e.g., Violaxanthin de-epoxidase, Superoxide dismutase, Ascorbate peroxidases, Monodehydroascorbate reductase), energy/sugar (e.g., Ferredoxin-NADP reductase, NADP-dependent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, sucrose synthase, mannose-6-phosphate isomerase, Enolase), and lipid (Lineolate 13S-lipoxygenase) processes, as well as with other antioxidative (ascorbate) and protective (HSP70) molecules. MWD caused small changes in both genotypes regardless of [CO2] level while under the single imposition to SWD, only Icatu showed a global reinforcement of most studied proteins supporting its tolerance to drought. eCO2 alone did not promote remarkable changes but strengthened a robust multi-response under SWD, even supporting the reversion of impacts already observed by CL153 at aCO2. In the context of climate changes where water constraints and [CO2] levels are expected to increase, these results highlight why eCO2 might have an important role in improving drought tolerance in Coffea species.publishersversionpublishe

    Scaling-Up Digital Follow-Up Care Services: Collaborative Development and Implementation of Remote Patient Monitoring Pilot Initiatives to Increase Access to Follow-Up Care

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    Background: COVID-19 increased the demand for Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) services as a rapid solution for safe patient follow-up in a lockdown context. Time and resource constraints resulted in unplanned scaled-up RPM pilot initiatives posing risks to the access and quality of care. Scalability and rapid implementation of RPM services require social change and active collaboration between stakeholders. Therefore, a participatory action research (PAR) approach is needed to support the collaborative development of the technological component while simultaneously implementing and evaluating the RPM service through critical action-reflection cycles. Objective: This study aims to demonstrate how PAR can be used to guide the scalability design of RPM pilot initiatives and the implementation of RPM-based follow-up services. Methods: Using a case study strategy, we described the PAR team's (nurses, physicians, developers, and researchers) activities within and across the four phases of the research process (problem definition, planning, action, and reflection). Team meetings were analyzed through content analysis and descriptive statistics. The PAR team selected ex-ante pilot initiatives to reflect upon features feedback and participatory level assessment. Pilot initiatives were investigated using semi-structured interviews transcribed and coded into themes following the principles of grounded theory and pilot meetings minutes and reports through content analysis. The PAR team used the MoSCoW prioritization method to define the set of features and descriptive statistics to reflect on the performance of the PAR approach. Results: The approach involved two action-reflection cycles. From the 15 features identified, the team classified 11 as must-haves in the scaled-up version. The participation was similar among researchers (52.9%), developers (47.5%), and physicians (46.7%), who focused on suggesting and planning actions. Nurses with the lowest participation (5.8%) focused on knowledge sharing and generation. The top three meeting outcomes were: improved research and development system (35.0%), socio-technical-economic constraints characterization (25.2%), and understanding of end-user technology utilization (22.0%). Conclusion: The scalability and implementation of RPM services must consider contextual factors, such as individuals' and organizations' interests and needs. The PAR approach supports simultaneously designing, developing, testing, and evaluating the RPM technological features, in a real-world context, with the participation of healthcare professionals, developers, and researchers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Developing and Validating High-Value Patient Digital Follow-Up Services: a Pilot Study in Cardiac Surgery

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    Background: The existing digital healthcare solutions demand a service development approach that assesses needs, experience, and outcomes, to develop high-value digital healthcare services. The objective of this study was to develop a digital transformation of the patients' follow-up service after cardiac surgery, based on a remote patient monitoring service that would respond to the real context challenges. Methods: The study followed the Design Science Research methodology framework and incorporated concepts from the Lean startup method to start designing a minimal viable product (MVP) from the available resources. The service was implemented in a pilot study with 29 patients in 4 iterative develop-test-learn cycles, with the engagement of developers, researchers, clinical teams, and patients. Results: Patients reported outcomes daily for 30 days after surgery through Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices and a mobile app. The service's evaluation considered experience, feasibility, and effectiveness. It generated high satisfaction and high adherence among users, fewer readmissions, with an average of 7 ± 4.5 clinical actions per patient, primarily due to abnormal systolic blood pressure or wound-related issues. Conclusions: We propose a 6-step methodology to design and validate a high-value digital health care service based on collaborative learning, real-time development, iterative testing, and value assessment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A global ensemble of ocean wave climate statistics from contemporary wave reanalysis and hindcasts

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    There are numerous global ocean wave reanalysis and hindcast products currently being distributed and used across different scientific fields. However, there is not a consistent dataset that can sample across all existing products based on a standardized framework. Here, we present and describe the first coordinated multi-product ensemble of present-day global wave fields available to date. This dataset, produced through the Coordinated Ocean Wave Climate Project (COWCLIP) phase 2, includes general and extreme statistics of significant wave height (Hs), mean wave period (Tm) and mean wave direction (θm) computed across 1980–2014, at different frequency resolutions (monthly, seasonally, and annually). This coordinated global ensemble has been derived from fourteen state-of-the-science global wave products obtained from different atmospheric reanalysis forcing and downscaling methods. This data set has been processed, under a specific framework for consistency and quality, following standard Data Reference Syntax, Directory Structures and Metadata specifications. This new comprehensive dataset provides support to future broad-scale analysis of historical wave climatology and variability as well as coastal risk and vulnerability assessments across offshore and coastal engineering applications