18 research outputs found

    Common mitochondrial polymorphisms as risk factor for endometrial cancer

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    Endometrial carcinoma is the most commonly diagnosed gynaecological cancer in developed countries. Although the molecular genetics of this disease has been in the focus of many research laboratories for the last 20 years, relevant prognostic and diagnostic markers are still missing. At the same time mitochondrial DNA mutations have been reported in many types of cancer during the last two decades. It is therefore very likely that the mitochondrial genotype is one of the cancer susceptibility factors. To investigate the presence of mtDNA somatic mutations and distribution of inherited polymorphisms in endometrial adenocarcinoma patients we analyzed the D-loop sequence of cancer samples and their corresponding normal tissues and moreover performed mitochondrial haplogroup analysis. We detected 2 somatic mutation and increased incidence of mtDNA polymorphisms, in particular 16223C (80% patients, p = 0.005), 16126C (23%, p = 0.025) and 207A (19%, p = 0.027). Subsequent statistical analysis revealed that endometrial carcinoma population haplogroup distribution differs from the Polish population and that haplogroup H (with its defining polymorphism - C7028T) is strongly underrepresented (p = 0.003), therefore might be a cancer-protective factor. Our report supports the notion that mtDNA polymorphisms establish a specific genetic background for endometrial adenocarcinoma development and that mtDNA analysis may result in the development of new molecular tool for cancer detection

    The analysis of the isolated microorganisms from the respiratory tract of cystic fibrosispatientstreatedinChildren's Memorial Helath Institute 1999-2002

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    The aim of the study was, to analyze the microorganisms cultured from materials from the airways of children with cystic fibrosis treated in the Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw during 1999-2002.A total of 411 samples were tested, obtained from the airways of 58 patients with diagnosed mucoviscidosis. The age of the treated patients was within the range of 1 month and 20 years. The bacteriological tests were taken during routine visits in the Consultation and Pulmonology Clinic, which took place 3-4 times a year. The most often isolated strain was Staphylococcus aureus - 48 %. 17 % of the isolates of Haemophilus influenzaeand 13 % of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were obtained. Most S. aureus, P. aeruginosa and H. influenzaeisolates showed high susceptibility to tested antimicrobial agents. About 6% of all S. aureus isolates were resistant to methicillin (MRSA). S. aureus was occurring in all age groups with the same frequency. The rods H. influenzae were cultured more often from children under 10 years, while P. aeruginosa more often from older patients. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2005, 73, 41-47

    Level of Knowledge of Medical Staff on the Basis of the Survey in Terms of Risk Management, Associated with Clostridioides difficile Infections

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    Infections caused by the toxigenic strains of Clostridioides difficile in the hospital environment pose a serious public health problem. The progressive increase in hospital infections in Poland indicates that risk management is a tool that is not used in an effective way and significantly differs from the goals set by the Leading Authorities, the Ministry of Health and its subordinate units. Systematic education of medical personnel constitutes the basic element of rational risk management aimed at reducing the number of infections as it allows for the transfer of knowledge, development of appropriate organizational procedures, and improves internal communication. This paper presents the results of a survey conducted in hospital facilities throughout Poland. The study dealt with what medical personnel know about channels of transmission and prevention of Clostridioides difficile infections in the hospital setting, professional training and risk management in terms of reducing the number of infections. The survey reveals that Clostridioides difficile continues to be a serious problem in the inpatient care system. Procedures and management strategies implemented by hospitals in order to limit the spread of the pathogen are predominantly focused on short-term action, which does not lead to a real improvement in terms of hospitalized patients’ safety. The infection risk management system was assessed at a fairly low level. The obtained research results confirmed the research hypotheses that had been formulated

    Expression of matricellular proteins in human uterine leiomyomas and normal myometrium

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    Growth of human leiomyomas can probably be initiated as a response to injury, in a way similar to the development of keloids. Among many bioactive molecules, which are implicated in tissue repair, a pivotal role is attributed to matricellular proteins. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of tenascin-C (TNC), thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1), SPARC/osteonectin and tenascin-X (TNX) in human uterine leiomyomas and normal myometrium. Immunostaining was performed on 33 pairs of paraffin-fixed sections and 9 cell-lines derived from uterine leiomyomas and normal myometrium. Fifteen (45.5%) leiomyomas investigated were positive for TNC, whereas all normal myometrial samples were immunonegative (χ2=19.41; p<0.001). Immunostaining for TSP-1 was observed in 20 (60.6%) uterine fibroids and in 12 (36.4%) control samples (χ2=3.88; p<0.05). The expression of SPARC/osteonectin protein was more frequently found in leiomyomas than in normal myometrium, but this difference was not significant. Apart from one fibroid culture and one myometrial culture, all the others revealed strong TNC immunostaining. Expression of TSP-1 and SPARC/osteonectin was weak to moderate in all established cell-lines. None of the tissues or cell lines investigated showed positive staining for TNX. In conclusion, TSP-1 and TNC are likely to play important roles in the pathogenesis of uterine leiomyomas, presumably affecting cell proliferation and/or extracellular matrix deposition

    Zastosowanie leków hipolipemizujących w warunkach ambulatoryjnych w Polsce — badanie epidemiologiczne Economedica Dyslipidemia 2015

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       Background: Dyslipidaemia, especially elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), is one of the most important cardiovascular risk factors. Treatment of dyslipidaemia and prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) with lipid-lowering drugs is one of the key issues in reducing cardiovascular mortality. Nevertheless, underutilisation of statins and lipid-lowering drugs is still a problem globally. Aim: The present study aimed to describe the utilisation of lipid-lowering drugs in groups of patients with indications for statin treatment and elevated LDL-C. Methods: The study included adult patients with an indication for the use of a lipid-lowering therapy, currently using or not using such therapy because of contraindications or statin intolerance, in whom LDL-C concentration was &gt; 70 mg/dL, treated in outpatient settings. All patients were screened for CVD and had blood cholesterol concentration assessed. Patients were also divided into: (1) patients with vascular disease; (2) patients with diabetes mellitus; (3) aged ≥ 65 years; and (4) patients without the three mentioned risk factors. Results: The study group consisted of 2812 (51.4% male) patients. Major cardiovascular risk factors including arterial hyper­tension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and smoking were highly prevalent in the study population (86.2%, 44.1%, and 23.3%, respectively). Out of the prespecified risk factors (vascular disease, diabetes mellitus, age ≥ 65 years) the study population was divided into patients without any of the mentioned risk factors (n = 520), those with all the three risk factors (n = 368), two out of three risk factors (n = 934), and one risk factor (n = 990). The study showed that 89.6% of patients were treated with statins (47.8% with atorvastatin, 27.8% with rosuvastatin, and 13.8% with simvastatin). Fenofibrate was used in 5.8% of the population and ezetimibe in 2.7%. In the whole group, 7.1% of patients did not receive any type of lipid-lowering therapy. Atorvastatin was more often used in patients with all the three prespecified risk factors, while rosuvastatin was used in patients without any of the risk factors. Conclusions: The most often-used lipid-lowering drugs in Poland are statins, with atorvastatin and rosuvastatin being used the most common of these. The present study shows that some patients with LDL-C concentration &gt; 70 mg/dL and indications for lipid-lowering are not treated accordingly.Wstęp: Dyslipidemia, a zwłaszcza podwyższone stężenie cholesterolu frakcji LDL w surowicy, są jednymi z najistotniejszych czynników ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego. Leczenie dyslipidemii i zapobieganie występowaniu chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego poprzez stosowanie leków hipolipemizujących mają ogromne znaczenie w redukowaniu śmiertelności pacjentów spowodowanej chorobami układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Niemniej jednak, niedostateczne stosowanie statyn i innych leków hipolipemizujących jest ciągle powszechnym problemem. Cel: Opisywane badanie ma na celu opisanie wzorów preskrybcji statyn u polskich pacjentów ze wskazaniami do statynoterapii i podwyższonym (> 70 mg/dl) stężeniem cholesterolu frakcji LDL. Metody: Do badania włączono dorosłych pacjentów leczonych ambulatoryjnie, u których występowały wskazania do stosowania leczenia hipolipemizującego, którzy obecnie stosowali takie leczenie lub nie stosowali go ze względu na przeciwwskazania lub występowała u nich nietolerancja statyn, a u których stężenie cholesterolu frakcji LDL w surowicy wynosiło > 70 mg/dl. Wszystkich pacjentów badano pod kątem występowania czynników ryzyka chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego oraz zmierzono im stężenie cholesterolu we krwi. Ponadto pacjentów podzielono ze względu na: /1/ występowanie choroby naczyniowej; /2/ obecność cukrzycy; /3/ wiek ≥ 65 lat. Wyniki: Badana grupa obejmowała 2812 (51,4% mężczyzn) pacjentów. Czynniki ryzyka takie jak nadciśnienie tętnicze, cukrzyca typu 2 i nikotynizm były powszechne w opisywanej populacji (występowały odpowiednio u 86,2%, 44,1% i 23,3% chorych). Na podstawie zdefiniowanych z góry czynników ryzyka (choroba naczyń, cukrzyca, wiek ≥ 65 lat) chorych podzielono: na pacjentów bez żadnego z opisanych czynników (n = 520), pacjentów ze wszystkimi 3 czynnikami (n = 368), pacjentów z 2 z 3 czynników (n = 934) oraz tych z 1 czynnikiem (n = 990). Badanie pokazało, że 89,6% badanej populacji otrzymywało statyny (47,8% atorwastatynę, 27,8% rosuwastatynę i 13,8% simwastatynę). Fenofibrat był stosowany u 5,8% badanej populacji, a ezetimib u 2,7%. Spośród całej badanej grupy 7,1% pacjentów nie stosowało żadnego leczenia hipolipemizującego. Atorwastatyna była częściej stosowana u pacjentów ze wszystkimi trzema czynnikami ryzyka, podczas gdy rosuwastatyna u tych osób, u których czynniki ryzyka nie występowały. Wnioski: Najczęściej stosowanymi lekami hipolipemizującymi w Polsce są statyny, a z tej grupy atorwastatyna i rosuwastatyna wybierane są w największej liczbie przypadków. Omawiane badanie pokazuje także, że część pacjentów ze stężeniem cholesterolu frakcji LDL > 70 mg/dl nie jest właściwie leczona, co każe zwrócić większą uwagę na formę terapii w populacji ogólnej (np. stosowanie preparatów złożonych)