186 research outputs found

    Martyria sebagai Wujud Kebebasan Moral

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    Kebebasan adalah lambang yang unggul citra ilahi dalam diri manusia (GS 17).Dengan kebebasannya manusia diarahkan kepada Allah untuk mencapaikesempurnaan dan kebahagian abadi, karena ia dilengkapi akal budi dankehendak (KGK 1711), untuk mencari/mencintai kebenaran dan kebaikan (GS15,2). Mencari/mencintai kebenaran dan kebaikan sudah merupakan kewajibandan tanggungjawab orang kristen (optio fundamentalis), sebab ia harus tumbuhdan matang di dalamnya (KGK 1731), serta memberi kesaksian (martyria)tentang kebenaran dan kebaikan itu (minimal dalam optio particularis)

    Tingkat Serangan Ulat Kantong Metisa Plana Walker (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) Terhadap Umur Tanaman Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) Di Kebun Matapao PT. Socfin Indonesia

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    The attack rate of bagworms Metisa plana Walker (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) on the age of oil palm(Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) at Matapao Plantation, PT Socfin Indonesia. Under the supervision ofMena Uly Tarigan as the chairperson and Lisnawita as the member. The aim of the research was toknow the attack rate of bagworms (Metisa plana Walker) on the age of oil palm at the planting areaof TBM (pre-producing plant) and TM (post-producing plant). The research was conducted atMatapao Plantation, PT Socfin Indonesia, Teluk Mengkudu Subistrict, Serdang Bedagai Districtwith the altitude of ± 20 meters from the sea level. The research used a survey method withdiagonal samples. The results of the research showed that the attack rate of bagworms was higheron the TBM than on TM. The highest number of pests was found at block 27 in the planting year of2011 with 119 pests, while the highest rate of attack by bagworms (19.758%) was found at block 28in the planting year of 2009. The highest attack of bagworms was found in sample 50 at block 27 inthe planting year of 2011 with 15 pests in each frond. The highest intensity of bagworms\u27 attack(50%) was in sample 50 at block 27 in the planting year of 201, and it was categorized as amoderate attack


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    Pengembangan budidaya tanaman sayuran merupakan salah satu unsur penting dalam pembangunan pertanian untuk menunjang perekonomian Indonesia. Berbagai jenis serangga hama dapat menyerang tanaman sayuran sehingga mengakibatkan kerugian ekonomi yang besar. Untuk mengendalikan hama tersebut umumnya digunakan insektisida kimiawi. Penggunaan insektisida kimiawi secara luas dan terus menerus memang dapat menekan kerusakan akibat serangan hama. Namun demikian, seiring dengan penggunaan insektisida kimiawi, timbul pula masalah yang serius yaitu terjadinya resistensi dan resurgensi serangga hama, terbunuhnya musuh-musuh alami serangga hama yang kemudian menyebabkan timbulnya hama sekunder, terbunuhnya serangga penyerbuk dan bahaya lain pada ternak dan manusia. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sekali adanya alternatif baru yang dapat dipakai untuk mengendalikan populasi hama tersebut sampai di bawah batas nilai ambang ekonomi. Pengendalian secara hayati (parasit, predator, agensia patogen) adalah salah satu alternatif yang biasanya dicari karena telah terbukti banyak berhasil dinegara-negara maju. Salah satu spesies bakteri entomopatogenik adalah bakteri pembentuk spora yaitu Bacillus thuringiensis yang merupakan pilihan utama dalam pemanfaatan mikrobia sebagai agensia pengendalianhayati serangga hama. B. thuringiensis dalam proses pertumbuhannya menghasilkan badan inklusi parasporal berupa kristal protein yang dikenal dengan delta-endotoksin dan telah diketahui bersifat toksik terhadap beberapa serangga anggota ordo Lepidoptera, Diptera, dan Coleoptera. Walaupun deltaendotoksin bersifat toksik terhadap serangga sasaran, namun tidak toksik terhadap serangga berguna lainnya, hewan, tanaman maupun manusia. Berdasarkan ciri-ciri khas yang menguntungkan di atas, maka hasil eksplorasi strain-strain baru bakteri entomopatogenik anggota spesies B. thuringiensis telah banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai dasar untuk produksi bioinsektisida komersial. Pencaharian strain-strain baru bakteri entomopatogenik yang bersifat endogenik perlu dilakukan di Indonesia sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan pengendalian serangga hama secara hayati sebagai alternatif pengganti insektisida kimiawi. Pemanfaatan mikrobia indigenous ini sebagai agensia pengendali hayati merupakan suatu terobosan dalam peningkatan pendayagunaan sumberdaya hayati mikrobia secara lebih intensif untuk menyelamatkan lingkungan hidup dari pencemaran. Makalah ini akan membahas berbagai upaya memperoleh strain unggul B. thuringiensis indigenous Indonesia serta pemanfaatan dan pengembangannya untuk produksi bioinsektisida. Dengan menggunakan dasar-dasar bioteknologi diharapkan akan dapat dihasilkan suatu insektisida mikrobial yang bermanfaat untuk mengendalikan hama tanaman sayuran di Indonesia

    Municipal Organic Waste as Substrate of Bioenergy and Fertilizer Production

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    Municipal solid waste is still a big problem in the cities of Indonesia especially in the Capital and capital of province. Open dumping in TPA is operated through all of Indonesian cities, this bring to consequences a bad influence to the environment. Conversion of Organic solid waste either to energy or biofertilizer is one of the best choices on the solid waste management. These methods will create a good manageable of cities environment, producing fertilizer for the farmer, energy for the communal and jobs for the people. Municipal organic wastes were grinded andfermented in anaerobic aerobic conditions. Anaerobic conditions produce rrydrogen or methane as bioenergy meanwhile aerobic fermentation was used to get either compost or liquid oiofertilizer. The result of Bioenergy and biofertilizer production showed that Municipal organic waste has a great potential as substrate for bioenergy such as hydrogen and methane or substrate for biofertilizer. The biofertilizer could be either as compost or liquid biofertilizer which are rich with growth promoting substances produces by specific bacteria during municipal organic solid waste fermentation

    Biooegraoasi Senyawa Aromatik Oleh Pseudomonas SP Isolat I4 Dari Tablet Bakteri

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    Biodegradation test of aromatic compounds by pure cultureof bacterial isolate I4 from bacterial tablet using mineral mediumas growth medium was done. Aromatic compounds tested ascarbon sources used were phenol, p-chlorphenol, p-nitrophenol,2,4 dichlorphenol and benzene. The oval colony forming and highmotility isolate is an aerobic and gram negatif bacteria. Theisolate was able to use citric acid as carbon source, producedacid .from methyl red test and gave negative result of indol test.The isolate formed a slightly blue-green colour colony on agarslant, and it did not use ethanol as carbon source. Thecharacteristic of the isolate I4 indicated that it belonged to thegenus Pseudomonas. Test using selective media confirmed thatthe isolate I4 is a Pseudomonas fluorescence. The capability ofthe bacteria to oxidize of 2,4 dichlorphenol was relatively fast.Experimental results showed that the bacteri grew on benzene atconcentration of 10% (v/v), and degraded 2,4 dichlophenol withrelatively high rate

    Analisis Pegaruh Beta dan Rasio Keuangan terhadap Return Saham Indeks Kompas 100

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    The object of this study is to analyze the effect of beta and financial ratios on the stock return in Kompas 100 index. Financial ratios used are Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Total Asset Turnover (TAT) and Equity Per Share (EQPS). The data used were 46 companies selected using purposive sampling technique with the criteria (1) The companies whose shares are included in Kompas 100 index registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange during period 2009-2011. (2) The companies which were consistently active during period 2009-2011 in Kompas 100 index. (3) The companies fulfilling the indicator of dependent and independent variables during period 2009-2011. The data to analyze in this research were panel data using Multiple Linier Regression with Fixed Effect Model (FEM). Data processing was done using Eviews 7 program. The results of research showed that simultaneously through f-statistic test the variable of beta, current ratio, debt to equity ratio, total asset turnover and equity per share had significant influence to stock return in Kompas 100 index on significance rate 90%, whereas based on t-statistic test, it can be concluded that the variable of debt to equity ratio, total asset turnover and equity per share had significant influence to stock return in Kompas 100 index, and the variable of beta and current ratio had insignificant influence to stock returns in Kompas 100 index during period 2009-2011 on significance rate 95%. In addition, the coefficient of determination showed that the variable of beta, current ratio, debt to equity ratio, total asset turnover and equity per share are capable only to explain that the variable of stock return in Kompas 100 index for 44.25%

    The Effect of Alpha Lipoic Acid in Preventing Atherosclerosis Lesion on the Abdominal Aorta of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Rats

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    Various studies have studied the clinical use of alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) for treating diabetic complications. The protective effect of  lipoic acid in  atherosclerosis induced by diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM type 2)  still needs further study. This study was aimed to investigate the protective effect of ALA in atherosclerosis induced by DM type 2. Twenty one rats were divided into 3 groups: control, DM−treated and DM+ALA-treated group. Type-2 diabetes was induced by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (50 mg/kg) followed by nicotinamide (110 mg/kg). ALA was administered orally at a dose of 60 mg/kg body weight/day throughout the feeding period for three weeks. This study was an experimental study with post-test only with control method which was conducted at Biochemistry laboratory, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Riau from June-October 2016. This study showed that DM+ALA treated group  achieved lower atherosclerosis scores than DM-treated group and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant. In conclusion, alpha lipoic acid can prevent atherosclerosis lesions induced by diabetes

    Gambaran Histopatologik Lambung Tikus Wistar (Rattus Norvegicus) Yang Diberi Sari Buah Nenas (Ananas Comosus (L.) Merr) Setelah Induksi Asam Mefenamat

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    : Inflammation of the stomach can be caused by various factors, including the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs such as mefenamic acid. Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) merr) is a herbal remedy used to treat gastritis. Pineapple contains several nutrients such as vitamin C and bromelain enzyme that are efficacious as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. This study aimed to determine histopathological features of the gastric of wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) given pineapple juice after induction of mefenamic acid. This was an experimental study using 20 wistar rats divided into four groups; each group consisted of five rats. Group I (negative control) was given no treatment. Group II was induced with mefenamic acid 23.25 mg/day single dose for seven days. Group III was induced with mefenamic acid 23.25 mg/day single dose for seven days then was given no treatment during the next seven days. Group IV was induced with mefenamic acid 23.25 mg/day single dose for seven days then was administered with pineapple juice over the next seven days. Rats in group I and II were terminated on day-8 while those in groups III and IV were terminated on day-15. The results showed that the gastric tissue of rats in group IV had less inflammatory cells but more regenerating cells than those in group II and III. Conclusion: Histopathological features of the gaster of wistar rats treated with pineapple juice after the induction of mefenamic acid showed milder signs of acute gastritis and more prominent of cell regeneration/tissue recovery than those given no pineapple juice
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