6 research outputs found

    Infeksi Japanese Encephalitis pada Babi di Beberapa Provinsi Indonesia Tahun 2012

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    Kasus Japanese Encephalitis pada manusia di Indonesia telah ditemukan di beberapa provinsi.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya angka infeksi JE pada babi sebagai reservoirutama. Penelitian dilakukan di 12 provinsi yang meliputi 15 kabupaten/kota pada tahun 2012. Jumlahseluruh babi yang diperiksa adalah 726 ekor yang terdiri dari 59-62 ekor di tiap provinsi. Darah venadiambil dari tiap ekor babi dan diperiksa dengan Enzyme Link Immuno-Sorbent Assay (ELISA). Jeniskelamin, umur dan lingkungan peternakan babi juga dicatat. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi JEpada seluruh babi adalah 14,2 % (103 ekor) yang berkisar antara 1,7 % (1/60) di Provinsi KalimantanTengah dan 32,3 % (20/62) di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Kisaran angka infeksi menurut kabupaten/kota adalah antara 0 % (0/19) di Palangkaraya (Kalimantan Tengah) dan 33,3 % (2/6) di Batanghari(Lampung). Jenis kelamin dan umur babi tidak berhubungan secara signifian dengan besarnya angkainfeksi JE pada babi. Angka infeksi pada babi berbeda bermakna menurut lingkungan, dimana angkainfeksi tertinggi adalah di sekitar danau/setu dan terendah di sekitar pantai. Disimpulkan bahwa babidi 12 provinsi tersebut potensial sebagai sumber infeksi JE ke manusia. Sebab itu perlu dilakukanadvokasi tentang ancaman penularan JE tersebut ke pemerintah daerah dan masyarakat di sekitarpeternakan babi di daerah penelitian, kecuali di Palangkaraya

    Seroprevalensi Dan Ancaman Brucella Abortus Pada Pekerja Peternakan Sapi Perah Kecamatan Cilawu, Garut

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    Backgroud: Brucellsos is a neglected zoonoses diseases. Brucellosis is occupational hazard with a high prevalence in developing countries. Transmission to human can occur through contact with infected animals, inhalation or eat raw materials from animals. Brucellosis also caused abortus on human. Objective: To determined the seroprevalence of human brucellosis and abortus case associated with human brucellosis among dairy farm worker in Cilawu-Garut Methods: The calculation sample size was using proportion test;, 57 respondents man and woman based on inclusion criterias. Respondents received the questionnaire to screen the abortion case history during the last 5 years. We tested their serum samples using Rose Bengal Test (RBT). Result: We found that 7.02% abortion record. There were 57 sera collected and 7.02% showed RBT positive result. Respondent who have abortion record have their negative RBT results. Conclusions: There were Brucella antibody among the respondents in Cilawu. The seroprevalence were negative result to abortus cases, so its need further test to detect the abortion to be caused by Brucella s

    Estimated incidence of influenza-associated severe acute respiratory infections in Indonesia, 2013-2016

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    Background: Indonesia’s hospital- based Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) surveillance system, Surveilans Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut Berat Indonesia (SIBI), was established in 2013. While respiratory illnesses such as SARI pose a significant problem, there are limited incidence- based data on influenza disease burden in Indonesia. This study aimed to estimate the incidence of influenza- associated SARI in Indonesia during 2013- 2016 at three existing SIBI surveillance sites.Methods: From May 2013 to April 2016, inpatients from sentinel hospitals in three districts of Indonesia (Gunung Kidul, Balikpapan, Deli Serdang) were screened for SARI. Respiratory specimens were collected from eligible inpatients and screened for influenza viruses. Annual incidence rates were calculated using these SIBI- enrolled influenza- positive SARI cases as a numerator, with a denominator catchment popula-tion defined through hospital admission survey (HAS) to identify respiratory- coded admissions by age to hospitals in the sentinel site districts.Results: From May 2013 to April 2016, there were 1527 SARI cases enrolled, of whom 1392 (91%) had specimens tested and 199 (14%) were influenza- positive. The overall estimated annual incidence of influenza- associated SARI ranged from 13 to 19 per 100 000 population. Incidence was highest in children aged 0- 4 years (82- 114 per 100 000 population), followed by children 5- 14 years (22- 36 per 100 000 population).Conclusions: Incidence rates of influenza- associated SARI in these districts indicate a substantial burden of influenza hospitalizations in young children in Indonesia. Further studies are needed to examine the influenza burden in other potential risk groups such as pregnant women and the elderly.This work was supported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [Cooperative Agreement Number 5U51IP000346-05]


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    Abstract Backgroud: Brucellsos is a neglected zoonoses diseases. Brucellosis is occupational hazard with a high prevalence in developing countries. Transmission to human can occur through contact with infected animals, inhalation or eat raw materials from animals. Brucellosis also caused abortus on human. Objective: To determined the seroprevalence of human brucellosis and abortus case associated with human brucellosis among dairy farm worker in Cilawu-Garut Methods: The calculation sample size was using proportion test;, 57 respondents man and woman based on inclusion criterias. Respondents received the questionnaire to screen the abortion case history during the last 5 years. We tested their serum samples using Rose Bengal Test (RBT). Result: We found that 7.02% abortion record. There were 57 sera collected and 7.02% showed RBT positive result. Respondent who have abortion record have their negative RBT results. Conclusions: There were Brucella  antibody among the respondents in Cilawu. The seroprevalence were negative result to abortus cases, so its need further test to detect the abortion to be caused by Brucella sp