23 research outputs found
Perubahan Bentuk P Oleh Mikroba Pelarut Fosfat Dan Bahan Organik Terhadap P-tersedia Dan Produksi Kentang (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Pada Tanah Andisol Terdampak Erupsi Gunung Sinabung
Andisol was soil with high phosphate retension (>85 %) so that Phosphate not available to plants. Phosphate (P) was important nutrient that used in photosynthesis process, roots growth, flower, fruit and seed forming. The object of this research is to know the effect of phosphate solubilizing microbe (MPF) application, some organic matter sources and both of interaction to changes of phosphate form to phosphate availability and potatos (Solanum tuberosum L.) production at Andisol soil impacted Sinabung Mountain eruption. This research was conducted in Kuta Rakyat Village, Naman Teran Subdistrict, Karo Regency on February until July 2015. The research used factorial Random Device Group Methode (RDG) consists of two treatments and two replications. The first factor is phosphate solubilizing microbe with four treatments: control, phosphate solubilizing bacterial (30 ml), phosphate solubilizing fungi (30 ml), phosphate solubilizing bacterial and fungi (15 ml + 15 ml). The second factor is organic matter with five treatments: control, cow manure (100 g/plant), chicken manure (100 g/ plant), straw (100 g/ plant), Tithonia diversifolia (100 g/ plant). The result showed that phosphate solubilizing fungi and chicken manure application, increased P availability and productions of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants.Key Words : Andisol, Phosphate solubilizing microbe, organic matter, availability phosphate,production of potatos (Solanum tuberosum L.)Andisol was soil with high phosphate retension (>85 %) so that Phosphate not available to plants. Phosphate (P) was important nutrient that used in photosynthesis process, roots growth, flower, fruit and seed forming. The object of this research is to know the effect of phosphate solubilizing microbe (MPF) application, some organic matter sources and both of interaction to changes of phosphate form to phosphate availability and potatos (Solanum tuberosum L.) production at Andisol soil impacted Sinabung Mountain eruption. This research was conducted in Kuta Rakyat Village, Naman Teran Subdistrict, Karo Regency on February until July 2015. The research used factorial Random Device Group Methode (RDG) consists of two treatments and two replications. The first factor is phosphate solubilizing microbe with four treatments: control, phosphate solubilizing bacterial (30 ml), phosphate solubilizing fungi (30 ml), phosphate solubilizing bacterial and fungi (15 ml + 15 ml). The second factor is organic matter with five treatments: control, cow manure (100 g/plant), chicken manure (100 g/ plant), straw (100 g/ plant), Tithonia diversifolia (100 g/ plant). The result showed that phosphate solubilizing fungi and chicken manure application, increased P availability and productions of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants
Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Kabupaten Dairi Untuk Tanaman Kopi Robusta (Coffea Robusta Lindl.)
This research purposed to evaluate the suitability of land for cultivation of robusta coffee in Dairiwith altitude at 400 - 1700 m above sea level . This research started from May 2013 to November2013. The research conducted by taking a sample soil based by method free survey grid with detailof survey level and then analyzed on the laboratory and land evaluation performed by the matchingmethod is based on plants needed with properties owned by land on any limiting factors. Theparameters observed in the field are soil depth, drainage, slope, the dangers of erosion, the dangersof flood, the rock surface and laboratory parameters analyzed include physical properties, textureand chemical properties of the soil pH, soil cation exchanges capacity, base saturation, C-organic,and soil salinity. The results showed that the actual land suitability classes for sample 1 is S2rc,nr,sample 2 is S3nr, sample 3 is S2oa,rc,nr,eh, sample 4 is S3nr,eh, sample 5 is S3nr, sample 6 is S3nr,sample 7 is Nrc, sample 8 is S3nr, sample 9 is S3tc,rc,nr, sample 10 is S3tc, sample 11 is S3nr,sample 12 is S3tc,oa,rc,nr, sample 13 is S3tc,nr, sample 14 is S3tc,rc, sample 15 is S3tc,nr,uh, andsample 16 is Nrc. Potential land suitability classes for sample 1 is S2rc, sample 2 is S2rc,nr, sample3 is S2rc, sample 4 is S2rc,nr,eh, sample 5 is S2rc,nr, sample 6 is S3rc,nr, sample 7 is Nrc, sample 8is S2rc,nr, sample 9 is S3tc,rc, sample 10 is S3tc, sample 11 is S2rc,nr, sample 12 is S3tc,rc, sample13 is S3tc, sample 14 is S3tc,rc, sample 15 is S3tc, and sample 16 is Nrc
Tingkat Bahaya Erosi (TBE) Tanah Andisol Pada Beberapa Tipe Penggunaan Lahan Dengan Metode USLE Dan SIG Di Desa Kutaraja Kecamatan Namanteran Kabupaten Karo
Tingkat Bahaya Erosi (TBE) Tanah Andisol Pada Beberapa Tipe Penggunaan Lahan dengan Menggunakan Metode USLE di Desa Kutarakyat Kecamatan Namanteran Kabupaten Karo, di bimbing oleh Prof. Ir. Zulkifli Naustion, M.Sc, PhD sebagai ketua komisi pembimbing dan Mariani Sembiring, SP., MP sebagai anggota komisi pembimbing. Desa Kutarakyat Kecamtan Namanteran Kabupaten Karo merupakan daerah desa yang langsung bertepatan dengan Kabupaten Langkat dimana daerah ini masih didominasi oleh daerah hutan. Untuk mengetahui tingkat erosi tanah Desa Kutarakyat dilakukan suatu penelitian pada Juni-September 2011. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dan dilanjutkan perhitungan laju erosi tanah metode USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Nilai Erosi Aktual tertinggi berada pada lahan tanaman tahunan yaitu sebesar 6,941 ton/ha/tahun dengan kemiringan lereng 15-30%, sedangkan yang terendah pada lahan hutan sebesar 0,218 ton/ha/tahun dengan kemiringan lereng 8-15%. Dengan nilai Erosi yang Ditoleransikan tertinggi pada lahan tanaman tahunan yaitu sebesar 21,563 ton/ha/tahun dengan kemiringan lereng 8-15%, sedangkan yang terendah pada lahan tanaman semusim yaitu 8,9 ton/ha/tahun dengan kemiringan lereng 0-3%. Dengan Tingkat Bahaya Erosi Aktual yang terbesar pada lahan tanaman tahunan yaitu 0.357 dengan kemiringan lereng 15-30% dengan kriteria sangat ringan, sedangkan yang terendah pada lahan hutan yaitu 0.011 dengan kemiringan lereng 8-15% dengan kriteria sangat ringan
Perubahan Beberapa Sifat Kimia Tanah, Serapan P Dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung Pada Tanah Inceptisol Kwala Bekala Akibat Pemberian Pupuk Kandang Ayam Dan Beberapa Sumber P
Tanah Inceptisol memiliki kandungan bahan organik yang rendah dan pH yang rendah.Kandungan bahan organik rendah dengan ratio C/N tergolong rendah dan kandungan P potensial rendah.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Rumah Kasa Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan.Pada bulan Agustus tahun 2015 sampai dengan selesai.Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) faktorial terdiri dari 2 faktor. Faktor I adalah pupuk kandang ayam dengan 4 taraf yaitu: tanpa aplikasi pupuk kandang ayam, 40 g/polibag, 80 g/polibag, dan 120 g/polibag. Faktor II adalah beberapa sumber Pyang terdiri dari: tanpa aplikasi pupuk P, pupuk SP-36, dan pupuk TSP. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian pupuk kandang ayam dapat merubah beberapa sifat kimia tanah, serapan P dan produksi tanaman jagung pada Tanah Inceptisol Kwala Bekala. Pemberian beberapa sumber P dapat merubah beberapa sifat kimia tanah, serapan P dan pertumbuhan tanaman jagung pada Tanah Inceptisol Kwala Bekala. Interaksi antara pupuk kandang ayam dan beberapa sumber P dapat merubah beberapa sifat kimia tanah, serapan P dan produksi tanaman jagung pada Tanah Inceptisol Kwala Bekala
Aplikasi Bahan Organik Pada Piringan Kelapa Sawit Untuk Meningkatkan Populasi Cacing Tanah Dan Ketersediaan Hara P Dan K
The earthworm contribute to soil fertility and environment quality but they need a suitable habitat to survive on the land including the presence of organic material as a food source. The present study was conducted in Sei Pancur Plantation, Tanjung Morawa, in March - September 2015. The design used in study was a factorial randomized block design consists two factors. The first was various types of organic materials : without organic matter (B0) ; litter (B1) ; empty fruit bunches oil palm (B2) ; litter+T.harzianum (B3) ; and empty fruit bunches oil palm+T.harzianum (B4). The second were method of application : evenly spread a layer (C1) ; stacked around turn rod (C2) ; and stacked on the edge of weeded circle (C3). The result found that application of organic materials significantly increased P-available, K-exchangeable, and earthworm. Method of applications significantly increased P-available and earthworm populations. The relationship among interaction of both significantly increased phosphate available and earthworm populations. Application on the edge of weeded circle was the best way to reduce P-available and earthworm populations. Empty fruit bunches oil palm+T.harzianum reduced K-exchangeable. Empty fruit bunches oil palm increased earthworm populations and litter+T.harzianum increased P-available.Key words : earthworm, method of applicaton, weeded circle, organic materialsThe earthworm contribute to soil fertility and environment quality but they need a suitable habitat to survive on the land including the presence of organic material as a food source. The present study was conducted in Sei Pancur Plantation, Tanjung Morawa, in March - September 2015. The design used in study was a factorial randomized block design consists two factors. The first was various types of organic materials : without organic matter (B0) ; litter (B1) ; empty fruit bunches oil palm (B2) ; litter+T.harzianum (B3) ; and empty fruit bunches oil palm+T.harzianum (B4). The second were method of application : evenly spread a layer (C1) ; stacked around turn rod (C2) ; and stacked on the edge of weeded circle (C3). The result found that application of organic materials significantly increased P-available, K-exchangeable, and earthworm. Method of applications significantly increased P-available and earthworm populations. The relationship among interaction of both significantly increased phosphate available and earthworm populations. Application on the edge of weeded circle was the best way to reduce P-available and earthworm populations. Empty fruit bunches oil palm+T.harzianum reduced K-exchangeable. Empty fruit bunches oil palm increased earthworm populations and litter+T.harzianum increased P-available