7 research outputs found

    Variability and interpopulation differentiation of the rare species Gueldenstaedtia monophylla Fisch. (Fabaceae)

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    Genetic variability of the rare species Gueldenstaedtia monophylla from 7 natural populations in the central part of its range (Ongudai district, Altai Republic) was studied. To characterize the genetic diversity of this rare relict species at the population level, SDS-electrophoresis of seed storage proteins was used. Polypeptide spectra of seeds contained from 17 to 32 protein components, of which 28 were polymorphic. The populations of G. monophylla were revealed to have a sufficiently high level of genetic polymorphism, the genetic similarity index within the populations studied ranged from 0.673 to 0.813. The highest variability of seed storage proteins was found in the populations Inegen (0.673) and Malaya Inya (0.734). The lowest level of variability of the polypeptide spectra was in the population Bol’shoy Yaloman (0.813). The Nei genetic distance between the populations studied was 0.018–0.215, the greatest distance in the protein spectra was found between Inegen and Malaya Inya (0.215). Inegen was the most remote from the other populations, the Nei distance between this population and all other populations varying from 0.113 to 0.215. With AMOVA, it was found that the share of intra-population variability is 53 % and inter-population, 47 %. Perhaps this high genetic diversity in populations of G. monophylla is provided and maintained by such biological characteristics of the species as cross-pollination, high life expectancy and a long reproductive period. The results of our study suggest that some rare species are able to maintain high levels of genetic diversity, even in a small-size population. The relatively high level of genetic variability indicates that the current genetic drift and inbreeding do not pose a threat to the survival of the species

    Possibility of predicting the efficiency of soft tissue sarcoma treatment on the basis of features of their immunological microenvironment

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    Aim. To study the possibility of using the evaluation of local cellular immunity factors for predicting the efficiency of soft tissue sarcoma treatment. Methods. The study included 38 patients with soft tissue sarcoma: 22 with primary and 16 with recurrent tumors, admitted for surgical treatment in 2014-2016. In all patients, the intraoperative tumor tissue samples, peritumoral zone and relatively intact tissue samples corresponding to the resection lines (a total of 114 samples) were studied to assess the local immunity indices. The tissue samples were homogenized, lymphocyte subsets were detected with a flow cytometer. Results. Characteristics of immunological lymphocytic microenvironment of soft tissue sarcomas were studied in connection with the clinical effect of complex treatment of patients. In primary sarcomas, event-free survival at over 12 months after the surgery was related to higher level of NK-cells in tumor tissue and higher level of NKT-lymphocytes in peritumoral zone and tumor, as well as lower Tregs level than in patients with event-free survival for less than 12 months. In recurrent sarcomas, poor event-free survival was associated with high level of DN-cells in the tumor and peritumoral zone/tumor ratio for CD3+ lymphocytes. All the detected differences were statistically significant (

    DNA-cytometric characteristics of recurrent soft tissue sarcomas

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    Aim. To determine the content of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and distribution of cells in mitotic phases in patients with recurrent soft tissue sarcomas for the assessment of malignancy of the process. Methods. Tumor tissues of patients with recurrent soft tissue sarcomas were studied. Research methods included histological, DNA-cytometric and statistical methods. Results. Proliferative activity and proliferative index of recurrent sarcomas differed depending on the tumor grade and stage. Differences in the number of diploid, aneuploid and polyploid cells were determined in each group and between the groups depending on the cell cycle phases. Cell cycle parameters were as following: 100% of G1 (well-differentiated) cancer were diploid, as well as 33.3% of G2 (moderately differentiated) and 15% of G3 (poorly differentiated) tumors. Aneuploid tumors prevailed in G2 and G3, the ratio of which was 66.7 and 85%, respectively. The analysis of kinetic parameters of the cell cycle allowed establishing a decrease in the number of cells in G1/G0 phase of the cell cycle from G1 to G3, which was accompanied by a statistically significant increase in the proportion of cells in S-phase (p ˂0.05). Conclusion. The DNA-cytometric study of cell cycle parameters showed high biological potential of recurrent soft tissue sarcomas, which was determined by two indices - the proportion of cells in G2+M-phase and the cell loss factor; 100% of well-differentiated (G1) tumors, 33.3% of moderately differentiated (G2) and 15% of poorly differentiated (G3) tumors were diploid; aneuploid tumors prevailed in G2 and G3


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    Objective: to study the readiness of health workers to provide medical and psychological care for HIV infected patients who require special attention due to problems of psychological and social adaptation in connection with the disease. Materials and methods a comparison of opinions, attitudes, and preferences of the professional staff of the Center for AIDS and other infectious diseases and specialists of multidisciplinary clinics in St. Petersburg. The results showed that tolerance and knowledgeable about HIV positive people to help medical staff help better to treat people living with HIV. The development of productive relations with HIV infected patients in recent years has undergone significant changes: those who constantly work with people living with HIV, often abandoning the moral evaluation of the patient’s behavior (8,3%) less than empathize (17,5%) and better use rational approach (56,7%) in the provision of professional assistance. Conclusion: psychological setting, tolerance and different manifestations of stigmatization from the AIDS Center staff and multidisciplinary hospitals. The evolution of attitudes towards HIV-infected patients is characterized by the gradual abandonment of moral evaluation of the patient’s behavior, empathy and the formation of a rational approach to aid. The development of specialist knowledge on HIV medicine should be accompanied by the formation of skills in counseling, including the use of psychological interventions.Материалы и методы: проведено сравнение суждений, установок и профессиональных предпочтений у сотрудников СПбГБУЗ «Центр по борьбе со СПИД и инфекционными заболеваниями» и специалистов многопрофильных клиник Санкт-Петербурга. ?езультаты исследования показали, что толерантность и хорошая осведомленность о проблемах ВИЧ-инфицированных помогают медицинскому персоналу лучше относиться к людям, живущим с ВИЧ. ?азвитие продуктивных отношений с ВИЧ-инфицированными пациентами за последнее время претерпело значительные изменения: те, кто постоянно работают с людьми, живущими с ВИЧ, чаще отказываются от моральной оценки поведения пациента (8,3%), меньше сопереживают (17,5%) и в большей мере используют рациональный подход (56,7%) при оказании профессиональной помощи. Заключение: психологические установки, толерантность и проявления стигматизации различаются у сотрудников Санкт-Петербургского Центра СПИД и многопрофильных клиник. Эволюция отношения к ВИЧ-инфицированным пациентам характеризуется постепенным отказом от моральной оценки, сопереживанием, и формированием рационального подхода к помощи. ?азвитие специальных знаний по ВИЧ-медицине должно сопровождаться формированием навыков в консультировании, в том числе с использованием психологического вмешательства

    Экспрессия LAG-3 на В-лимфоцитах как маркер прогноза ответа на терапию у больных хроническим лимфолейкозом

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    Purpose: to study the level of LAG-3 expression on B-lymphocytes and the feasibility of using it as a marker for predicting response to therapy in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).Material and Methods. The study included 40 patients with newly diagnosed CLL. All patients were divided into two groups: group I: patients with Binet stage A, who did not receive therapy and group II: patients with Binet stage C, who received immunochemotherapy in RB and FCR regimes. According to the treatment regimen and hematological response to therapy, 4 subgroups were distinguished: IIA-RB, IIA-FCR, IIB-RB, and IIB-FCR. The control group consisted of 20 people matched in age and gender without cancer. The immunophenotype, level of B-lymphocytes, LAG-3 expression, and the minimal residual disease in group II after the 6th course of immunochemotherapy were initially determined in all groups by flow cytometry. The data were evaluated using Statistica 13.0.Results. Compared to the control group, the LAG-3 expression on B-lymphocytes was found in all groups of CLL patients before treatment. The expression level was higher in patients with Binet stage C than in patients with Binet stage. The data demonstrated differences in the level of LAG-3 expression in patients with different hematological responses to therapy. The initially higher level of LAG-3 expression on B-lymphocytes was observed in patients with Binet stage C CLL with an unfavorable response to therapy. A good hematological response was found can be achieved at the level of LAG-3 expression within 14.57 ± 0.66 % regardless of the therapy regimen, and unfavorable response to therapy at the level of 41.95 ± 1.62 %.Conclusion. The initial level of LAG-3 expression on B-lymphocytes in patients with CLL can be used as a marker for predicting and monitoring response to treatment, regardless of the immunochemotherapy regimen used. Цель исследования ‒ изучить уровень экспрессии LAG-3 на В-лимфоцитах и возможность его применения в качестве маркера прогноза ответа на терапию у больных хроническим лимфолейкозом (ХЛЛ).Материал и методы. В исследование включены 40 больных с впервые установленным диагнозом ХЛЛ. Пациенты были разделены на две группы: I – ХЛЛ стадии A по Binet, которым не требовалось проведение терапии, II – ХЛЛ стадии С, которым проводилась иммунохимиотерапия в режимах RB и FCR. В зависимости от схемы лечения и гематологического ответа больных на терапию выделены 4 подгруппы: IIА-RB, IIА-FCR, IIБ-RB, IIБ-FCR. В контрольную группу, сопоставимую по возрасту и полу, вошли 20 человек без злокачественных заболеваний. Исходно во всех группах методом проточной цитофлюориметрии определены иммунофенотип и уровень В-лимфоцитов, экспрессия LAG-3, а также минимальная остаточная болезнь в группе II после 6-го курса иммунохимиотерапии. Данные оценены в программе Statistica 13.0.Результаты. Во всех группах больных ХЛЛ до лечения обнаружена экспрессия LAG-3 на В-лимфоцитах в отличие от контрольной группы. Более высокий уровень экспрессии отмечен у больных ХЛЛ стадии С по Binet по сравнению с пациентами с ХЛЛ стадии А. Данные демонстрируют отличия в уровне экспрессии LAG-3 у больных с разным ответом на проводимую терапию. Так, исходно более высокий уровень экспрессии LAG-3 на В-лимфоцитах наблюдается у больных ХЛЛ стадии С по Binet с неудовлетворительным ответом на терапию. Установлено, что при уровне экспрессии LAG-3 на В-лимфоцитах в пределах 14,57 ± 0,66 % можно предполагать хороший гематологический ответ независимо от схемы проводимой терапии, а при значениях 41,95 ± 1,62 % – неудовлетворительный ответ на лечение.Заключение. Исходный уровень экспрессии LAG-3 на B-лимфоцитах у больных хроническим лимфолейкозом может быть использован в качестве маркера для прогнозирования и мониторинга ответа на лечение независимо от используемого режима иммунохимиотерапии