83 research outputs found

    Consolidation potential of the value of justice in implementation of civilian control over the performance of authorities in the contemporary Russian society

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    The article considers the social justice as one of the fundamental values of modern Russian society. It is stressed that justice in Russian history is one of the most significant motivators to essentially civil action due primarily to a sociocultural specificity of Russia where the controlling exposure historically in the absolute majority of cases was based on the appeal to the values of justice and not to the law, which is not typical for Western culture. It is noted that social justice is a value, i.e. a reality of social and individual life. Social justice as a value includes a gnoseological, regulatory, measurement and ideal components. Being at the most critical crossover point between individual and public interests, it is a historically and culturally acceptable measure of equality and liberty of individuals. Based on data of sociological surveys, the authors analyzed the insights of Russian people into social justic

    Value of justice as the basis for building consolidation of the population in modern Russia

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    The article deals with the problem of social justice in modern Russian societ

    Development of personnel technologies in the customs system of the Russian Federation

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    In the paper, the authors study the main reasons for introducing economic sanctions against the Russian Federation and how to counteract them. At the same time, the current situation requires intensified development of the international business to modernize the Russian economy. For this, it has become imperative to understand the role and place of the customs of the Russian Federation in this process and to further improve the approaches to staffing a federal executive body – the Federal Customs Service (FCS of Russia) in terms of selecting highly skilled personnel. In the end, a unified methodology for evaluating candidates taking civil service postsin the customs bodies is propose

    The role of conflictin public service

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    The article studies the theoretical aspects of the concepts according to various authors, such as conflict, social conflict, conflict of interest in the public service, the nature of the conflict. The article considers a number of possible situations which can be a result of personal interest, which in turn could lead to a conflict of interest


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    Abstract.The modern world economy, characterized by a high degree of globalization, competition,innovation, highlights the importance of such intangible assets as intellectual capital, knowledge, and especially – labor resources. Labor resources are the able-bodied part of the population, which, possessing physical and intellectual capabilities is able to produce material goods or provide services. The state, striving to build a highly developed economy, should pay attention to the development of labor resources. To achieve this goal, the economy closely interacts with management. Management considers the issue of personnel management, which in its turn is an integral part of the development of the country's labor resourcesKeywords: labor resources, economic growt

    The Regional Tax Security Mechanism Based on Reduction of Tax Risks and Use of Information Technologies

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    In today’s world taxes tend to be not only a tool for ensuring and maintaining economic and financial security, but also a source of possible threats and risks which may result in reduction of tax potential and budgetary imbalances between the central office and the provinces. In the conditions of economy digitalization, tax security as a prospective way of optimal modern tax management in the state and its regions includes elements of tax mechanism, information technology and technology of tax information protection. This article advocates the need for legislative recognition of the term "tax security", structures the components of tax security threats identification, which include elements of risk management and directions of tax administration improvement. Within the framework of the study of the tax security system, the functional relationship between tax risks and the structural elements of the tax mechanism, including its planning, regulatory, controlling and analytical components, was determined

    Sociocultural aspect of realization of civil control in modern Russian society

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    The backwardness of civil control in modern Russia is connected with a complex of the reasons of sociocultural character, including with specifics of the Russian traditions of public participation. It is proved that only collective forms of civil control relying on mobilization and use of the social capital of local communities can be the most effective in Russi

    Parameters of Transition from Deepening Longitudinal to Continuous Lateral Surface Mining Methods to Decrease Environmental Damage in Coal Clusters

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    The present paper deals with an original way to reduce the environmental damage caused to land and air resources by surface coal mines with external dumping, due to the transition to internal dumping with filling the worked out space of the surface mine with overburden. The basic principle of the proposed idea is the transition from the deepening longitudinal mining method for the development of inclined and steep coal seam strata to lateral ones. This article substantiates the choice of technology for a block-and-layer continuous lateral mining method, including the construction of a first-stage pit, the use of a combined transport and direct dumping technology for moving overburden to an internal dump when mining blocks using draglines. The advantage of the presented technology, along with filling the internal capacity of the surface mine field with overburden, is the possibility of leveling the relief within the boundaries of the pit allotment and the implementation of reclamation as the mining front moves forward, without waiting for the dump to be completely filled in the boundary contours. Attention is also paid to the economic benefits of block-layer technology and the continuous lateral mining method, in the transition to which the overburden transporting costs can be significantly reduced, while the limitations of the proposed method’s implementation concern specific coal deposits that make up a small part of the fields being developed today by surface mining

    Dynamics of risk degree of innovation-driven growth at higher education institutions

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    In this article, the analysis of dynamics of risk degree of innovation-driven growth at higher education institutions is discussed. The survey has been employed in this paper and the data analyzed by SPSS software. Results revealed that the resulting risks are regularly encountered in a modern Russian higher educational institution: inability to provide necessary financial support for educational activities; inability to provide required modern material and technical basis; challenges and failures in collaboration with enterprises for organizing practical training for students and the absence of practical training programs at the university. It is also indicated that the risk event might lead to different results: negative, positive, or nul


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    Purpose of the study: The main approach of the research is a combination of methodological and applied aspects, including the development of public policy directions aimed at prolonging the active longevity of the Russian population. Methodology: The research used a statistical analysis of the processing of official statistics of Rosstat, data of international organizations - the United Nations (Population Division), the World Bank, the World Health Organization (WHO); analytical - analysis of regulatory legal acts of Russian and international law in the field of regulation. Results: The authors analyze global and Russian trends in an aging society. The influence of the demographic aging of the population on the socio-economic development of the state is revealed. The main directions of the state policy in relation to the aging problems of the population are determined, and the world experience of solving the indicated problems is studied. Applications of this study: This research can be used for the universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality of this study: In this research, the model of state governance of socio-demographic processes in an aging society is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner