24 research outputs found

    Metamorphosis of the invasive ascidian Ciona savignyi: environmental variables and chemical exposure

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    In this study, the effects of environmental variables on larval metamorphosis of the solitary ascidian Ciona savignyi were investigated in a laboratory setting. The progression of metamorphic changes were tracked under various temperature, photoperiod, substrate, larval density, and vessel size regimes. Metamorphosis was maximised at 18 °C, 12:12 h subdued light:dark, smooth polystyrene substrate, and 10 larvae mL−1 in a twelve-well tissue culture plate. Eliminating the air-water interface by filling culture vessels to capacity further increased the proportion of metamorphosed larvae; 87 ± 5% of larvae completed metamorphosis within 5 days compared to 45 ± 5% in control wells. The effects of the reference antifouling compounds polygodial, portimine, oroidin, chlorothalonil, and tolylfluanid on C. savignyi were subsequently determined, highlighting (1) the sensitivity of C. savignyi metamorphosis to chemical exposure and (2) the potential to use C. savignyi larvae to screen for bioactivity in an optimised laboratory setting. The compounds were bioactive in the low ng mL−1 to high ”g mL−1 range. Polygodial was chosen for additional investigations, where it was shown that mean reductions in the proportions of larvae reaching stage E were highly repeatable both within (repeatability = 14 ± 9%) and between (intermediate precision = 17 ± 3%) independent experiments. An environmental extract had no effect on the larvae but exposing larvae to both the extract and polygodial reduced potency relative to polygodial alone. This change in potency stresses the need for caution when working with complex samples, as is routinely implemented when isolating natural compounds from their biological source. Overall, the outcomes of this study highlight the sensitivity of C. savignyi metamorphosis to environmental variations and chemical exposure

    A Review of Cyclic Imines in Shellfish: Worldwide Occurrence, Toxicity and Assessment of the Risk to Consumers

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    Cyclic imines are a class of lipophilic shellfish toxins comprising gymnodimines, spirolides, pinnatoxins, portimines, pteriatoxins, prorocentrolides, spiro-prorocentrimine, symbiomines and kabirimine. They are structurally diverse, but all share an imine moiety as part of a bicyclic ring system. These compounds are produced by marine microalgal species and are characterized by the rapid death that they induce when injected into mice. Cyclic imines have been detected in a range of shellfish species collected from all over the world, which raises the question as to whether they present a food safety risk. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) considers them to be an emerging food safety issue, and in this review, the risk posed by these toxins to shellfish consumers is assessed by collating all available occurrence and toxicity data. Except for pinnatoxins, the risk posed to human health by the cyclic imines appears low, although this is based on only a limited dataset. For pinnatoxins, two different health-based guidance values have been proposed at which the concentration should not be exceeded in shellfish (268 and 23 ”g PnTX/kg shellfish flesh), with the discrepancy caused by the application of different uncertainty factors. Pinnatoxins have been recorded globally in multiple shellfish species at concentrations of up to 54 times higher than the lower guidance figure. Despite this observation, pinnatoxins have not been associated with recorded human illness, so it appears that the lower guidance value may be conservative. However, there is insufficient data to generate a more robust guidance value, so additional occurrence data and toxicity information are needed

    Portimine: a bioactive metabolite from the benthic dinoflagellate Vulcanodinium rugosum

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    Portimine, a new polycyclic ether toxin containing a cyclic imine moiety, was isolated from the marine benthic dinoflagellate Vulcanodinium rugosum collected from Northland, New Zealand. The structure of portimine, including the relative configurations, was elucidated by spectroscopic analyses. The cyclic imine moiety consists of an unprecedented five-membered ring with a spiro-link to a cyclohexene ring. This is the only structural similarity to the pinnatoxin group of polycyclic ethers also produced by V. rugosum, which all contain a six-membered cyclic imine ring. The LD50 of portimine to mice by intraperitoneal injection was 1570 ÎŒg/kg, indicating a much lower toxicity than many other cyclic imine shellfish toxins. In contrast, portimine was highly toxic to mammalian cells in vitro with an LC50 to P388 cells of 2.7 nM, and activation of caspases indicating apoptotic activity

    Widespread Distribution and Identification of Eight Novel Microcystins in Antarctic Cyanobacterial Mats▿

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    The microcystin (MC) content and cyanobacterial community structure of Antarctic microbial mat samples collected from 40 ponds, lakes, and hydroterrestrial environments were investigated. Samples were collected from Bratina Island and four of the Dry Valleys, Wright, Victoria, Miers, and Marshall. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), and protein phosphatase 2A (PP-2A) inhibition assays resulted in the identification of low levels (1 to 16 mg/kg [dry weight]) of MCs in all samples. A plot of indicative potencies of MCs (PP-2A inhibition assay/ELISA ratio) versus total MCs (ELISA) showed a general decrease in potency, as total MC levels increased, and a clustering of values from discrete geographic locations. LC-tandem MS analysis on selected samples identified eight novel MC congeners. The low-energy collisional activation spectra were consistent with variants of [d-Asp3] MC-RR and [d-Asp3] MC-LR containing glycine [Gly1] rather than alanine and combinations of homoarginine [hAr2] or acetyldemethyl 3-amino-9-methoxy-2,6,8-trimethyl-10-phenyl-4,6-decadienoic acid (acetyldemethyl ADDA) [ADMAdda5] substitutions. Nostoc sp. was identified as a MC producer using PCR amplification of a region of the 16S rRNA gene and the aminotransferase domain of the mcyE gene. Automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA) was undertaken to enable a comparison of cyanobacterial mat community structure from distant geographical locations. Two-dimensional multidimensional scaling ordination analysis of the ARISA data showed that in general, samples from the same geographic location tended to cluster together. ARISA also enabled the putative identification of the MC-producing Nostoc sp. from multiple samples

    Algal toxins and producers in the marine waters of Qatar, Arabian Gulf

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    Harmful Algal Bloom species are ubiquitous and their blooms occur in the Arabian Gulf. In this study, two cruises were performed in 2012 and 2013 to collect phytoplankton samples from 4 sites in the Arabian Gulf. Toxin analyses of phytoplankton samples for 32 algal toxins from 5 different toxin groups were conducted on the samples using both enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and liquid chromatography?tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Results demonstrated, for the first time, the presence of paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs), diarrhetic shellfish toxin (DST), amnesic shellfish toxin (AST), cyclic imines (CIs) and polyether-lactone toxins in freeze-dried phytoplankton samples. Four Vulcanodinium rugosum cultures were established from field samples and these proved to contain between 603 and 981 ng pinnatoxin (PnTx) H per mg dry weight in addition to being positive for portimine. These strains from Qatar clustered with strains from Japan and Florida based on large subunit rRNA and rRNA internal transcribed spacer gene sequencesScopu

    Isolation, Structural Determination and Acute Toxicity of Pinnatoxins E, F and G

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    Pinnatoxins and pteriatoxins are a group of cyclic imine toxins that have hitherto only been isolated from Japanese shellfish. As with other cyclic imine shellfish toxins, pinnatoxins cause rapid death in the mouse bioassay for lipophilic shellfish toxins, but there is no evidence directly linking these compounds to human illness. We have identified the known pinnatoxins A (1) and D (6), and the novel pinnatoxins E (7), F (8) and G (5), in a range of shellfish and environmental samples from Australia and New Zealand using LC−MS. After isolation from the digestive glands of Pacific oysters, the structures of the novel pinnatoxins were determined by mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy, and their LD50 values were evaluated by ip administration to mice. Examination of the toxin structures, together with analysis of environmental samples, suggests that pinnatoxins F and G are produced separately in different dinoflagellates. Furthermore, it appears probable that pinnatoxin F (8) is the progenitor of pinnatoxins D (6) and E (7), and that pinnatoxin G (6) is the progenitor of both pinnatoxins A−C (1 and 2) and pteriatoxins A−C (3 and 4), via metabolic and hydrolytic transformations in shellfish

    Acute Toxicities of the Saxitoxin Congeners Gonyautoxin 5, Gonyautoxin 6, Decarbamoyl Gonyautoxin 2&3, Decarbamoyl Neosaxitoxin, C-1&2 and C-3&4 to Mice by Various Routes of Administration

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    Paralytic shellfish poisoning results from consumption of seafood naturally contaminated by saxitoxin and its congeners, the paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs). The levels of such toxins are regulated internationally, and maximum permitted concentrations in seafood have been established in many countries. A mouse bioassay is an approved method for estimating the levels of PSTs in seafood, but this is now being superseded in many countries by instrumental methods of analysis. Such analyses provide data on the levels of many PSTs in seafood, but for risk assessment, knowledge of the relative toxicities of the congeners is required. These are expressed as “Toxicity Equivalence Factors” (TEFs). At present, TEFs are largely based on relative specific activities following intraperitoneal injection in a mouse bioassay rather than on acute toxicity determinations. A more relevant parameter for comparison would be median lethal doses via oral administration, since this is the route through which humans are exposed to PSTs. In the present study, the median lethal doses of gonyautoxin 5, gonyautoxin 6, decarbamoyl neosaxitoxin and of equilibrium mixtures of decarbamoyl gonyautoxins 2&3, C1&2 and C3&4 by oral administration to mice have been determined and compared with toxicities via intraperitoneal injection. The results indicate that the TEFs of several of these substances require revision in order to more accurately reflect the risk these toxins present to human health

    44-Methylgambierone, a new gambierone analogue isolated from Gambierdiscus australes

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    A new analogue of gambierone, 44-methylgambierone, was isolated from the benthic dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus australes collected from Raoul Island (Rangitahua/Kermadec Islands). This molecule has been previously reported as maitotoxin-3. The structure of 44-methylgambierone was elucidated using 1D- and 2D-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and mass spectrometry techniques. The nine-ring polyether backbone (A–I) and functional groups (carbonyl, terminal diol, 1,3-diene and monosulphate) are the same for both compounds with the addition of an olefinic methyl group being the only modification in 44-methylgambierone