7 research outputs found
Permasalahan yang menjadi dasar dalam melakukan penelitian ini adalah dari
beberapa literatur belum menemukan model pembelajaran yang sesuai dalam
melaksanakan materi senam lantai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan
model pembelajaran senam lantai guling depan dan belakang pada sekolah
menengah pertama serta mengetahui efektivitas dari model pembelajaran senam
lantai yang dikembangkan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah
penelitian dan pengembangan dari Borg and Gall melalui tahapan 10 langkah
pengembangan. Partisipan yang terlibat adalah siswa laki-laki dan perempuan
sekolah menengah pertama dan berjumlah 151 yang dibagi dalam (12 partisipan
preliminary field testing, 65 partisipan operational field testing, dan 74 partisipan
efektivitas). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada preliminary field testing dan
operational field testing semua partisipan dapan mempraktekkan model yang
dikembangkan dengan baik. Namun ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan
selama uji coba yaitu: 1) Sebaiknya guru memberikan intruksi langsung kepada
siswa, dan memberikan contoh gerakan supaya tidak terjadi kesalahan2)
memperhatikan keterampilan awal siswa, 3) Model pembelajaran dapat diterapkan
dari yang mudah ke sulit atau yang memiliki keunggulan lebih baik, sehingga siswa
harus mempraktekkan lebih banyak sesuai dengan Rencana Program Pembelajaran.
Pada uji efektivitas, model pembelajaran lebih efektif digunakan untuk
meningkatkan ketrampilan dan pemahaman siswa pada materi senam lantai guling
depan dan belakang. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran
senam lantai yang dikembangkan dapat mengatasi permasalah pembelajaran dan
memiliki keunggulan dari metode pembelajaran lainnya.
Kata Kunci: Senam, guling depan, guling belakang, pendidikan jasmani*************The problem that becomes the basis for conducting this research is that from some
literature, there has not been an appropriate learning model in implementing the
floor exercise material. This study aims to develop a front and back roll floor
exercise learning model in junior high school and determine the effectiveness of the
developed floor exercise learning model. The method used in this research is
research and development from Borg and Gall through 10 stages of development.
The participants involved were male and female junior high school students and
totaled 151 which were divided into (12 preliminary field testing participants, 65
operational field testing participants, and 74 effectiveness participants). The results
showed that in the preliminary field testing and operational field testing all
participants were able to practice the well-developed model. However, there are
several things that need to be considered during the trial, namely: 1) The teacher
should give direct instructions to students, and provide examples of movements so
that mistakes do not occur 2) pay attention to students' initial skills, 3) Learning
models can be applied from easy to difficult or have superiority is better, so students
have to practice more according to the Learning Program Plan. In the effectiveness
test, the learning model is more effectively used to improve students' skills and
understanding on the front and back roll floor exercises. So it can be concluded
that the floor gymnastics learning model developed can overcome learning
problems and has advantages over other learning methods.
Keywords: Gymnastic, Forward roll, Backward roll, physical educatio
Effectiveness of D-Mat on Improving Basic Jumping Motions in Early Children in Palembang
Mastery of basic movements must start from an early age, because mastering basic movement abilities is an important foundation for children to be able to be involved in many kinds of physical activities in the future. This research is related to the basic motion of jumping. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of D-Mat in increasing basic jumping motion in early childhood. This type of research is experimental research by providing treatment in the form of a game method with D- Mat in early childhood. The sample used in this study is the total number of early childhood children in early childhood education. The data were obtained from the results of the pretest and posttest. The research sample consisted of 4-5 years old children in TK Negeri Pembina 4 and TK Kurnia Makmur Palembang totaling 30 people. Data analysis techniques using the t test. Based on the results of the research based on the t-test calculation, the value of fcount <ftable or 4.29 <1.693 means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This shows that the child's final ability is better than before using the D-Mat. It can be concluded that D-Mat is effectively used to improve basic jumping motion in early childhood in Palembang. It is suggested that the D-Mat mat can be used in physical activities as well as learning because the D-Mat contains pictures of letters and numbers
Development of a Game Model based on Manipulative Skills in Volleyball Games for Class VII Junior High School Students
Volleyball is one of the sports in PJOK learning. In class VII students' PJOK learning, the existing basic volleyball techniques of up and down passing have not been varied, so a game model based on manipulative skills has been created. Apart from playing, the manipulative skill-based game model also aims to provide education and other experiences according to age development and needs. The aim of this research is to develop a game model based on manipulative skills that can improve volleyball top and bottom passing for class VII junior high school students. Model development stage in research What is carried out is the analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation (ADDIE) stages. The small group sample in this research was 25 people, while the large group sample was 60 people and also involved 3 teachers as respondents. The instrument used in this research was a questionnaire. Research results using expert validation tests Content Validity Index (CVI) and Content Validity Ratio (CVR) in the game Ball Into The Ring with an average CVR value of 0.1, it can be interpreted that the ball into the ring game has high validity, which means the ball into the ring game is safe to use, in accordance with the characteristics and basic competencies of class VII junior high school students
The Effectiveness of Student Gymnastics in 2022 on Improving Physical Fitness:
Physical fitness can be obtained through proper, systematic, and not excessive physical exercise. One of the sports activities in supporting physical fitness is the SKJ Student 2022 exercise. Physical fitness can be obtained through proper, systematic, and not excessive physical exercise. One of the sports activities in supporting physical fitness is the SKJ Student 2022 exercise. The purpose of this study was to determine Effectiveness of Student Gymnastics in 2022 on Improving Physical Fitness. This type of research uses experimental research. The population in this study were all students of the Sports Education Study Program at Bina Darma University Palembang, totaling 44 people. The instruments in this study were the Indonesian Physical Fitness Test (TKJI), namely; 1) 60 meter sprint, 2) 60 second elbow hanging test, 3) 60 second lying seat, 4) upright jump, and 5) 1000 meter run. The results showed that the 2022 student physical fitness exercise was effective in improving the physical fitness of students of the Bina Darma University Sports Education Study Program Palembang, with an average value before (pre-test) physical fitness exercise training was 12.89, while the average value after (post-test) student physical fitness exercise training 2022 was 16.02
Effectiveness of D-Mat on Improving Basic Jumping Motions in Early Children in Palembang
Mastery of basic movements must start from an early age, because mastering basic movement abilities is an important foundation for children to be able to be involved in many kinds of physical activities in the future. This research is related to the basic motion of jumping. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of D-Mat in increasing basic jumping motion in early childhood. This type of research is experimental research by providing treatment in the form of a game method with D- Mat in early childhood. The sample used in this study is the total number of early childhood children in early childhood education. The data were obtained from the results of the pretest and posttest. The research sample consisted of 4-5 years old children in TK Negeri Pembina 4 and TK Kurnia Makmur Palembang totaling 30 people. Data analysis techniques using the t test. Based on the results of the research based on the t-test calculation, the value of fcount <ftable or 4.29 <1.693 means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This shows that the child's final ability is better than before using the D-Mat. It can be concluded that D-Mat is effectively used to improve basic jumping motion in early childhood in Palembang. It is suggested that the D-Mat mat can be used in physical activities as well as learning because the D-Mat contains pictures of letters and numbers
Development of Forward Roll Learning Through Modification of The Games
The purpose of this research is to develop a forward roll learning media through modification of the front roll game, so that students can learn the material and technique of the front roll without feeling difficult and bored with the modification of the front roll game. The subjects of this study were seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Palembang. This research method is the development and design of this research refers to the development model (research and development). Development research has ten steps, but in this study eight of the ten steps proposed by Bord and Gall were used. The research and development as well as the procedures carried out, resulted in a product in the form of learning media for the basic techniques of front scissor on floor gymnastics through game modifications, namely; (1) introduction, explaining what modification of the front roll game is and how to help the front and back roll., (2) the core, Showing the game modification video and how to help the front roll, (3) closing; displays the evaluation of objective questions regarding the forward roll. The results of this study are the development of learning media for front roll material in lantau gymnastics through game modifications for class VII SMP Negeri 3 Palembang
Implementasi MBKM Di Luar Program Studi Pendidikan Olahraga (S1) Universitas Bina Darma
Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan jumlah program studi yang menerapkan program MBKM, memfasilitasi program studi untuk mengembangkan kurikulum sesuai dengan kebijakan MBKM, menghasilkan pengalaman baik (good practices) di perguruan tinggi dalam menyusun dan mengimplementasikan kurikulum program MBKM yang memiliki capaian pembelajaran lulusan sesuai dengan KKNI dan SN-Dikti. Manfaat penyelenggaraan program bantuan program studi menerapkan kerja sama kurikulum MBKM diharapkan dapat dirasakan manfaatnya oleh mahasiswa, dosen, program studi, perguruan tinggi, serta mitra. Metode yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan ini adalah Focus Group Discusion (FGD) membahas mengenai “Penyusunan Prosedur Oprasional Baku Implementasi MBKM di Luar Program Studi Pendidikan Olahraga (S1) di Universitas Bina Darma”. Program Studi Pendidikan Olahraga melalui aplikasi Zoom Meeting. Hasil dari kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat memberi kemudahan kepada mahasiswa untuk belajar dimana saja dan kapan saja