786 research outputs found

    Visible and infrared photocurrent enhancement in a graphene-silicon Schottky photodetector through surface-states and electric field engineering

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    The design of efficient graphene-silicon (GSi) Schottky junction photodetectors requires detailed understanding of the spatial origin of the photoresponse. Scanning-photocurrent-microscopy (SPM) studies have been carried out in the visible wavelengths regions only, in which the response due to silicon is dominant. Here we present comparative SPM studies in the visible (λ\lambda = 633nm) and infrared (λ\lambda = 1550nm) wavelength regions for a number of GSi Schottky junction photodetector architectures, revealing the photoresponse mechanisms for silicon and graphene dominated responses, respectively, and demonstrating the influence of electrostatics on the device performance. Local electric field enhancement at the graphene edges leads to a more than ten-fold increased photoresponse compared to the bulk of the graphene-silicon junction. Intentional design and patterning of such graphene edges is demonstrated as an efficient strategy to increase the overall photoresponse of the devices. Complementary simulations and modeling illuminate observed effects and highlight the importance of considering graphene's shape and pattern and device geometry in the device design

    Membangun Customer Relationship Management dalam Bisnis

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    Customer relationship management dapat dijadikan alat oleh Perusahaan dalam mengembangkan bisnisnya agar mendapat perhatian dari customer dan pasar. Paper ini disusun berdasarkan penelitian yang menggambarkan hubungan bisnis dan pengaruh pelanggan terhadap Perusahaan, serta bagaimana sebuah customer relationship management dapat membantu Perusahaan dalam meraih pangsa pasar. Data dan informasi dalam studi ini didapatkan dari studi pustaka yang mengacu pada buku referensi dan jurnal yang berhubungan dengan topik yang ada. Paper ini memberi pengetahuan tentang pencapaian tujuan Perusahaan yang didukung penerapan customer relationship management

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Siswa Menngunakan Metode Demonstrasi Pembelajaran IPA Disekolah Dasar

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    The aim of this is generally to get accurate information to improve student learning activities in science teaching in class III elementary school Eka Tjipta Kencana Marau Ketapang. The method used is descriptive method . there is increased actvity at baseline study is 22,4% increased to 42,3% in the first cycle, the second cycle increased to 57% and then increased to 91.9% in the third cycle. Difference improvement from the first cycle to the second cycle of 14,7% then the diffrence increased from cycle II to cycle III of 34,4%. This the average score of students' learning activities in cycle I and II are categorized lower then the third cycle being considered

    Pengaruh Suhu Dan Komposisi Minyak Jagung Pada Pembuatan Lilin Klowong Terhadap Pewarnaan Batik

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    Batik is one of the most highly developed Indonesian art forms that had been designated by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of oral and intangible Heritage of Humanity. It uses techniques of wax resist dyeing applied to the whole cloth and can be made by using canting or printing.Once the design applied on the cloth, then it is ready to be waxed and the staining of the batik cloth depends on the quality of the wax. Therefore, batik wax is considered as the main material to make batik, especially for handmade batik in which the pattern and carve applied directly by the artisans.  Vegetable oil is to improvement viscosity level in liquidity of batik waxes and to knowing the effect of the dyed batik.This research aims to knowing the composition of the required yellow paraffin waxes batik and to knowing the effect of the composition of the yellow paraffin dyed batik. This study uses qualitative and quantitative methods with material measurement techniques, and test a questionnaire to evaluate the response of the respondents to the sharpness of the color produced. In the process of making batik wax, the composition of the materials used are Lilin tawon, damar mata kucing, gondorukem, yellow parafin, and  vegetable oils. In this research, yellow paraffin as an independent variable with variations in different compositions (10 g, 15 g, 20 g and 25 g). To test the composition of the wax batik then made 4 different samples, each sample has a different composition yellow paraffin. To view a sample of the batik conducted several tests, including testing the sharpness of color, smearing of colors, as well as washing with soap, while the qualitative testing done by kuisioer to test visually, from the test results of samples both quantitative and qualitative data show that the results of batik using sample C gives better results than other samples


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    Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini secara umum mendapatkan informasi yang akurat untuk meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran IPA dikelas III Sekolah Dasar Eka Tjipta Kencana Marau Ketapang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Terdapat peningkatan aktifitas belajar pada baseline yaitu 22,4% meningkat pada siklus I menjadi 42,3% pada siklus 1, pada siklus II meningkat menjadi 57% kemudian meningkat menjadi 91.9% pada siklus III. Selisih peningkatan pada siklus I ke siklus II sebesar 14,7% kemudian selisih peningkatan dari siklus II ke siklus III 34,4%. Dengan demikian skor rata-rata aktivitas belajar siswa pada  siklus I dan II dikategorikan rendah kemudian pada siklus III dikategorikan sedang.   Kata Kunci: aktivitas Belajar, Metode Demonstrasi, IPA Abstract: The aim of this is generally to get accurate information to improve student learning activities in science teaching in class III elementary school Eka Tjipta Kencana Marau Ketapang. The method used is descriptive method . there is increased actvity at baseline study is 22,4% increased to 42,3% in the first cycle, the second cycle increased to 57% and then increased to 91.9% in the third cycle. Difference improvement from the first cycle to the second cycle of 14,7% then the diffrence increased from cycle II to cycle III of 34,4%. This the average score of students’ learning activities in cycle I and II are categorized lower then the third cycle being considered.   Keywords: Activities Learning, method menonstratio
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