1,582 research outputs found

    Influence of mangrove ecosystem on the biological resources and fishery of Kakinada

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    Since there are no records of detailed investigation on the ecology of the mangrove Kakinada around Kakinada and keeping in view of the vastness, fertility and biological resources of the Kakinada Bay and the adjacent sea, the Institute took initiative to conduct a study on the ecology of mangrove areas around Kakinada during 1982-'85 to understand the various ecological aspects connected to the water, soil/ sediment and mangrove-associated fauna and their influence on fisheries

    Studies on the mangrove ecosystem

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    Mangrove ecosystem is one of the most specialised and productive coastal habitats in the world. Due to human interference in many ways, most of the mangrove forests are on the verge of destruction and disappearance. The main causes for the degradation of Indian mangroves are land reclamation, pollution and overexploitation of the resources. A proper understanding of this specialised ecosystem and careful implementation of the conservation measures would alone save the ecosystem from further destruction and extinction. The present account deals with the ecological aspects of the mangrove habitats covering their extent, distribution, zonation, biological assemblage, hydrography and productivity, and giving importance to their role, man-made impacts and conservation aspects with emphasis on the approaches for the sustainable use of this ecosystem to the mankind with special reference to the mangroves of India

    Occurrence of giant male and female groupers with a note on sex change in groupers

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    Serranid fishes are popularly known as 'Groupers' or 'Rock cods' and locally 'Kalava'.In view of their importance in the capture and culture fisheries, the present account on the record of giant female groupers [Epinephelus tauuina (Forskal), Epinephelus malabaricus (Bloch and Schneider) and Promicrops lanceolatus (Bloch)] of more than two metres in total length and their sex ratio] in the natural population from the Indian coast (Table 1) deserves special attention

    Mariculture in India, its potentialities and practical applications

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    India is passing through a very critical period of food crisis and consequentiy calling for the necessity of adopting various techniques and methods to augment the food production. Among them , mariculture is an important means of getting additional source of human food

    Marine fisheries development in Tamil Nadu

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    Fisheries development is governed by the stock of fishery resources, the level and types of fishing effort and the use of diversified craft and gear. The growing Importance of fishery resources and the level of their exploitation are traced in this paper. The marine capture fisheries account for a substantial proportion of the total fish production in Tamil Nadu. The present level of fish landings, their seasonal variation and the major species groups are brought out. The developmental programme aimed at increasing fish production are reviewed. The need for innovations In and diversification of fishing methods is highlighted. The Impact of investment on fish production is analysed with a time frame of ten years. Basic needs of fisher folk which have a bearing on fisheries development are identified. Technological developments made over the last decade are mentioned with a note on the extent of non-adoption of new technology and the major determinants thereof are pointed out for remedying the situation. Culture practices in suitable areas along the coasts are stressed to provide employment opportunities that step up production. Developments in the preservation and processing of the sea foods are presented and the scope for the establishment of a stable Internal and external market is explored. The state of affairs of marine or coastal fisheries management and suggestions for toning up resource management are stressed. The need for sea ranching and SCUBA diving Is Indicated. The vital feature of training and the nature and areas of extension programmes are also pointed out for ushering In speedier development of the sector

    Notes on the juveniles of the rock cod Epinephelus tauvina (Forsskal)

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    The occurrence of the very young juveniles of the rock cod Epinephelus tauvina (Forskal) in Cochin backwater during February-June is reported here with brief notes on the morphometric variations between juveniles and adults and food and feeding habits of juveniles

    Some observations on primary production and plankton biomass along the continental shelf and slope off the northeast coast of India during January 1989

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    The present study deals with the quantitative aspects of chlorophyll pigments, primary productivity and plankton biomass from the continental shelf and slope off the northeast coast of India between 16┬░ and 20┬░N latitudes towards the end of northeast monsoon season. In surface waters, the mean values of chl-a, -b, and -c were 0.249,0.275 and 0.837 mg/m^ along the shelf and 0.246,0.260 and 0.805 mg/m^ in the slope respectively while the net primary productivity values were 0.074 and 0.081 g C/m /d for the shelf and slope waters respectively. Column productivity in the upper 0-50 m water in the shelf and slope regions were 2.9 and 3.25 g C/m /d with an average production of 3.08 g C/m /d. Higher rate of production was observed around 18┬░ and 20┬░N latitudes. Zooplankton biomass exhibited progressive increase in volume from 16┬░ to 20┬░N. The estimated mean zooplankton biomass volume of the study area was 28.83 ml/m . The mean transfer coefficient from primary to secondary production was found to be 14% when 50% of the zooplankton biomass was considered as the daily rate of production. From the mean primary and secondary productivity values, potential tertiary production of pelagic fishery resources in the upper 0-50 m water column of the study area for the month was assessed

    Rare Chimaeroid and Elasmobranch fishes from the continental slope off the West Coast of India

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    During exploratory trawling from the upper continental slope in depths between 180 and 450 metres off the West Coast of India, specimens of the Chimreroid fish Neoharriotta pinnata (Schnackenbeck) and the rare elasmobranchs Echinorhinus b"UC11S (Bonnaterrc) and Atractophorus armatus Gilchrist have been obtained. All three are new distributional records for Indian Seas and they are described and illustrate

    Coefficient bounds for some subclasses of p-valently starlike functions

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    For functions of the form f(z)=zp+тИСn=1тИЮap+nzp+nf(z) = z^{p} + \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty} a_{p + n} z^{p + n} we obtain sharp bounds for some coefficients functionals in certain subclasses of starlike functions. Certain applications of our main results are also given. In particular, Fekete-Szego-like inequality for classes of functions defined through extended fractional differintegrals are obtained

    Eulerian character degree graph

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    We obtain a necessary condition for the character degree graph of a solvable group G to be Eulerian.Comment: 11 page
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