8 research outputs found

    Physical and Quality of Life Changes in Elderly Patients after Laparoscopic Surgery for Colorectal Cancer-A Prospective Cohort Study

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    Background—The incidence of colorectal cancer is increasing among elderly people, where postoperative complications are frequent. Methods—We evaluated postoperative physical and quality of life changes in elderly patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer. A prospective cohort study was performed in 31 colorectal cancer patients ≥60 years who were scheduled for laparoscopic surgery due to colorectal cancer. Outcomes were measured one month preoperative (T1), three days postoperative (T2) and one month postoperative (T3). Results—The largest early postoperative (from T1 to T2) declines were observed for isometric knee extension strength (33.1%), 30 s Chair Stand Test (27.9%) and handgrip strength (16.9%). Significant reductions in quality of life measured with the QLQ-C30 summary score and the EQ 5D index score were found between T1–T3 and T1–T2, respectively. Conclusions—A decline in isometric knee extension strength, 30 s Chair Stand Test, handgrip strength and quality of life is evident in elderly patients in the days following laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer. Preoperative values are recovered one month after surgery for all the outcomes, except for isometric knee extension, which should receive especial attention

    Differences in movement patterns related to anterior cruciate ligament injury risk in elite judokas according to sex: A cross-sectional clinical approach study

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    The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury stands as a significant concern in judo, necessitating preventive measures. The primary injury mechanism involves knee collapse in valgus, often linked to deficiencies in core strength, neuromuscular control, external rotators, hip abductors, and limitations in ankle and hip mobility. Sexwise, the injury is more prevalent in women across various sports. Therefore, in the present study we observed this possible intersexual disparity in the difference of movement patterns among elite judokas according to their sex, in order to identify those athletes with a higher risk of ACL injury. Notably, there were no discernible differences between sexes in the single leg squat test. Both men and women exhibited compromised neuromuscular control in the non-dominant leg. While ankle dorsiflexion and hip external rotation showed no gender disparities, differences in internal rotation were noted. This particular movement restriction may elevate the risk of ACL injury.Sin financiaciĂłn2.1 Q2 JCR 20220.271 Q3 SJR 2023No data IDR 2022UE

    Effect of transcutaneous neuromodulation on normalization of dermal body temperature and pain in a tender scar in the presence of low back pain: An update and case report

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    Low back pain affects over 20% of individuals during their lifetime, and in some patients, it may be associated with scar tissue formation after surgery. Small-fiber neuropathy and scar tissue dysfunction can lead to localized pain by affecting signals to the thalamus. Transcutaneous neuromodulation using Tape with Magnetic Particles shows promise in relieving perceived pain, modulating vascularization and the autonomic nervous system, and reducing dermal temperature. In the present case, a 24-year-old woman with L5-S1 disk herniation experienced low back pain and leg pressure. The surgical intervention provided temporary relief, but scar restrictions caused pain recurrence. Tape with Magnetic Particles application initially induced scar hypothermia and pressure tolerance during posteroanterior tests on lumbar spinous processes increased, reducing pain perception for at least 12 h. Transcutaneous neuromodulation with Tape with Magnetic Particles modulated dermal temperature immediately and for 12 h, reducing perceived pain and sustaining improvement thereafter. This highlights the potential of Tape with Magnetic Particles in managing chronic low back pain associated with scar tissue

    Neuromodulation of the Autonomic Nervous System in Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized, Controlled, Crossover Clinical Trial

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    Chronic pain is a societal concern influencing the autonomic nervous system. This system can be captured with automated pupillometry. The direct connection between the epidermal cells and the brain is presented as part of the central nervous system, reflecting the modulation of the autonomic system. This study's aim was to investigate if tape containing magnetic particles (TCMP) has an immediate effect on the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and influences chronic low back pain. Twenty-three subjects completed this study. Subjects were randomized to either receive the control tape (CT) or TCMP first. Each subject underwent a pain provocative pressure test on the spinous process, followed by the skin pinch test and automated pupillometry. Next, the TCMP/control tape was applied. After tape removal, a second provocative spinous process pressure test and skin pinch test were performed. Subjects returned for a second testing day to receive the other tape application. The results demonstrate that TCMP had an immediate significant effect on the autonomic nervous system and resulted in decreased chronic lower back pain. We postulate that this modulation by TCMP s has an immediate effect on the autonomic system and reducing perceived pain, opening a large field of future research.Sin financiaciĂłn4.7 Q1 JCR 20220.897 Q1 SJR 2022No data IDR 2022UECUE

    The Direct Effect of Magnetic Tape® on Pain and Lower-Extremity Blood Flow in Subjects with Low-Back Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Low-back pain has a high impact on the world population, and solutions are in demand. The behavior of specific physiological processes has been modified using magnetic fields, whether for pain relief, bone consolidation, or improvement of vascularization. The use of tape with magnetic properties could help in these cases. A double-blind randomized clinical trial was designed to use Magnetic Tape® versus placebo Kinesio tape. Blood flow variables were evaluated using pulsed power Doppler ultrasound. Resistance index, pulsatility index, systolic velocity, and diastolic velocity were measured. The pressure pain threshold was measured using algometry in 22 subjects. The results reveal significant differences between the groups for the pulsation index variable (8.06 [5.16, 20.16] in Magnetic Tape® versus 5.50 [4.56, 6.64] in Kinesio tape) and lower (0.98 [0.92, 1.02] for Magnetic Tape® versus 0.99 [0.95, 1.01] for Kinesio tape) in the resistance index variable. The pressure pain threshold variable presented significant differences at multiple levels. The application of Magnetic Tape® causes immediate effects on blood flow and pain and could be a technique of choice for pain modulation. Further studies would be necessary

    Effectiveness of Transcutaneous Neuromodulation on Abductor Muscles Electrical Activity in Subjects with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized, Controlled, Crossover Clinical Trial

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    Introduction: Non-specific chronic low back pain (NSCLBP) is a major cause of functional impairment, resulting in consequences like job absenteeism and reduced quality of life. Risk factors such as muscle weakness and tightness have been implicated. Electromagnetic fields have therapeutic effects on human tissue, including pain relief and muscle relaxation. This study aimed to examine the impact of a tape with magnetic particles (MPT) applied to the lumbar area on abductor muscle strength and surface electromyography (sEMG) of the Gluteus Medius and Tensor of the Fascia Lata muscles in individuals with NSCLBP. Methods: It was carried out a double-blind, randomized, controlled, crossover trial and with test retest, with 41 consecutive patients younger than 65 years who previously diagnosed with NSCLBP to assess the effect of a MPT over hip abductor muscle strength and activity. sEMG and force data were obtained during the Hip Stability Isometric Test (HipSIT). The HipSIT was used to assess the abduction strength using a hand-held dynamometer and sEMG. The HipSIT uses the maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC). Four trials were recorded and the mean extracted for analysis. The tape was applied with either a MPT or a sham magnetic particle tape (SMPT) bilaterally without tension on from L1 to L5 paravertebral muscles. Results: The significant increase in the recruitment of fibers and the significant increase in the maximum voluntary contraction by applying MPT with respect to the SMPT, correspond to the increases in the Peak Force and the decrease in the time to reach the maximum force (peak time) of both muscles. Conclusion: Application of a MPT in patients with NSCLBP suggests an increase in muscle strength of the Gluteus Medius and Tensor Fascia Lata bilaterally during the HipSIT test. Lumbar metameric neuromodulation with MPT improves muscle activation of the hip musculature.Sin financiaciĂłn2.7 Q3 JCR 20220.667 Q2 SJR 2022No data IDR 2022UEMUE

    Architectural Ultrasound Pennation Angle Measurement of Lumbar Multifidus Muscles: A Reliability Study

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    The pennation angle has been shown to be a relevant parameter of muscle architecture. This parameter has not previously been measured in the lumbar multifidus musculature, and it is for this reason that it has been considered of great interest to establish an assessment protocol to generate new lines of research in the future. Objective: The objective of this study was to establish a protocol for measuring the pennation angle of the multifidus muscles, with a study of intra-rater and interrater reliability values. Design: This was a reliability study following the recommendations of the Guidelines for Reporting Reliability and Agreement Studies (GRRAS). Setting: The study was carried out at University of Alcalá, Department of Physiotherapy. Subjects: Twenty-seven subjects aged between 18 and 55 years were recruited for this study. Methods: Different ultrasound images of the lumbar multifidus musculature were captured. Subsequently, with the help of ImageJ software, the pennation angle of this musculature was measured. Finally, a complex statistical analysis determined the intra- and interrater reliability. Results: The intra-rater reliability of the pennation angle measurement protocol was excellent for observer 1 in the measurement of the left-sided superficial multifidus 0.851 (0.74, 0.923), and for observer 2 in the measurement of the right-sided superficial 0.711 (0.535, 0.843) and deep multifidus 0.886 (0.798, 0.942). Interrater reliability was moderate to poor, and correlation analysis results were high for thickness vs. pennation angle. Conclusions: The designed protocol for ultrasound measurement of the pennation angle of the lumbar multifidus musculature has excellent intra-rater reliability values, supporting the main conclusions and interpretations. Normative ranges of pennation angles are reported. High correlation between variables is described

    Correlation between Anthropometric and Ultrasound Measurement for Dry Needling of the Iliocostalis Lumborum Muscle with a Safety Protocol: A Cross-Sectional Observational Study

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    Introduction: the management of musculoskeletal pain through the application of dry needling (DN) is effective. The application of this technique can carry very infrequent major risks on muscles, such as on the iliocostalis lumborum due to its proximity to the kidney and the peritoneum. It is important to establish a DN protocol based on the different anthropometric variables of the subjects. Main objective: the main objective of this study was to investigate the correlation between different anthropometric variables and the skin-kidney and skin-peritoneum distances to establish the size of the needle that could perform DN in the iliocostalis lumborum muscle without risk. Design: a cross-sectional observational study was conducted. Methodology: a total of 68 healthy subjects were evaluated. Demographic and anthropometric data, such as age, gender, weight, height, body mass index (BMI), chest (xiphoid process and axilla) and abdomen circumferences, and skinfold thickness were collected. The measurements of skin-upper and lower edge of the iliocostalis lumborum muscle and the skin-peritoneum and/or kidney in the regions of L2 and L4, and on both sides, were assessed using ultrasound imaging. Results: a multiple linear regression analysis was performed, confirming that, in L2 without compression, gender significantly predicted the distance, with the distance being greater in women than in men. The measurement without compression increased with age up to 50 years, and it also increased with higher measurements for the chest-triceps, iliac crest, and thigh skinfold thickness, and decreased with higher measurement for the abdominal circumference. It was verified that the measurement with compression in L2 decreased as the neutral axillary circumference and the skinfold thickness in the abdomen-iliac crest increased, while the distance increased with larger measurements obtained in the neutral abdominal circumference and in the skinfold thickness of the chest-triceps. It was also verified that the measurement with compression in L4 increased up to a body mass index of 25 and then decreased even if the index increased further, and it decreased as the skinfold thickness in the abdomen-iliac crest decreased and increased as the measurements of the neutral abdominal circumference and the skinfold thickness in the chest-triceps increased. In L4 without compression, the gender variable significantly predicted changes in the measurement, with women tending to have a smaller distance compared to men. Conclusions: the measurements of the neutral abdominal circumference, chest-triceps, and abdomen-iliac crest skinfold thickness could help clinicians predict the skin-kidney and skin-peritoneum distances for dry needling of the iliocostalis lumborum with the methodology described