498 research outputs found

    Line identification and lifetime measurements in the XUV and soft X-ray regions

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    A summary of the data acquired concerning line identification and lifetime measurements in the xuv and soft X-ray regions for a variety of both resonance transitions and forbidden transitions in ions of astrophysical interest is provided. Particular attention is called to a few papers which appeared in the Astrophysical Journal. These are of special relevance to specific astrophysical data needs. The many experiments completed in areas related to but somewhat outside the confines of the project title are mentioned

    High-Resolution Electron Time-of-Flight Apparatus for the Soft-X-Ray Region

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    A gas-phase time-of-flight (TOF) apparatus, capable of supporting as many as six electron-TOF analyzers viewing the same interaction region, has been developed to measure energy- and angle-resolved electrons with kinetic energies up to 5 keV. Each analyzer includes a newly designed lens system that can retard electrons to about 2% of their initial kinetic energy without significant loss of transmission; the analyzers can thus achieve a resolving power (E/ΔE) greater than 104 over a wide kinetic-energy range. Such high resolving power is comparable to the photon energy resolution of state-of-the-art synchrotron–radiation beamlines in the soft x-ray range, opening the TOF technique to numerous high-resolution applications. In addition, the angular placement of the analyzers, by design, permits detailed studies of nondipolar angular distribution effects in gas-phase photoemission

    Compton double-to-single ionization ratio of helium at 57 keV

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    We have measured the Compton double-to-single ionization ratio of helium using an ion time-of-flight spectrometer along with monochromatized synchrotron radiation of 57 keV. This photon energy is high and probes the Compton ionization alone, since the photoionization makes only a negligible contribution to the total cross section. Comparing our result, which is (1.25±0.3)%, with theoretical calculations and measurements at lower energies shows that this energy is most likely still not high enough to confirm the value of the asymptotic high-energy limit experimentally

    Beyond the Dipole Approximation: Angular-Distribution Effects in the 1s Photoemission from Small Molecules

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    Over the past two decades, the dipole approximation has facilitated a basic understanding of the photoionization process in atoms and molecules. Recent experiments on the 1s inner shells of small molecules at relatively low photon energies (â©˝ 1000 eV) show strong nondipole effects. They are significant and measurable at energies close to threshold, in conflict with a common assumption that the dipole approximation is valid for photon energies below 1 keV

    Large Nondipole Effects in the Angular Distributions of K-Shell Photoelectrons from Molecular Nitrogen

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    Measurements of angular distributions of K-shell electrons photoejected from molecular nitrogen are reported which reveal large deviations at relatively low photon energies ( ħω≤500eV) from emission patterns anticipated from the dipole approximation to interactions between radiation and matter. A concomitant theoretical analysis incorporating the effects of electromagnetic retardation attributes the observed large nondipole behaviors in N2 to bond-length-dependent terms in the E1⊗(E2,M1) photoelectron emission amplitudes which are indicative of a potentially universal nondipole behavior in molecular photoionization

    Relativistic Effects on Interchannel Coupling in Atomic Photoionization: The Photoelectron Angular Distribution of Xe

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    Measurements of the photoelectron angular-distribution asymmetry parameter β for Xe 5s photoionization have been performed in the 80–200 eV photon-energy region. The results show a substantial deviation from the nonrelativistic value of β=2 and provide a clear signature of significant relativistic effects in interchannel coupling

    Interchannel Coupling in the Photoionization of the M-shell of Kr Well Above Threshold: Experiment and Theory

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    Photoionization cross sections and asymmetry (β) parameters for Kr 3s, 3p, and 3d subshells have been measured and calculated in the 300–1300-eV photon energy range. Good agreement between experiment and theory is found for both cross-section branching ratios and β parameters. Interchannel coupling among the channels arising from 3s, 3p, and 3d subshells is found to be necessary for quantitative accuracy of the theory. This shows that the interchannel coupling phenomenology far above threshold, found previously for outer shells of Ne and Ar, is also operative for inner atomic shells

    Validity of the Independent-Particle Approximation in X-Ray Photoemission: The Exception, Not the Rule

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    A combined experimental and theoretical study of argon valence photoionization illustrates the discovery of the broad lack of validity of the independent-particle approximation (IPA) for x-ray photoemission. In addition to previously known breakdowns of the IPA, which are limited to high photon energies and regions very near threshold, the observed breakdown in photoionization at intermediate energies demonstrates generally that the IPA is valid only in very restricted domains. These restrictions are expected to be relevant throughout the periodic table, with consequences for a wide variety of applications

    Dynamical Relativistic Effects in Photoionization: Spin-Orbit-Resolved Angular Distributions of Xenon 4d Photoelectrons Near the Cooper Minimum

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    Two decades ago, it was predicted [Y. S. Kim et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 46, 1326 (1981)] that relativistic effects should alter the dynamics of the photoionization process in the vicinity of Cooper minima. The present experimental and theoretical study of the angular distributions of Xe 4d3/2 and 4d5/2 photoelectrons demonstrates this effect for the first time. The results clearly imply that relativistic effects are likely to be important for intermediate- Z atoms at most energies

    Electric-octupole and pure-electric-quadrupole effects in soft-x-ray photoemission

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    Second-order [O(k^2), k=omega/c] nondipole effects in soft-x-ray photoemission are demonstrated via an experimental and theoretical study of angular distributions of neon valence photoelectrons in the 100--1200 eV photon-energy range. A newly derived theoretical expression for nondipolar angular distributions characterizes the second-order effects using four new parameters with primary contributions from pure-quadrupole and octupole-dipole interference terms. Independent-particle calculations of these parameters account for a significant portion of the existing discrepancy between experiment and theory for Ne 2p first-order nondipole parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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