267 research outputs found

    On the Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Chain-Mail Armor

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    Antonio Ròiti

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    Antonio Ròiti

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    Un recente articolo apparso su questa rivista e dedicato al progetto di un “Istituto di Misure Elettriche” ad Arcetri, là dove poi nascerà l’Istituto di Fisica, cita il Professor Antonio Ròiti; uno studioso poco conosciuto a causa della propria riservatezza ma non di secondo piano nel panorama italiano del Risorgimento. In questo contributo se ne ripercorrono brevemente la vita e le opere.A recent article published in this magazine and dedicated to the project of an “Institute of Electrical Measurements” in Arcetri, where the Institute of Physics was later to be founded, mentions Professor Antonio Ròiti; a little known scholar due to the fact that he was extremely reserved but not because he was of secondary importance in the Italian panorama of the Risorgimento. In this contribution, we briefly retrace his life and works
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