25 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal genetic variation of atlantic bluefin tunas from sardinian and mediterranean tuna traps

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    Tuna traps of the Sardinian and Mediterranean have provided from long to short term series of data and samples of bluefin tuna (BFT) populations inhabiting the Mediterranean. By analyzing genetic variation in BFT trap samples, we have shown that more than one BFT population have been entered and spread in the Mediterranean across the last century and that over short period, the interannual composition of BFT trap catches are genetically constant

    Effects of combined strength and endurance training on exercise capacity in kidney transplant cyclists and runners

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    Introduction: After transplantation, engaging in regular physical activity (PA) or sport is recommended for health. Participation to competitive sports is increasingly common among kidney transplant recipients while little is known on how training affects the physical performance in transplanted athletes. Aim: The purpose of this case study was to assess the effects of a tailored training program on exercise parameters in kidney transplant cyclists (CKTRs) and runners (RKTRs). Methods: Twelve male transplanted athletes were enrolled. The workload at aerobic and anaerobic thresholds, the submaximal aerobic power (V'O2 stage) and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) during an incremental cycling or running test, and the peak instantaneous force (PIF) during a countermovement jump were assessed at baseline (T0) and after 6 months of tailored training (T6) consisting in strength and aerobic exercises. Exercise adherence, blood lipid profile and renal function were also investigated. Results: Eight CKTRs and 4 RKTRs completed the 6-month training period, with a significant increase of training volume (minutes/week). The exercise adherence was met by 90% in both groups. At T6, there were significant (p<0.05) improvements of maximum workload attained, the workload corresponding to the aerobic threshold and PIF, while workloads at anaerobic threshold, V'O2 stage and RPE were unchanged. Blood cholesterol significantly decreased (p<0.01), while the other blood parameters were unchanged. Conclusions: These findings indicate that the combined strength and endurance training is well tolerated and may improve exercise performance in this selected population of KTRs

    Patologia vegetale molecolare

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    Il testo di Patologia Vegetale Molecolare, scritto da più di 70 autori e coordinato da Massimo Reverberi, Lorenzo Covarelli, Michelina Ruocco e Luca Sella, rappresenta un affresco attuale delle conoscenze sull’interazione pianta patogeno, sulla biologia dei principali patogeni vegetali, sugli approcci sostenibili alla lotta contro le fitopatie, fino agli aspetti diagnostici molecolari più innovativi. Il testo si presenta diviso in 6 sezioni, in cui le prime 3 approfondiscono rispettivamente aspetti molecolari e cellulari di virus e viroidi (sezione 1), fitoplasmi e batteri (sezione 2), oomiceti e funghi (sezione 3), mentre la quarta sezione è interamente dedicata alle interazioni molecolari pianta-patogeno e ambiente, con un focus particolare sulle principali reazioni difensive della pianta, locali e sistemiche, sia ai patogeni che ai principali stress abiotici. Nella quinta sezione si affrontano i temi più legati alla difesa sostenibile ed allo sviluppo di innovazione nel controllo delle fitopatie (es. genome editing), mentre la sesta riporta un’ampia rassegna delle metodologie più recenti per la diagnosi delle principali fitopatie. Il libro è un testo unico nel suo genere, composto da 37 capitoli, ciascuno dei quali è stato concepito e scritto dai principali esperti dello specifico ambito trattato, e cerca di rappresentare al meglio tutti gli aspetti della ricerca italiana nel settore dell’interazione pianta-patogeno ed in generale della Patologia Vegetal

    Spatio-temporal genetic patterns in Mediterranean bluefin tuna : population structuring and retention of genetic diversity

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    We assessed spatio-temporal genetic patterns in Mediterranean samples of bluefin tuna (BFT) to look for signs of population structuring and genetic erosion, which might be related to stock overexploitation and depletion. We analyzed microsatellite variation at seven neutral loci on seven contemporary bluefin tuna samples collected from the Alboran Sea to the Levant Sea (N=316) and in two historical samples (N=99) collected from 1911 to 1926 in the southern Tyrrhenian and Adriatic Seas. We found signs of widespread and deep spatial genetic structuring in both contemporary (mean FST =0.014, P < 0.0001) and historical bluefin tunas (FST=0.020, P < 0.0001). These findings coherently confirm previous data obtained on a limited number of samples and reinforce the possibility that the Mediterranean is inhabited by reproductively isolated sub-populations. Temporal genetic analyses did not find evidence of genetic bottlenecks in Mediterranean bluefin tuna samples. However, since samples displayed heterogeneity of population demographic parameters, Mediterranean bluefin tuna subpopulations might have partially independent dynamics. Our results illustrate that in Mediterranean, structured bluefin tuna populations retain a high level of genetic diversity across space and time, despite possible demographic declines and population changes.Nous avons évalué les schémas génétiques spatio-temporels dans des échantillons méditerranéens de thon rouge (BFT) en vue de rechercher des indices de structuration de la population et d’érosion génétique, lesquels pourraient être liés à la surexploitation et à la raréfaction du stock. Nous avons analysé la variation micro-satellitaire chez sept locus neutres de sept échantillons contemporains de thon rouge prélevés de la mer d’Alboran à la mer Levantine (N=316) et dans deux échantillons historiques (N=99) prélevés de 1911 à 1926 dans la mer Tyrrhénienne méridionale et la mer Adriatique. Nous avons trouvé des indices de structuration génétique spatiale très marquée et étendue dans les deux échantillons de thon rouge, contemporains (moyenne FST =0,014, P < 0,0001) et historiques (FST=0,020, P < 0,0001). Ces découvertes confirment de façon cohérente les données antérieures obtenues sur un nombre limité d’échantillons et renforcent la possibilité selon laquelle la Méditerranée est habitée par des sous-populations isolées sur le plan de la reproduction. Les analyses génétiques temporelles n’ont trouvé aucune preuve de goulets d’étranglement génétiques dans les échantillons de thon rouge de la Méditerranée. Toutefois, comme les échantillons ont fait apparaître une hétérogénéité dans les paramètres démographiques de la population, les souspopulations de thon rouge de la Méditerranée pourraient avoir des dynamiques partiellement indépendantes. Nos résultats illustrent le fait qu'en Méditerranée, les populations structurées de thon rouge font apparaître un niveau élevé de diversité génétique dans le temps et dans l’espace, malgré d’éventuelles chutes démographiques et de possibles changements de population.Se han evaluado los patrones genéticos espaciotemporales en las muestras mediterráneas de atún rojo (BFT) para hallar indicios de estructuración de la población y de erosión genética, que podrían estar relacionados con la sobreexplotación y agotamiento del stock. Se analizó la variación microsatélite en siete loci neutrales de siete muestras de atún rojo contemporáneas recogidas desde el mar de Alborán hasta el mar de Levante (N=316) y en dos muestras históricas (N=99), recopiladas desde 1911 hasta 1926 en el mar Adriático y Tirreno meridional. Se hallaron signos de estructuración genética espacial muy marcada y extendida en ambas muestras de atún rojo, contemporáneas (media FST =0,014; P < 0,0001) e histórica (FST=0,020; P < 0,0001). Estos hallazgos confirman con coherencia los datos anteriores obtenidos para un número limitado de muestras y refuerzan la posibilidad de que el Mediterráneo esté habitado por subpoblaciones aisladas desde el punto de vista reproductivo. Los análisis genéticos temporales no evidenciaron embudos genéticos en las muestras de atún rojo del Mediterráneo. Sin embargo, dado que las muestras presentaban cierta heterogeneidad en los parámetros demográficos de población, las subpoblaciones de atún rojo del Mediterráneo podrían tener dinámicas parcialmente independientes. Nuestros resultados ilustran el hecho de que, en el Mediterráneo, las poblaciones estructuradas de atún rojo muestran un algo grado de diversidad genética en el tiempo y en el espacio, a pesar de los posibles descensos demográficos y cambios en la población

    Explanation of trial sequential analysis: using a post-hoc analysis of meta-analyses published in Korean Journal of Anesthesiology

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    Trial sequential analysis (TSA) is a recent cumulative meta-analysis method used to weigh type I and II errors and to estimate when the effect is large enough to be unaffected by further studies. The aim of this study was to illustrate possible TSA scenarios and their significance using meta-analyses published in the Korean Journal of Anesthesiology as working material

    Accounting in the CloudVeneto private cloud

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    CloudVeneto is a private cloud implemented as the result of merging two existing cloud infrastructures: the INFN Cloud Area Padovana, and a private cloud owned by 10 departments of University of Padova. This infrastructure is a full production facility, in continuous growth, both in terms of users, and in terms of computing and storage resources. Even if the usage of CloudVeneto is not regulated by a strict pay-per-use model, the availability of accounting information for such infrastructure is a requirement, to detect if the resources allocated to the user communities are effciently used, and to perform an effective capacity planning. We present in this paper how the accounting system used in CloudVeneto evolved over time, focusing on the accounting framework being used now, implemented by integrating existing components