3 research outputs found


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    Purpose: The article is devoted to the study of egalitarian principles of medieval Czech statehood and the legal system. Methods: The authors pay special attention to the peculiarities of family self-government of the Czech communities, the institution of hazing in land law and the mechanism of reconciliation as an alternative to the death penalty. Findings: The paper proves that tribal remnants of the customary law of the ancient Czech people in the medieval era contributed to the preservation of egalitarian democratic principles of public administration and justice

    Modern theoretical and legal amendments to the constitution of the Russian Federatio

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    The study aims to investigate modern theoretical and legal amendments to the constitution of the Russian Federation via the dialectical method of cognition of social and legal phenomena and concepts in their development and interdependence. As a result, the competence of the State Council, in particular the right to determine the main directions of domestic and foreign policy, comes into direct conflict with the prerogatives of the President. In conclusion, Formal and theoretical contradictions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation pose a threat to the territorial unity, independence, social, political and legal stability of the state.El estudio tiene como objetivo investigar las enmiendas te贸ricas y legales modernas a la constituci贸n de la Federaci贸n de Rusia a trav茅s del m茅todo dial茅ctico de cognici贸n de fen贸menos y conceptos sociales y legales en su desarrollo e interdependencia. Como resultado, la competencia del Consejo de Estado, en particular el derecho a determinar las principales direcciones de la pol铆tica interna y externa, entra en conflicto directo con las prerrogativas del Presidente. En conclusi贸n, las contradicciones formales y te贸ricas de la Constituci贸n de la Federaci贸n de Rusia representan una amenaza para la unidad territorial, la independencia, la estabilidad social, pol铆tica y legal del estado