15 research outputs found

    Algunas evidencias de aplicación

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    Libro temático especializadoLa sustentabilidad también debe aplicarse al sistema de producción, buscando impulsar transformaciones graduales de los estilos y modelos productivos tradicionales a unas de mayor eficiencia. Y donde se incorpore la dimensión ambiental y geográfico-espacial, para crear estructuras productivas más progresivas y equitativas en las sociedades. Todo esto, como alternativa para revertir las tendencias de escasez y agotamiento de los recursos naturales, así como de los desequilibrios globales, cuyos costos permean todos los tejidos humanos. De esta manera, la “sustentabilidad productiva” se concibe como la generación de bienes y servicios con ciertos estándares de calidad, bajo un esquema de eficiencia, rendimiento y de organización inclusiva e integrada, con baja presión al ambiente y uso racional de los recursos, garantizando la estadía y permanencia de los insumos y materiales en el tiempo. Desde esta perspectiva, la producción sustentable y el crecimiento de largo plazo pueden ser explicados por la capacidad que tienen las economías para generar e incorporar conocimientos y tecnologías. De ahí que, la educación y las cualificaciones del capital humano, los cambios en la organización de la producción y la calidad institucional, sean elementos nodales para avanzar en la consolidación de este ambiente productivo

    Nutritional Recommendations for Healthcare and Essential Personnel Exposed to COVID-19 in Latin America

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    Estas recomendaciones se basan en la evidencia científica actual derivada de meta-análisis y revisiones sistemáticas sobre nutrición y prevención de infecciones respiratorias causadas por los virus SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV o influenza, similares en su estructura al SARS-CoV-2. Están dirigidas al personal en la primera línea de atención de salud y al personal que presta servicios esenciales a la comunidad, con alto riesgo de infección por la COVID-19. Estas personas usan equipo de protección personal, cumplen largos turnos laborales, en ocasiones bajo condiciones extremas, lo que puede llevar a descanso insuficiente, alto nivel de estrés, depresión, pobre calidad en la alimentación y deshidratación. Todos estos factores influyen negativamente en el sistema inmune y podrían conllevar un mayor riesgo de infección. Una ingesta adecuada de micronutrientes y otros compuestos bioactivos es esencial para el desempeño óptimo del sistema inmune. Existe evidencia moderada que avala la suplementación, en forma individual, con vitamina C (2 000 mg), vitamina D (1 000-2 000 UI) y zinc (≤ 40 mg) en la prevención de infecciones respiratorias en adultos. No se encontró evidencia suficiente para avalar la suplementación con vitamina A, niacina, ácido fólico, B12, omega 3, probióticos y polifenoles, aunque si se recomienda el consumo de alimentos ricos en estos nutrientes para apoyar al sistema inmune. Se recomienda al personal seguir la recomendación de consumir 5 porciones/día (400 g) de frutas y vegetales/hortalizas, mantenerse hidratado y limitar la cafeína. No hay evidencia del consumo de alimentos alcalinos para prevenir infecciones. Estas recomendaciones son particularmente importantes durante la pandemia.These recommendations are based on current scientific evidence obtained through meta-analysis and systematic reviews on nutrition and the prevention of respiratory infections related to SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV or influenza, similar in structure to SARS-CoV-2. They are aimed at primary health care personnel and to those who provide essential services to the community and are, consequently, at high risk of COVID-19 infection. These individuals wear personal protective equipment, work long shifts, sometimes under extreme conditions, which can lead to insufficient rest, high stress levels, depression, poor nutrition and dehydration. Together, these factors have a negative impact on the immune system and could result in an increased risk of infection. An adequate intake of micronutrients and other bioactive compounds is essential for optimal immune performance. There is moderate evidence supporting supplementation, individually, with vitamin C (2 000 mg), vitamin D (1 000-2 000 IU) and zinc (≤40 mg) for the prevention of respiratory infections in adults. Insufficient evidence was found to support supplementation with vitamin A, niacin, folic acid, B12, omega 3, probiotics and polyphenols; however, the consumption of foods rich in these nutrients is recommended to support immune function. It is recommended that workers follow the recommendation of consuming 400 g/day of fruits and vegetables, remain hydrated and limit caffeine. There is no scientific evidence supporting the consumption of alkaline foods to prevent infections. The aforementioned recommendations are particularly relevant during the pandemic.publishedVersionFil: Palacios, Cristina. Florida International University; United States.Fil: Bernal, Jennifer. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Observatorio de Seguridad Alimentaria; Colombia.Fil: Bonvecchio, Anabelle. Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública; México.Fil: Gutiérrez, Marlen. Global Nutrition Professionals Consultancy; Venezuela.Fil: Herrera Cuenca, Marianella. Universidad Central de Venezuela; Venezuela.Fil: Herrera Cuenca, Marianella. Fundación Bengoa para la Alimentación y Nutrición, Venezuela.Fil: Irizarry, Laura. Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe. Programa Mundial de Alimentos; Panamá.Fil: Lay Mendivil, Lina. Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá; Panamá.Fil: López Bautista, Fabiola. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; México.Fil: López, Marisol. Global Nutrition Professionals Consultancy; España.Fil: Mata, Claret. Universidad Central de Venezuela; Venezuela.Fil: Moliterno, Paula. Universidad de la República; Uruguay.Fil: Moyano, Daniela. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Nutrición; Argentina.Fil: Moyano, Daniela. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Secretaría de Extensión Universitaria; Argentina.Fil: Moyano, Daniela. Universidad Nacional de la Matanza; Argentina.Fil: Murillo, Diana. Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe. Programa Mundial de Alimentos; Panamá.Fil: Pacheco Miranda, Selene. Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública; México.Fil: Palomares, Lita. Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; Perú.Fil: Páramo, Kenia. Instituto de Nutrición de Centroamérica y Panamá; Belice y Nicaragua.Fil: Pérez, Analy. Unison Health & Community Services Global Nutrition Professionals Consultancy; Canadá.Fil: Tijerina Walls, María Virginia. Nutrien Nutrición y Salud; México.Fil: Trak-Fellermeier, María Angélica. Florida International University. Global Nutrition Professionals Consultancy; United States

    Micronutrient recommendations for vulnerable groups in context of undernutrition, during the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America

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    La crisis por COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) puede convertirse en una catástrofe alimentaria para Latinoamérica, aumentando las personas que padecen hambre de 135 a 265 millones, especialmente en Venezuela, Guatemala, Honduras, Haití y El Salvador, que ya enfrentaban crisis económicas y sanitarias. Este manuscrito presenta la posición de un grupo de expertos latinoamericanos sobre las recomendaciones de consumo y/o suplementación con vitamina A, C, D, zinc, hierro, folatos y micronutrientes múltiples, en contextos de desnutrición, para grupos vulnerables: mujeres embarazadas y lactantes, niñas y niños menores de 5 años y adultos mayores. Las recomendaciones buscan disminuir el impacto potencial que tendrá COVID-19 en el estado nutricional, durante la pandemia. La posición surge de la discusión de dichos expertos con base a la revisión de evidencia científica actual para estos grupos vulnerables. Está dirigida a tomadores de decisiones, encargados de políticas públicas, personal de salud y organismos de la sociedad civil. Después de la lactancia materna y una dieta suficiente en cantidad y calidad, la suplementación con los micronutrientes presentados, puede contribuir a prevenir y tratar enfermedades virales, reforzar el sistema inmune y reducir complicaciones. La lactancia materna con medidas de higiene respiratoria, el suministro de múltiples micronutrientes en polvo para niños desde los 6 meses hasta los 5 años y el aporte de hierro y folatos o micronutrientes múltiples para la embarazada, son estrategias comprobadas y eficaces que deben seguirse implementando en tiempos de COVID-19. Para los adultos mayores la suplementación con vitamina C, D y zinc puede estar indicada.The COVID-19 crisis (SARS-CoV-2) might transform into a food catastrophe in Latin America and would increase the number of people suffering from hunger from 135 to 265 million, particularly in Venezuela, Guatemala, Honduras, Haiti and El Salvador, already facing economic and health crises. This manuscript presents the position of a group of Latin American experts in nutrition for establishing the recommendations for consumption and / or supplementation with vitamin A, C, D, zinc, iron, folates and multiple micronutrients, in undernutrition contexts, for vulnerable population of pregnant and lactating women, children under 5 years and the elderly. The recommendations seek to decrease the potential impact that COVID-19 will have on nutritional status during the pandemic. The position arises from the discussion of the experts based on the review of current scientific evidence for these vulnerable groups. It aims to reach stakeholders, public policy makers, health personnel and civil society organizations. Only after breastfeeding and a sufficient diet in terms of quantity and quality, a supplementation with the micronutrients mentioned above can help prevent and treat viral diseases, strengthen the immune system and even reduce complications. Breastfeeding with respiratory higiene measures, the provision of multiple micronutrients powders for children from 6 moths to 5 years of age and the supply of iron and folates or multiple micronutrients tablets for pregnant women are proven and effective strategies that must continue to be implemented during COVID-19 pandemic. For older adults, supplementation with vitamin C, D and zinc might be indicated.publishedVersionFil: Bonvecchio Arenas, Anabelle. Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública; México.Fil: Bernal, Jennifer. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Observatorio de Seguridad Alimentaria; Colombia.Fil: Herrera Cuenca, Marianella. Universidad Central de Venezuela; Venezuela.Fil: Herrera Cuenca, Marianella. Fundación Bengoa para la Alimentación y Nutrición, Venezuela.Fil: Flores Aldana, Mario. Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública; México.Fil: Gutiérrez, Marlén. Global Nutrition Professionals Consultancy; Venezuela.Fil: Irizarry, Laura. Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe. Programa Mundial de Alimentos (WFP); Panamá.Fil: Lay Mendivil, Lina. Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá; Panamá.Fil: López Bautista, Fabiola. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; México.Fil: López Reyes, Marisol. Global Nutrition Professionals Consultancy; España.Fil: Mata, Claret. Universidad Central de Venezuela; Venezuela.Fil: Moliterno, Paula. Universidad de la República; Uruguay.Fil: Moyano, Daniela. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Nutrición; Argentina.Fil: Moyano, Daniela. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Secretaría de Extensión Universitaria; Argentina.Fil: Moyano, Daniela. Universidad Nacional de la Matanza; Argentina.Fil: Murillo, Diana. Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe. Programa Mundial de Alimentos; Panamá.Fil: Pacheco Miranda, Selene. Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública; México.Fil: Palacios, Cristina. Florida International University; United States.Fil: Palomares, Lita. Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; Perú.Fil: Páramo, Kenia. Instituto de Nutrición de Centroamérica y Panamá; Belice y Nicaragua.Fil: Pérez, Analy. Unison Health & Community Services Global Nutrition Professionals Consultancy; Canadá.Fil: Tijerina Walls, María Virginia. Nutrien Nutrición y Salud; México.Fil: Trak-Fellermeier, María Angélica. Florida International University. Global Nutrition Professionals Consultancy; United States.Fil: Venosa López, Mónica. Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública; México

    Front-of-pack nutritional labels: Understanding by low- and middle-income Mexican consumers.

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    Front-of-pack labeling is a cost-effective strategy to decrease population consumption of sodium, sugar, saturated fat, total fat, and trans-fatty acids, considered critical nutrients for chronic disease. Our main objective was to explore the subjective understanding of labels that are currently used internationally among low- and middle-income Mexican consumers. We performed two phases of 10 focus groups with adolescents (13-15 y), young adults (21-23 y), mothers of children 3-12 y, fathers of children 3-12 y and older adults (55-70 y). Seven FOPL were evaluated: Guideline Daily Amounts, Multiple Traffic Light, Chilean Warning labels, Warning labels in Red, 5-Color Nutrition Label, Health Star Rating, and Healthy Choice label. Data was analyzed with a triangulation of researchers using a content analysis, based on three codes: 1) awareness and use of the Guideline Daily Amounts, 2) acceptability, and 3) subjective understanding of labels. Most participants were aware of the Guideline Daily Amounts, however they rarely used it because interpreting the information displayed on the label was too complicated. Health Star Rating, Warning labels, Multiple Traffic Light and the Healthy Choice logo labels were the most understandable, however the acceptability of the The Healthy Choice logo decreased as it did not provide information on specific ingredients. The Warning labels was the only label able to warn about critical nutrients that could represent a health risk. The Warning labels in red was more accepted compared to Warning labels in black. Results show that directive and semi-directive labels, such as Warning labels, Health Star Rating or Multiple Traffic Light, may be better at helping population of low- and middle income make healthier food choices, than non-directive FOPL such as the Guideline Daily Amounts implemented in México. The study results highlight the potential of Warning labels to support decreases in the consumption of critical ingredients in low- and middle-income Mexican consumers

    Adsorption of Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium, and Chromium Ions from Aqueous Solution Using a Protonated Chabazite: Preparation, Characterization, and Removal Mechanism

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    The adsorption of As(V), Pb(II), Cd(II), and Cr(III) ions from aqueous solutions on natural and modified chabazite was studied. The functionalization of chabazite was performed via a protonation and calcination with the aim of generating Lewis acid sites to improve its anion exchange properties. The surface and physicochemical properties of both adsorbents were studied and compared. The adsorption isotherms of tested heavy metal ions were quantified and modeled to identify the best isotherm equation. Steric parameters for the adsorption of these ions were also calculated with a monolayer statistical physics model. Natural chabazite showed the maximum adsorption capacity for Pb(II), while the modified zeolite improved its As(V) properties in 79%. These results showed that the modified zeolite was able to remove both cations and anions from aqueous solution. The application of this functionalized chabazite can be extended for the removal of other anionic pollutants from water, thus opening the possibility of preparing new adsorbents with tailored properties for water treatment

    Perception and Understanding of Guideline Daily Amount and Warning Labeling among Mexican Adults during the Law Modification Period

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    Front-of-pack labeling (FOPL) is a tool that enables consumers to compare foods and select healthier options. Due to low understanding of the Guideline Daily Amount (GDA) labeling among Mexicans, a law was implemented in October 2020 that modified the FOPL to a warning labeling (WL) system. The purpose of this study was to compare the perception and understanding of GDA and WL during the law modification period. We conducted a panel design with two measurements: (1) using GDA label (September 2020) and (2) using WL (October–November). We estimated differences in GDA vs. WL through multinomial logistic regression models and changes were measured through predictive margin contrasts and Wald tests. When comparing the same products with different labels, the participants reported that it would be unlikely/very unlikely that they would consume products packaged with the WL (81.5%; 95%CI: 79.2, 83.8) compared to those with GDA (24.2%; 95%CI: 21.7, 26.7). Consumers’ perception was that the quantities of packaged products they should consume was small or very small when they used the WL (93.8%; 95%CI: 92.4, 95.5) compared to GDA (41.6%; 95%CI: 39.7, 44.6). When comparing food groups, participants were more confident about choosing healthy products when using the WL compared to the GDA. During the implementation of WL in Mexico, the studied population had a better perception and understanding of less healthy packaged foods when using WL, compared to the GDA label

    Access to Healthy Wheat and Maize Processed Foods in Mexico City: Comparisons across Socioeconomic Areas and Store Types

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    The contributions of processed foods to the overweight and obesity problem in Latin America are well known. Engagement with the private and public sectors on possible solutions requires deeper insights into where and how these products are sold and the related implications for diet quality. This article characterizes the diversity of wheat and maize processed foods (WMPFs) available to consumers in Mexico City. Data were gathered across nine product categories at different points of sale (supermarkets, small grocery stores, convenience stores) in high and low socioeconomic (SE) areas. We assessed WMPFs based on Nutri-Score profile, price, and health and nutrition claims. Roughly 17.4% of the WMPFs were considered healthy, of which 62.2% were pastas and breads. Availability of healthy WMPFs was scarce in most stores, particularly in convenience stores Compared to supermarkets in the low SE area, those in the high SE area exhibited greater variety in access to healthy WMPFs across all product categories. In the low SE area, healthy WMPFs were priced 16–69% lower than unhealthy WMPFs across product categories. The extensive variety of unhealthy WMPFs, the limited stock of healthy WMPFs in most retail outlets, and the confusing health and nutrition claims on packaging make it difficult for urban consumers to find and choose healthy WMPFs

    Effect of Added Sugar on the Consumption of A Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplement Among 7–24-Month-Old Children

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    Small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements (SQ-LNS) could help prevent malnutrition. Our primary objective was to examine the acceptability and consumption of sweetened and unsweetened versions of SQ-LNS before and after 14-days of repeated exposure. A total of 78 mother-infant dyads recruited from health centers in Morelos, Mexico, were randomized to two groups of SQ-LNS (sweetened, LNS-S; unsweetened, LNS-U). During the study, infants were fed SQ-LNS (20 g) mixed with 30 g of complementary food of the caregiver’s choice. The amount of supplement-food mixture consumed was measured before, during and after a 14-day home exposure period. We defined acceptability as consumption of at least 50% of the offered food mixture. At initial exposure, LNS-U consumption was on average 44.0% (95% CI: 31.4, 58.5) and LNS-S 34.8% (25.3, 44.0); at final exposure, LNS-U and LNS-S consumption were 38.5% (27.8, 54.0) and 31.5% (21.6, 43.0). The average change in consumption did not differ between the groups (2.2 p.p. (−17.2, 24.4)). We conclude that the acceptability of sweetened and unsweetened SQ-LNS was low in this study population. Since consumption did not differ between supplement versions, we encourage the use of the unsweetened version given the potential effects that added sugar may have on weight gain especially in regions facing the double burden of malnutrition

    Recomendaciones nutricionales para el personal de salud y el personal esencial expuesto a la COVID-19 en Latinoamérica

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    Estas recomendaciones se basan en la evidencia científica actual derivada de meta-análisis y revisiones sistemáticas sobre nutrición y prevención de infecciones respiratorias causadas por los virus SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV o influenza, similares en su estructura al SARS-CoV-2. Están dirigidas al personal en la primera línea de atención de salud y al personal que presta servicios esenciales a la comunidad, con alto riesgo de infección por la COVID-19. Estas personas usan equipo de protección personal, cumplen largos turnos laborales, en ocasiones bajo condiciones extremas, lo que puede llevar a descanso insuficiente, alto nivel de estrés, depresión, pobre calidad en la alimentación y deshidratación. Todos estos factores influyen negativamente en el sistema inmune y podrían conllevar un mayor riesgo de infección. Una ingesta adecuada de micronutrientes y otros compuestos bioactivos es esencial para el desempeño óptimo del sistema inmune. Existe evidencia moderada que avala la suplementación, en forma individual, con vitamina C (2 000 mg), vitamina D (1 000-2 000 UI) y zinc (≤ 40 mg) en la prevención de infecciones respiratorias en adultos. No se encontró evidencia suficiente para avalar la suplementación con vitamina A, niacina, ácido fólico, B12, omega 3, probióticos y polifenoles, aunque si se recomienda el consumo de alimentos ricos en estos nutrientes para apoyar al sistema inmune. Se recomienda al personal seguir la recomendación de consumir 5 porciones/día (400 g) de frutas y vegetales/hortalizas, mantenerse hidratado y limitar la cafeína. No hay evidencia del consumo de alimentos alcalinos para prevenir infecciones. Estas recomendaciones son particularmente importantes durante la pandemia.These recommendations are based on current scientific evidence obtained through meta-analysis and systematic reviews on nutrition and the prevention of respiratory infections related to SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV or influenza, similar in structure to SARS-CoV-2. They are aimed at primary health care personnel and to those who provide essential services to the community and are, consequently, at high risk of COVID-19 infection. These individuals wear personal protective equipment, work long shifts, sometimes under extreme conditions, which can lead to insufficient rest, high stress levels, depression, poor nutrition and dehydration. Together, these factors have a negative impact on the immune system and could result in an increased risk of infection. An adequate intake of micronutrients and other bioactive compounds is essential for optimal immune performance. There is moderate evidence supporting supplementation, individually, with vitamin C (2 000 mg), vitamin D (1 000-2 000 IU) and zinc (≤40 mg) for the prevention of respiratory infections in adults. Insufficient evidence was found to support supplementation with vitamin A, niacin, folic acid, B12, omega 3, probiotics and polyphenols; however, the consumption of foods rich in these nutrients is recommended to support immune function. It is recommended that workers follow the recommendation of consuming 400 g/day of fruits and vegetables, remain hydrated and limit caffeine. There is no scientific evidence supporting the consumption of alkaline foods to prevent infections. The aforementioned recommendations are particularly relevant during the pandemic