1,483 research outputs found

    Benefit incidence analysis in developing countries

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    As interesting and difficult as it is to allocate tax burdens to individuals, the profession knows even less about allocating benefits. The authors survey the literature on benefit incidence since DeWulf's (1975) review, focusing on the methodology and results of benefit incidence analysis in developing countries. Research in this area faces all the general-equilibrium difficulties faced by tax incidence analysis as well as the difficult task of measuring benefits from publicly provided goods and services. Despite the inherent pitfalls of this methodology, the authors believe that benefit incidence analysis can provide an important perspective on the budget by combining data on household use with data on project costs. In particular, benefit incidence analyses can help illuminate the distributional impacts of proposed reallocations of government resources among projects. The value of such research is especially high considering the scarcity of recent research in this area. The authors review the existing methodology, survey the available results, and point out areas in which further research might have large payoffs. They also make specific methodological suggestions that might help ensure that future research is as useful for policymakers as possible. For example: Aggregate results based on the zero-government counterfactual rely on strong assumptions about fixed relative prices and incomes, government efficiency, and the relationship between marginal and total benefits. And those studies are often not designed to identify which types of public services benefit the poor. Researchers should focus more on providing benefit incidence studies on specific government functions or programs that can help policymakers reach conclusions about proposed reallocations of resources among government programs. Benefit incidence should be assigned to households based on household survey information on usage rather than on ad hoc assumptions that assign benefits based on income or the number of members in the household. Improved annual cost measures for services need to be developed, particulary for capital inputs. Researchers should group households by deciles and whenever possible should consider other groupings based on household income adjusted for household composition, age, location, and other relevant socioeconomic variables. Careful attention to life-cycle benefits, benefit shifting, rent-seeking, out-of-pocket costs, displacement of private sector efforts, average versus marginal incidence, and several other issues can significantly increase the value of benefit incidence analysis to policymakers.Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,Poverty Assessment,Health Economics&Finance,Banks&Banking Reform

    Stoking the Fires? Co2 Emissions and Economic Growth

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    Over the past decade, concern over potential global warming has focused attention on the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and there is an active debate concerning the desirability of reducing emissions. At the heart of this debate is the future path of both greenhouse gas emissions and economic development among the nations. We use global panel data to estimate the relationship between per capita income and carbon dioxide emissions, and then use the estimated trajectories to forecast global emissions of CO2. The analysis yields four major results. First, the evidence suggests a diminishing marginal propensity to emit (MPE) CO2 as economies develop; a result masked in analyses that rely on cross-section data alone. Second, despite the diminishing MPE, our forecasts indicate that global emissions of CO2 will continue to grow at an annual rate of 1.8 percent. Third, continued growth stems from the fact that economic and population growth will be most rapid in the lower-income nations that have the highest MPE. For this reason, there will be an inevitable tension between policies to control greenhouse gas emissions and those toward the global distribution of income. Finally, our sensitivity analyses suggest that the pace of economic development does not dramatically alter the future annual or cumulative flow of CO2 emissions.

    PHC : unravelling a maze

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    The thesis explores the complexities of primary health care in a setting characterised as being both isolated and remote, and in the process identifies factors critical for developing successful PHC programs in such settings and more broadly. The four questions underpinning the study are 1) is a PHC approach relevant to the chosen small remote Australian community; 2) to what extent was a PHC approach being implemented; 3) what are the barriers and enablers to developing and implementing a PHC approach; and 4) what are the crucial factors for PHC programs in similar communities. The first chapter provides the background to the study, beginning with the range of descriptions of primary health care and the many themes needed to understand how it plays out in a small community. The Menindee community and some of the local health service players are introduced. Chapter Two explores complexity theory and complex adaptive systems and its relevance to organisations and managing change, particularly in complex environments. Chapter Three examines the evolution of primary health care, its philosophy, principles and elements as both a model of health care and of development. Chapter Four addresses social determinants, the life course and the long-term effects of inequity, before considering current factors that impact on health and health services. These include the beginning and end of the life course and those in the ‘middle’ where the effects of the obesity and diabetes epidemics are being played out at a younger age. The chapter concludes by noting common themes across the three chapters. Chapter Five describes the research design and methods. A case study using mixed methods was chosen and the theoretical framework provides an exploration of complexity and transdisciplinarity. What changed during the course of the study, questions of scope and its limitations are stated. Chapter Six is a quantitative analysis of the study community, which examines community demographics, the life course, a summary of adult and child health, and service use. These enable an understanding of the community profile, its uniqueness and its similarity to other communities that might benefit from a comprehensive PHC approach. The questions to be explored in the qualitative phase are identified. Chapter Seven is a qualitative study of the community in the midst of change. An individual interview guide approach was used and representatives from the community, local and regional health service providers were interviewed. Chapter Eight provides a synthesis of the two studies as they address themes from the complexity, PHC and social inequity literature. Five themes had particular significance to the study community: social determinants and Indigenous health; community size, resilience and change; chronic disease programs and prevention; vulnerable groups; and a complex adaptive systems perspective. The second section answers the four study questions. The thesis concludes with a discussion of PHC rhetoric and reality, the relevance of the study and its limitations, and issues requiring further research when considering primary health care in smaller communities


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    In this study we looked at several different silicon nanostructures grown for the purpose of optimizing anodes for lithium ion batteries. We primarily focused on two distinct types of structures, nanospirals, and Rugate structures. The samples were designed to have the mechanical robustness to endure the massive expansion caused by lithiation of silicon. All of the samples were grown using an electron beam evaporator. Scanning electron microscope images show that we have achieved the desired structural growth. The spirals were shown to have an average diameter of 343 nm on polished copper, and 366 nm on unpolished copper. The Rugate structures had two distinct sample sets. The first mimicked the design of a thin film. The other formed distinct pillars that grouped into islands. The tops of the islands had an average diameter of 362 nm, while the pillars had an average width varying between 167 nm and 140 nm

    A new Silurian xiphosuran from Podolia, Ukraine, USSR

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    A single incomplete specimen of a xiphosuran, Pasternakevia podolica gen. et sp. nov., from the Ludlow Series of Podolia, Ukraine, USSR, is described. It has a smooth, spatulate carapace and rounded genal cornua. The opisthosoma bears nine free tergites (second to tenth); the first tergite is reduced and hidden beneath the carapace. The tergites have a broad axial region and small pleurae; the second tergite is hypertrophic. Telson and appendages are not preserved. P. podolica resembles Pseudoniscus Nieszkowski, 1859 and Cyamocephalus Currie, 1927; it is thus placed in the infraorder Pseudoniscina Eldredge, 1974, but certain characters are shared with the synziphosurines. It comes from the lagoonal deposits of the upper part of the Ustye Suite (Bagovytsa Horizon) where it occurred together with Baltoeurypterus tetragonophthalmus (Fischer, 1839)

    On Two Models of the Light Pulse Delay in a Saturable Absorber

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    A comparative analysis of two approaches to description of the light modulation pulse delay in a saturable absorber is presented. According to the simplest model, the delay of the optical pulse is a result of distortion of its shape due to absorption self-modulation in the nonlinear medium. The second model of the effect, proposed at the beginning of our century, connects the pulse delay with the so-called "slow light" resulting from the group velocity reduction under conditions of the coherent population oscillations. It is shown that all the known experimental data on the light pulse delay in saturable absorbers can be comprehensively described in the framework of the simplest model of saturable absorber and do not require invoking the effect of coherent population oscillations with spectral hole-burning and anomalous modifications of the light group velocity. It is concluded that the effect of group velocity reduction under conditions of coherent population oscillations has not received so far any experimental confirmation, and the assertions about real observation of the "slow light" based on this mechanism are groundless.Comment: Regretfully, the journal version of the paper (in Optics and Spectroscopy) appeared to be strongly corrupted due to ignorant editing. In particular, "coherent population oscillations" (CPO) was replaced by "population coherent oscillations" (PCO), "bleaching" - by "clearing", and "bleachable absorber " - by "clearable absorber". Here we present original version of the pape

    The identification of attitudes towards ambiguity and risk from asset demand

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    Individuals behave differently when they know the objective probability of events and when they do not. The smooth ambiguity model accommodates both ambiguity (uncertainty) and risk. For an incomplete, competitive asset market, we develop a revealed preference test for asset demand to be consistent with the maximization of smooth ambiguity preferences; and we show that ambiguity preferences constructed from finite observations converge to underlying ambiguity preferences as observations become dense. Subsequently, we give sufficient conditions for the asset demand generated by smooth ambiguity preferences to identify the ambiguity and risk indices as well as the ambiguity probability measure. We do not require ambiguity beliefs to be observable: in a generalized specification, they may not even be defined. An ambiguity free asset plays an important role for identification

    Adhesion of Ice in Its Relation to the De-icing of Airplanes

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    The various possible means of preventing ice adhesion on airplane surfaces are critically reviewed. Results are presented of tests of the adhesives forces between ice and various solid and liquid forces. It is concluded that the de-icing of airplane wings by heat from engine exhaust shows sufficient promise to warrant full-scale tests. For propellers, at least, and possibly for certain small areas such as windshields, radio masts, etc. the use of de-icing or adhesion-preventing liquids will provide the best means of protection

    A review of the fossil record of spiders (Araneae) with special reference to Africa, and description of a new specimen from the Triassic Molteno Formation of South Africa

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from "http://www.bioone.org".The fossil record of spiders as currently known is briefly reviewed, with special reference to Africa. The second specimen of Triassaraneus andersonorum Selden in Selden et al. 1999 is described from a different locality in the Triassic (Carnian, c. 225 Ma) Molteno Formation of South Africa
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