30 research outputs found

    Sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının görsel matematik okuryazarlıklarının incelenmesi: Nitel bir araştırma

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    Bu araştırma sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının görsel matematik okuryazarlıklarının incelenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma nitel araştırmanın doğasına uygun olarak tasarlanmıştır. Araştırmanın katılımcılarını, Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde bir üniversitede birinci sınıfta öğrenim gören sınıf öğretmeni adayları oluşturmaktadır. Sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının görsel matematik okuryazarlığını inceleyebilmek amacıyla Temel Matematik-1, Temel Matematik-2 derslerinin içeriğine yönelik yapılandırılmış görüşme formuyla veriler toplanmıştır. Görüşme formundaki sorular sembolik/görsel ifade ile sözel ifadenin birbirine çevrilmesi ile ilgili olarak araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanmıştır. Araştırmanın verileri ise, görsel matematik okuryazarlığını bütüncül olarak görmek için betimsel analiz kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Bu bağlamda katılımcıların verdikleri cevaplar, Doğru, Kısmen Doğru ve Yanlış olmak üzere 3 kategoride değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucunda, sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının sembolik/görsel ifadelerle sözel ifadeleri birbirlerine dönüştürürken matematiksel terminolojiyi tam doğru kullanamadıkları söylenebilir. Araştırmanın sonuçlarına uygun olarak gerekli öneriler sunulmuştur.This research was completed with the aim of investigating the visual mathematical literacy of class teacher candidates. The research was designed with qualitative research patterns. Participants in the research comprised class teacher candidates attending first year at a university in the Eastern Black Sea region. With the aim of investigating the visual mathematical literacy of class teacher candidates, data were collected with a structured interview form based on the content of Basic Mathematics-1 and Basic Mathematics-2 classes. The interview form questions related to the translation of symbols/ visual statements into verbal statements was prepared by the researchers. The research data was analyzed using descriptive analysis to observe the visual mathematical literacy as a whole. In this context, the answers given by participants were assessed in 3 categories as correct, partly correct and incorrect. The results of the research indicated that it is necessary that class teacher candidates use mathematical terminology well for good visual mathematical literacy. Necessary recommendations are presented in accordance with the results of the research

    Using bloom’s revised taxonomy to analyse learning outcomes in mathematics curriculam

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    Bu çalışma, 2017 yılında güncellenmiş ortaokul matematik dersi öğretim programında yer alan kazanımların yenilenmiş Bloom Taksonomisine göre bilişsel ve bilgi düzeyine göre derinlemesine incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Verilerin analizi için doküman analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Ortaokul matematik öğretim programı kapsamında 215 kazanım üç araştırmacı tarafından değerlendirilmiştir. Kazanımların değerlendirilme süreci, ortak görüşe varma, bireysel değerlendirme, karşılaştırma olmak üzere üçlü döngü şeklinde devam etmiştir. Yenilenmiş Bloom Taksonomisine göre yapılan analiz sonucunda; bilişsel süreç boyutu açısından kazanımların anlama ve uygulama basamaklarında, bilgi boyutu açısından ise kavramsal ve işlemsel bilgi basamaklarında ağırlıkta olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca kazanımlar sınıf seviyesi ve öğrenme alanlarına göre değerlendirildiğinde, kazanımların bilişsel süreç boyutu açısından kısmen benzerlik gösterdiği; bilgi boyutu açısından da farklılık gösterdiği sonucuna varılmıştır.In this study, it was aimed at evaluating and analysing students’ learning outcomes in Turkish middle school mathematics curriculum according to knowledge and cognitive process dimension of Bloom’s Renewed Taxonomy. In order to gather the required data, document analysis as a qualitative method was used in this research. Therefore, 215 learning outcomes were analysed individually by three researchers and were placed in the two-dimensional taxonomy. The results of analysing outcomes from each researcher were compared to view the concurrency and then differences between the researchers results argued to arrive at a consensus. The findings illustrated that learning outcomes are mostly dominated by understand and apply steps in terms of cognitive process dimension. They are also dominated by procedural and conceptual steps in terms of knowledge dimension. In addition, when the learning outcomes in reference to grade level and learning areas were considered, different results were found in terms of knowledge dimension

    The vıews of secondary school mathemetıcs teachers on theır dıstance educatıon experıences: the case of Turkey

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    Distance learning process was initiated by the Ministry of National Education to allow equal opportunity and to improve accessibility, and the teachers provided online courses, exams or material. In the present study, conducted to determine the views of mathematics teachers, who are among the stakeholders in the process, on their experiences in online instruction of the mathematics course in secondary schools, phenomenology approach, a qualitative research method, was employed. The findings of the present study conducted with 105 secondary school mathematics teachers employed in seven regions in Turkey demonstrated that the middle school mathematics teachers considered distance education an obligation to continue mathematics courses and to maintain the communication with their students. It was also observed that the teachers believed that it would be difficult to instruct the mathematics course online due to its nature. It was determined that the predominant view argued that distance education allowed instruction of the course independent of the time and the place, and hence an advantage of the process, but the teachers also stated that distance education had certain cognitive, affective, technical and social disadvantages. The teachers complained that technical problems such as internet access and lack of tablets led to a difficult process

    An Extensive Method for Maintenance of Sterility in Mammalian Cell Culture Laboratory Routine

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    Cell culture laboratories are designed to secure sterile environments for biological studies, and its susceptibility to biological contaminants is a major problem for researchers. Contamination can generally be overcome by frequently disposing of contaminated materials, cleaning and maintaining the sanitation of working areas, but in some cases, it is hard to eradicate the source(s) of contaminating agents completely. In particular, mold and fungal-based contaminants could be a devastating problem for any laboratory. Therefore, various contamination types can repeat over time and result in an increasing problem in the lab. To control and eliminate possible contaminations, a periodic cleaning treatment with disinfectant materials should be a routine procedure of every specialized laboratory, regardless of the existence of any contamination. The conventional method for maintaining hygiene in cell culture laboratories is to clean all surfaces with 70% ethanol; however, this may not be the complete solution. This paper presents a short and easy way to check whether any contamination source(s) are present in laboratories. After identification of the most contaminant-rich areas, without any distinction, each laboratory surface where the culturing samples were taken was comprehensively treated with suggested concentrations of ethanol, sodium hypochlorite and Virkon-S solutions. The method might be useful to regularly check and maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of entire cell culture laboratories to enable the control of possible contaminations in advance

    The exit of mouse embryonic fibroblasts from the cell-cycle changes the nature of solvent exposure of the 5'-methylcytosine epitope within chromatin.

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    The methylation of CpG dinucleotides is a pervasive epigenetic signature with critical roles governing genomic stability and lineage-specific patterns of gene expression. Reprogramming the patterns of CpG methylation accompanies key developmental transitions and the onset of some pathologies, such as cancer. In this study we show that levels of immuno-detectable 5meC decreased as mouse embryonic fibroblasts withdraw from the cell-cycle (became mitotically quiescent), but increased as they aged in culture. Two pools of 5meC epitope were found to exist, one solvent exposed after acid-induced denaturation of chromatin and another that required the additional step of tryptic digestion for detection. Proliferative cells displayed a relatively greater accumulation of detectable 5meC within the trypsin-sensitive pool than did quiescent cells. A substantial proportion of the 5meC was associated with a large number of heterochromatic foci scattered throughout nuclei, yet much of this was masked in a trypsin-sensitive manner, particularly in young proliferative cells. This study showed that the growth status of cells changed the level of solvent exposure of 5meC in fibroblasts and the long-accepted conventional methods of immunolocalization underestimate the level of 5meC in cells. This resulted in an artefactual assessment of the levels and patterns of nuclear localization of the antigen. The use of an additional tryptic digestion step improved antigen retrieval and revealed a more dynamic response of 5meC levels and distribution patterns to changes in the cell's growth state. This discovery will provide a basis for investigating the role of changes in chromatin structure that underlie this dynamism


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    Distance learning process was initiated by the Ministry of National Education to allow equal opportunity and to improve accessibility, and the teachers provided online courses, exams or material. In the present study, conducted to determine the views of mathematics teachers, who are among the stakeholders in the process, on their experiences in online instruction of the mathematics course in secondary schools, phenomenology approach, a qualitative research method, was employed. The findings of the present study conducted with 105 secondary school mathematics teachers employed in seven regions in Turkey demonstrated that the middle school mathematics teachers considered distance education an obligation to continue mathematics courses and to maintain the communication with their students. It was also observed that the teachers believed that it would be difficult to instruct the mathematics course online due to its nature. It was determined that the predominant view argued that distance education allowed instruction of the course independent of the time and the place, and hence an advantage of the process, but the teachers also stated that distance education had certain cognitive, affective, technical and social disadvantages. The teachers complained that technical problems such as internet access and lack of tablets led to a difficult process.  Covid-19 salgını sonrası tüm dünyada olduğu gibi Türkiye’de de uzaktan eğitime geçilmiştir. Uzaktan eğitim süreçleri Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından eğitimde fırsat eşitliğini sağlamak ve ulaşılabilirliği arttırmak açısından Eğitim Bilişim Ağı aracılığıyla başlamış buna ek olarak öğretmenler çevrimiçi ders, çevrimiçi sınav ya da materyal paylaşımlarında bulunmuşlardır. Bu sürecin paydaşlarından biri olan ortaokul matematik öğretmenleri tarafından matematik dersinin uzaktan verilme deneyimlerine yönelik görüşlerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılan bu çalışmada nitel araştırma desenlerinden olgubilim deseni kullanılmıştır. Ülkemizin yedi bölgesinden 105 ortaokul matematik öğretmeniyle yürütülen bu çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre ortaokul matematik öğretmenlerinin matematik derslerini sürdürebilmek, öğrencileri ile iletişimi koparmamak adına uzaktan eğitimi bir zorunluluk olarak gördüğü söylenebilir. Öğretmenlerin matematik derslerinin doğası gereği uzaktan eğitim ile anlatılmasının güç olacağı fikrini benimsedikleri görülmektedir. Uzaktan eğitimin zaman ve mekandan bağımsız olarak ders yapılmasına fırsat vermesi düşüncesinin sürecin avantajları hususunda baskın düşünce olduğu öte yandan öğretmenlerin uzaktan eğitim sürecinin bilişsel, duyuşsal, teknik ve sosyal açıdan birçok dezavantajları olduğuna yönelik fikirlere sahip olduğu söylenebilir. Özellikle internet erişimi ve tablet eksikliği gibi teknik sorunların süreci zorlaştırdığını dile getirmektedirler

    Staining pattern of 5meC and MBD1 antigens after epitope retrieval acid or acid plus trypsin treatment of confluent MEFs.

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    <p>Fixed and permeabilized MEFs were treated with HCl for 10 or 20<b>A</b> The proportion of nuclei (%) with focal 5meC staining (n, number of nuclei analysed). HCl (p<0.01) and trypsin (p<0.01) treatments revealed an increase in the focal staining of nuclear 5meC. 20 min HCl caused no further increase (p>0.05) after trypsin. <b>B</b> Typical examples of focal and diffuse staining of 5meC staining within the nuclei, yellow and red arrows indicate predominantly diffuse and focal staining, respectively. Non-immune IgG control staining is also shown. <b>C</b> The total level of 5meC staining of treatments shown in A. The results are the mean ± SEM of arbitrary units of optical density increased (**** p<0.0001). <b>D</b> The average number of 5meC foci per cell in A. <b>E</b> The average size (cross-sectional area) of 5meC foci in cells in A. <b>F</b> Representative images of MBD1 staining after 10 min HCl and trypsin 0, 1 or 2 min. Blue and red arrows indicate large and small foci of MBD1, respectively, and yellow arrow shows diffuse staining of MBD1. <b>G</b> The proportion of nuclei with focal MBD1 staining increased after 1 min trypsin (p<0.01). <b>H</b> The total level of MBD1 staining (arbitrary units of optical density) increased after 10 min HCl and 1 min trypsin (p<0.0001) Mean +/− standard mean of error. Results are from three independent replicates. ** p<0.01 and **** p<0.0001. Scale bar 10 µm. If not shown on individual graphs, the relevant statistical outcomes are stated within the results text.</p

    The effect of cell growth on the pattern of co-staining for 5meC and bisBenzimide (Hoechst).

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    <p><b>A</b> co-staining of 5meC and DNA by Hoechst in cells during proliferation after acid alone (−trypsin) or acid followed by trypsin (+trypsin). 5meC foci are co-localized with Hoechst-dense regions in each cell. Representative non-immune IgG staining in proliferative cells is also shown. Scale bar 10 µm. <b>B</b> The number of Hoechst-dense foci per cell co-stained with 5meC or failed to co-stain with trypsin (+) or without (−). Tryptic digestion significantly (p<0.0001) affected the detection of co-localization of 5meC and DNA-dense areas. <b>C</b> The level of Hoechst staining (arbitrary units of optical density) of cells with trypsin (+) or without (−) during proliferation. Trypsin revealed a decrease in the detection of amount of Hoechst staining in each cell (p<0.0001) and cell growth affected Hoechst staining (p<0.0001). <b>D</b> Average size of Hoechst-rich foci per cell (arbitrary units of optical density). <b>E</b> The level of Hoechst foci staining per cell. <b>F</b> The level of 5meC foci staining per cell. Trypsin decreased the detectable amount of Hoechst and 5meC foci (p<0.0001). Cell growth affected the 5meC (p<0.0001) but not Hoechst (p>0.05). <b>G</b> The relationship between Hoechst and 5meC foci staining for each nucleus in (i) proliferative, (ii) confluent and (iii) quiescent cells (p<0.0001). Hoechst and 5meC are positively correlated in each growth. R-squared for each growth is given. The results are of three independent replicates.</p

    The staining pattern of 5meC within nuclei in MEFs.

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    <p><b>A</b> Phase contrast images of the growth pattern of MEFs in (i) sparse (proliferative), (ii) confluent, and (iii) serum deprived confluent (quiescent) cells. Bar = 20 µm. <b>B</b> Typical examples of the 5meC staining patterns of MEFs in (i) proliferative, (ii) confluent, and (iii) quiescent growth phases. Arrows show cells with a predominantly focal pattern of staining and the other cells show a predominantly diffuse pattern of staining. Scale bar 5 µm. <b>C</b> The proportion (%) of nuclei with predominantly focal 5meC staining in each cell (n, number of nuclei analysed). The focal pattern of 5meC increased with cell proliferation (p<0.0001). The results are representative of three independent replicates. Epitope retrieval was by treatment with of cell with HCl 4N for 10 min at 22°C.</p

    The effect of growth on the pattern of co-staining for MBD1 and bisBenzimide (Hoechst).

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    <p><b>A</b> Co-staining of MBD1 (or non-immune IgG control) and DNA stain by Hoechst in proliferative and quiescent cells. Green, yellow and white arrowheads represent different localized MBD1 foci than Hoechst-rich foci. Scale bar 10 µm. <b>B</b> The number of Hoechst-dense regions showing coincident staining with MBD1 (+) or not (−). Cell growth (p = 0.001) affected this coincident staining and trypsin use (p<0.0001) affected this detection. The results are of three independent replicates.</p