15 research outputs found

    Barndomsforskning i dag, med særlig vekt på ”Politics of Childhood”

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    4-6 year-old Children's Experience of Subjective Well-being and Social Relations in ECEC institutions.

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    There is a need for research about children’s perspectives on their everyday lives in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) institutions, using methods that involves the children themselves and takes their voices seriously. This study aims at exploring what promotes and constrains children’s wellbeing in light of their social relations to other children and staff in ECEC institutions. Research on children’s own perspectives about their well-being has mainly been conducted among children older than those of preschool age, and therefore this study aimed at highlighting the voices of 4-6-year-old children regarding how they experience their lives in ECEC institutions. Quantitative data was collected through conversations with 171 Norwegian 4-6-year-old children based on an electronic questionnaire. The results indicate that relations, both with other children and with the practitioners, are important for children’s well-being - particularly, liking the other children and experiencing that the children are kind to each other in the ECEC.acceptedVersio

    Sammendrag av doktorgradsavhandlinger

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    4-6 year-old Children's Experience of Subjective Well-being and Social Relations in ECEC institutions.

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    There is a need for research about children’s perspectives on their everyday lives in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) institutions, using methods that involves the children themselves and takes their voices seriously. This study aims at exploring what promotes and constrains children’s wellbeing in light of their social relations to other children and staff in ECEC institutions. Research on children’s own perspectives about their well-being has mainly been conducted among children older than those of preschool age, and therefore this study aimed at highlighting the voices of 4-6-year-old children regarding how they experience their lives in ECEC institutions. Quantitative data was collected through conversations with 171 Norwegian 4-6-year-old children based on an electronic questionnaire. The results indicate that relations, both with other children and with the practitioners, are important for children’s well-being - particularly, liking the other children and experiencing that the children are kind to each other in the ECEC

    Harassment in ECEC institutions: 4- to 6-year-old children’s experiences

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    There are limited studies involving preschool children and phenomena such as harassment, bullying, exclusion and rejection. This study explores the relations between 4- to 6-year-old children’s experiences of being frequently harassed in Norwegian Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) institutions, their overall feeling of subjective well-being and their social relationship experiences with staff and peers. The study also investigates whether there are significant differences between frequently harassed children’s experiences of well-being and social relations compared to other children’s experiences. The data reported in this study are collected through the Norwegian ECEC Well-being Monitor, an online, free of charge, electronic questionnaire developed for ECEC institutions. A total of 3598 children are included in the study. The main findings show that, for a majority of indicators, children who are frequently harassed have significantly different experiences of subjective well-being and social relations with peers and staff, mostly more negative, than other children

    Barns trivsel og medvirkning i barnehagen. Barn, foreldre og ansattes perspektiver

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    -Studien, som er laget av NTNU samfunnsforskning på oppdrag fra Utdanningsdirektoratet, er en av få studier her i landet som spør barna direkte om dere egen oppfatning av trivsel og medvirkning i barnehagen. Noen stikkord fra rapporten: •Barnehagebarn trives godt, men foreldrene tror de trives bedre enn det barna selv forteller. •Barn og foreldre har ulik oppfatning av trivsel. •De fleste barna trives, men noen blir plaget. •Foreldrene er fornøyd med barnas medvirkning. •Barna får være med og bestemme. •Eksempler på små barn som ikke blir sett, eller som blir sett, men ikke forstått

    Assessing children's psychosocial well-being: Norwegian early childhood education and care teachers’ challenges when completing a global screening tool

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    In this article, the authors illustrate some of the challenges and dilemmas that Norwegian early childhood education and care teachers experienced when completing a global screening tool (UPSI-5: Universal Psychosocial Indicator for 5 Year Old Boys and Girls) concerning the psychosocial well-being of five-year-olds as part of an international research project. Based on interviews with 31 teachers, the authors present in-depth analysis of the critical reflections of 19 teachers concerning the assessment forms. While previous research has criticized standardized testing and screening in early childhood education and care, there is a need for the critical voices of practitioners to be heard. The aim of this article is to illustrate which aspects teachers find challenging and how they respond when in doubt. The authors found that teachers’ assessments are inextricably linked to the early childhood education and care context, and the values, ideas and norms that are prevalent in Nordic early childhood education and care settings.publishedVersio

    Assessing children's psychosocial well-being: Norwegian early childhood education and care teachers’ challenges when completing a global screening tool

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    In this article, the authors illustrate some of the challenges and dilemmas that Norwegian early childhood education and care teachers experienced when completing a global screening tool (UPSI-5: Universal Psychosocial Indicator for 5 Year Old Boys and Girls) concerning the psychosocial well-being of five-year-olds as part of an international research project. Based on interviews with 31 teachers, the authors present in-depth analysis of the critical reflections of 19 teachers concerning the assessment forms. While previous research has criticized standardized testing and screening in early childhood education and care, there is a need for the critical voices of practitioners to be heard. The aim of this article is to illustrate which aspects teachers find challenging and how they respond when in doubt. The authors found that teachers’ assessments are inextricably linked to the early childhood education and care context, and the values, ideas and norms that are prevalent in Nordic early childhood education and care settings

    Familiens betydning. Kunnskapsoversikt om hverdagsliv, omsorg, samlivsbrudd og familiestøttende tiltak

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    Rapporten gir en oversikt over litteraturen innenfor fire sentrale tema i familieforskningen, nemlig omsorg, tidsbruk, samlivsbrudd og familiestøttende tiltak. Systematiske litteratursøk resulterte i et nettoutvalg på til sammen 143 referanser publisert etter 2008. I tillegg til å beskrive litteraturen, har vi også identifisert kunnskapshull og områder med et særlig behov for mer forskning