637 research outputs found


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    Immunization of CBA and C57 mice with a branched, multichain synthetic polypeptide, poly (tyr,glu)-poly DL-ala--poly lys, ((T,G)-A--L), in Freund's complete adjuvant results in a tenfold or more difference in the antigen-binding capacity of sera from the two strains, although they respond equally to bovine serum albumin. Immunization of CBA x C57 F1, F1 x CBA, and F1 x C57 mice reveals definite genetic control of the response to (T,G)-A--L, which appears to be due to a single major genetic factor, with perhaps one or more modifying factors. Immunization of CBA and C57 mice with (H,G)-A--L, a synthetic polypeptide in which histidine replaces tyrosine, gives the opposite result, CBA's respond and C57's do not. From this, it appears that the genetic control of the response to (T,G)-A--L is specific for the antigenic determinant. The implications of these results are discussed


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    Rumah sudah menjadi kebutuhan dasar dari semua orang untuk membina keluarga dalam  menjaga kelangsungan kehidupannya. Pembangunan rumah tipe 21 pertama kali hadir di Perumahan Pemda (Pemerintah Daerah) Kalawat pada tahun 1989 yang dibangun oleh Pemerintah Provinsi dan mulai ditempati pada tahun 1993. Perumahan Simpony Indah Watutumou II merupakan pembangunan rumah tipe 21 kedua setelah Perumahan Pemda Kalawat dengan pengelola yang berasal dari pihak swasta di tahun 1993. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap faktor penyebab perubahan rumah Tipe 21 di antara Perumahan Simpony Indah Watutumou II dan di Perumahan Pemda Kalawat, Minahasa Utara. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor ekonomi dan sosial yang mempengaruhi terjadinya perubahan. Dari faktor itulah akan didapati kebutuhan dari penghuni rumah. Kebutuhan meliputi kebutuhan fisiologis, kebutuhan rasa aman, kebutuhan sosial, kebutuhan akan harga diri, kehormatan, ego, dan kebutuhan penunjukkan aktualisasi diri. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa proses perubahan di Perumahan Simpony Indah Watutumou II dan Perumahan Pemda Kalawat terjadi karena adanya faktor kebutuhan sosial dan ekonomi dari penghuni rumah dengan perbedaan diantaranya berupa luasan lahan. 

    Low-temperature ordered phases of the spin-12\frac{1}{2} XXZ chain system Cs2_2CoCl4_4

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    In this study the magnetic order of the spin-1/2 XXZ chain system Cs2_2CoCl4_4 in a temperature range from 50 mK to 0.5 K and in applied magnetic fields up to 3.5 T is investigated by high-resolution measurements of the thermal expansion and the specific heat. Applying magnetic fields along a or c suppresses TNT_\textrm{N} completely at about 2.1 T. In addition, we find an adjacent intermediate phase before the magnetization saturates close to 2.5 T. For magnetic fields applied along b, a surprisingly rich phase diagram arises. Two additional transitions are observed at critical fields μ0HSF10.25\mu_0 H_{SF1}\simeq 0.25 T and μ0HSF20.7\mu_0 H_{SF2}\simeq 0.7 T, which we propose to arise from a two-stage spin-flop transition.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure


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    The immune response to a synthetic polypeptide built on multichain polyproline, poly-L-(Tyr,Glu)-poly-L-Pro-poly-L-Lys [(T,G)-Pro--L], in the offspring of a cross between DBA/1 and SJL mice is under a genetic control superficially similar to the one operating for the immune response to a similar synthetic polypeptide built on multichain polyalanine, poly-L-(Tyr,Glu)-poly-D,L-Ala-poly-L-Lys [(T,G)-A--L], in the offspring of a cross between CBA and C57 mice. In both cases, the genetic control is a quantitative trait in which the major gene(s) is (are) dominant and the trait is not linked to any of the known structural genes coding for mouse immunoglobulin heavy chains. However, the genetic control of response to (T, G)-Pro--L, designated immune response-3 (Ir-3), is qualitatively different from the one operating for (T,G)-A--L [immune response-1 (Ir-1)] in that it is not linked to the histocompatibility-2 (H-2) locus. A study of the immune response to a related polypeptide built on multichain polyproline, poly-L-(Phe,Glu)-poly-L-Pro-poly-L--Lys [(Phe, G)-Pro--L], in the DBA/1 x SJL cross has shown a genetic control of antibody specificity. F1 x DBA/1 backcross anti-(Phe, G)-Pro--L sera segregate in their ability to bind (T,G)-Pro--L, and there is no linkage of anti-(T,G)-Pro--L binding capacity with the H-2s allele of the SJL grandparent. F1 x SJL anti-(Phe, G)-Pro-L sera segregate in their capacity to bind poly-L-(Phe,Glu)-poly-D,L-Ala-poly-L-Lys [(Phe, G)-A--L] and the ability to bind (Phe, G)-A--L is clearly linked to the H-2q allele from the DBA/1 grandparent. Thus, in mice all responding well to a given antigen [(Phe, G)-Pro--L], the specificity of the antibodies produced [i.e., anti-(Phe,G) or anti-prolyl] is genetically determined. Cross-inhibition of binding m (DBA/1 x SJL)F1 anti-(Phe,G)-Pro--L antisera indicates that the anti-(Phe,G) and anti-prolyl specificities are a function of two separate and largely non-crossreacting antibody populations


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    The response of inbred mouse strains to two polypeptides derived from multichain polyprolines, (T,G)-Pro--L and (Phe,G)-Pro--L, is different from the response of the same mouse strains to a similar series of polymers built on multi-poly-D,L-alanyl--poly-L-lysine, although the same short sequences of amino acids are attached to the side chains of the polypeptides in the two series. These results indicate that a portion of the side chain (e.g. polyalanine or polyproline) participates in the antigenic determinant. This was confirmed by studying the response of different mouse strains to two kinds of polypeptides: (T,G)-Pro-A--L 717 and 718 and (T,G)-A-Pro--L 719 and 721. Antibody assay of antisera to (Phe,G)-Pro--L with the cross-reacting antigens (T,G)-Pro--L and (Phe,G)-A-L indicates that different inbred mouse strains make antibodies specific for different parts of the same polypeptide. Thus, antibody from DBA/1 mice reacts almost exclusively with the (Phe,G) sequence, while SJL antisera bind only (T,G)-Pro--L and fail to bind (Phe,G)-A-L. The immune responses to the same amino acids on two different polypeptides (i.e. A--L and Pro--L) appear to be under separate genetic control

    More Than 1700 Years of Word Equations

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    Geometry and Diophantine equations have been ever-present in mathematics. Diophantus of Alexandria was born in the 3rd century (as far as we know), but a systematic mathematical study of word equations began only in the 20th century. So, the title of the present article does not seem to be justified at all. However, a linear Diophantine equation can be viewed as a special case of a system of word equations over a unary alphabet, and, more importantly, a word equation can be viewed as a special case of a Diophantine equation. Hence, the problem WordEquations: "Is a given word equation solvable?" is intimately related to Hilbert's 10th problem on the solvability of Diophantine equations. This became clear to the Russian school of mathematics at the latest in the mid 1960s, after which a systematic study of that relation began. Here, we review some recent developments which led to an amazingly simple decision procedure for WordEquations, and to the description of the set of all solutions as an EDT0L language.Comment: The paper will appear as an invited address in the LNCS proceedings of CAI 2015, Stuttgart, Germany, September 1 - 4, 201

    Punicalagin Induces Serum Low-Density Lipoprotein Influx to Macrophages

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    High levels of circulating low-density lipoprotein (LDL) are a primary initiating event in the development of atherosclerosis. Recently, the antiatherogenic effect of polyphenols has been shown to be exerted via a mechanism unrelated to their antioxidant capacity and to stem from their interaction with specific intracellular or plasma proteins. In this study, we investigated the interaction of the main polyphenol in pomegranate, punicalagin, with apolipoprotein B-100 (ApoB100) that surrounds LDL. Punicalagin bound to ApoB100 at low concentrations (0.25–4 μM). Upon binding, it induced LDL influx to macrophages in a concentration-dependent manner, up to 2.5-fold. In contrast, another polyphenol which binds to ApoB100, glabridin, did not affect LDL influx. We further showed that LDL influx occurs specifically through the LDL receptor, with LDL then accumulating in the cell cytoplasm. Taken together with the findings of Aviram et al., 2000, that pomegranate juice and punicalagin induce plasma LDL removal and inhibit macrophage cholesterol synthesis and accumulation, our results suggest that, upon binding, punicalagin stimulates LDL influx to macrophages, thus reducing circulating cholesterol levels

    Information in Tullock contests

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    In Tullock contests in which the common value of the prize is uncertain and the elasticity of the marginal cost of effort is increasing (decreasing), the effect of changes of players’ information on the equilibrium efforts and payoffs is unambiguous: if information is symmetric, then expected effort decreases (increases) as players become better informed; in two-player contests, the expected effort of a player with information advantage is less (greater) than that of his opponent. Sharper results arise when the cost of effort is linear: Under symmetric information, expected effort and payoff are invariant to changes in the players’ information. In two-player contests, both players exert the same expected effort regardless of their information, although expected effort is smaller when one player has information advantage than when both players have the same information. Interestingly, the expected payoff of a player with information advantage is larger than that of his opponent, even though he wins the prize less frequently.Acknowledgments of financial support: Israel Science Foundation, Grant 648/2 (Einy); Ministerio Economía (Spain), Grants ECO2014-55953-P and MDM2014-0431, and Comunidad de Madrid, Grant S2015/HUM-3444 (Moreno)

    Transport coefficients for an inelastic gas around uniform shear flow: Linear stability analysis

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    The inelastic Boltzmann equation for a granular gas is applied to spatially inhomogeneous states close to the uniform shear flow. A normal solution is obtained via a Chapman-Enskog-like expansion around a local shear flow distribution. The heat and momentum fluxes are determined to first order in the deviations of the hydrodynamic field gradients from their values in the reference state. The corresponding transport coefficients are determined from a set of coupled linear integral equations which are approximately solved by using a kinetic model of the Boltzmann equation. The main new ingredient in this expansion is that the reference state f(0)f^{(0)} (zeroth-order approximation) retains all the hydrodynamic orders in the shear rate. In addition, since the collisional cooling cannot be compensated locally for viscous heating, the distribution f(0)f^{(0)} depends on time through its dependence on temperature. This means that in general, for a given degree of inelasticity, the complete nonlinear dependence of the transport coefficients on the shear rate requires the analysis of the {\em unsteady} hydrodynamic behavior. To simplify the analysis, the steady state conditions have been considered here in order to perform a linear stability analysis of the hydrodynamic equations with respect to the uniform shear flow state. Conditions for instabilities at long wavelengths are identified and discussed.Comment: 7 figures; previous stability analysis modifie