8 research outputs found

    Electron Teleportation in Multi-Terminal Majorana Islands: Statistical Transmutation and Fractional Quantum Conductance

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    We study a topological superconductor island with spatially separated Majorana modes coupled to multiple normal metal leads by single electron tunneling in the Coulomb blockade regime. We show that low-temperature transport in such Majorana island is carried by an emergent charge-ee boson composed of a Majorana mode and an electron from the leads. This transmutation from Fermi to Bose statistics has remarkable consequences. For noninteracting leads, the system flows to a non-Fermi liquid fixed point, which is stable against tunnel couplings anisotropy or detuning away from the charge-degeneracy point. As a result, the system exhibits a universal conductance at zero temperature, which is a fraction of the conductance quantum, and low-temperature corrections with a universal power-law exponent. In addition, we consider Majorana islands connected to interacting one-dimensional leads, and find different stable fixed points near and far from the charge-degeneracy point.Comment: 10+ pages, 5 figure

    World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017: Part one

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    A Scalable Heterogeneous Solution for Massive Data Collection and Database Loading

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    Abstract. Massive collection of data at high rates is critical for many industries. Typically, a massive stream of records is gathered from the business information network at a very high rate. Because of the complexity of the collection process, the classical database solution falls short. The high volume and rate of records involved requires a heterogeneous pipeline comprised of two major parts: a system that carries out massive collection and then uploads the information to a database, and a subsequent data analysis and management system consisting of an Extract Transform and Load component. We developed a massive collection and loading system, based on a highly scalable heterogeneous architecture solution. The solution has been applied successfully for Telco revenue assurance, and can be applied to other industrial areas. The solution was successful in scaling up a Telco client system to handle streams of records ten times larger than was previously possible.

    Reusable Derivation of Operational Metrics for Architectural Optimization

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    AbstractMaintaining coherence between system functional, performance, production and operational requirements is a key to the ability to optimize the design of large-scale systems. Different architectural configurations entail significant differences in functionality, performance, ease of manufacturing/assembly and operational behavior. While the first two are the usual concerns in architectural tradeoff analysis, the last two, reflected by manufacturability and operational metrics, such as manufacturability and affordability, are often neglected in architectural optimization. In this work, we propose a methodology to derive the formal specification of operational metrics applicable to design optimization based on life cycle processes, such as “manufacturing”, “sunny day operation”, and “unplanned maintenance”. These operational metrics are presented in the context of an industrial case study for an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) to provide context for the recommended approach. We suggest an approach to (1) define libraries of reusable operational metrics based on architectural properties, (2) build reusable data processing patterns to calculate these architectural properties, and (3) map calculated architectural parameters to a specific design model

    Highly Selective and Potent Ectonucleotide Pyrophosphatase‑1 (NPP1) Inhibitors Based on Uridine 5′‑P<sub>α,α</sub>-Dithiophosphate Analogues

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    Ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phospho­diesterase-1 (NPP1) hydrolyzes phosphodiester bonds of nucleotides such as ATP, resulting mainly in the formation of AMP and pyrophosphate. NPP1 activity plays a deleterious function in calcified aortic valve disease and calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease. Thus, inhibitors of NPP1 represent a medical need. We developed novel NPP1 inhibitors based on uridine 5′-P<sub>α,α</sub>-dithiophosphate analogues, <b>9</b>–<b>12</b>. All these analogues potently inhibited hNPP1 (80–100% inhibition) at 100 μM, with no, or minimal, inhibition of NPP3 and other ectonucleotidases (NTPDase1,2,3,8). These compounds showed nearly no activity at uracil-nucleotide sensitive P2Y<sub>2,4,6</sub>-receptors and thus represent highly selective NPP1 inhibitors. The most promising inhibitor was diuridine 5′-P<sub>α,α</sub>,5″-P<sub>α,α</sub>-tetrathio­tetraphosphate, <b>12</b>, exhibiting <i>K</i><sub>i</sub> of 27 nM. Analogues <b>9</b>–<b>12</b> proved to be highly stable to air oxidation and to acidic and basic pH. Docking simulations suggested that the enhanced NPP1 inhibitory activity and selectivity of analogue <b>12</b> could be attributed to the simultaneous occupancy of two sites (the AMP site and an alternative site) of NPP1 by this compound

    Highly Selective and Potent Ectonucleotide Pyrophosphatase‑1 (NPP1) Inhibitors Based on Uridine 5′‑P<sub>α,α</sub>-Dithiophosphate Analogues

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    Ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phospho­diesterase-1 (NPP1) hydrolyzes phosphodiester bonds of nucleotides such as ATP, resulting mainly in the formation of AMP and pyrophosphate. NPP1 activity plays a deleterious function in calcified aortic valve disease and calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease. Thus, inhibitors of NPP1 represent a medical need. We developed novel NPP1 inhibitors based on uridine 5′-P<sub>α,α</sub>-dithiophosphate analogues, <b>9</b>–<b>12</b>. All these analogues potently inhibited hNPP1 (80–100% inhibition) at 100 μM, with no, or minimal, inhibition of NPP3 and other ectonucleotidases (NTPDase1,2,3,8). These compounds showed nearly no activity at uracil-nucleotide sensitive P2Y<sub>2,4,6</sub>-receptors and thus represent highly selective NPP1 inhibitors. The most promising inhibitor was diuridine 5′-P<sub>α,α</sub>,5″-P<sub>α,α</sub>-tetrathio­tetraphosphate, <b>12</b>, exhibiting <i>K</i><sub>i</sub> of 27 nM. Analogues <b>9</b>–<b>12</b> proved to be highly stable to air oxidation and to acidic and basic pH. Docking simulations suggested that the enhanced NPP1 inhibitory activity and selectivity of analogue <b>12</b> could be attributed to the simultaneous occupancy of two sites (the AMP site and an alternative site) of NPP1 by this compound

    World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017: Part one

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