15 research outputs found

    Adult type tethered cord syndrome presenting as lumbar disc syndrome; report of two cases

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    Gergin omurilik sendromu; genellikle çocukluk çağında görülen konjenital bir hastalık olması yanında erişkin dönemde de karşımıza çıkabilmektedir Çalışmamızda lomber disk semptomatolojisini taklit eden ancak gergin omurilik sendromu saptanan iki olgu sunulmuştur. Her iki olguya filum terminale kesisini içeren operasyon uygulandı. Olguların şikayetlerinin postoperatif dönemde geçtiği izlendi. Gergin omurilik sendromunun geniş bir klinik semptomatolojisi mevcuttur. Lomber disk hastalığının da bu sendromun yakınma ve bulgularını oluşturabileceği bu nedenle de ayırıcı tanıda unutulmaması gerektiği vurgulandı.Tethered cord syndrome is a congenital childhood disease, which can also be seen in adulthood. We report two cases of adult tethered cord syndrome, mimicking lumbar disc disease symptomatology. Both of the cases had lumbar disc disease symptoms and neurological findings; but there were no lumbar disc pathologies on the radiological imaging. After sectioning of the filum terminale the complaints and symptoms resolved completely in both patients. Tethered cord syndrome has great variety of clinical symptoms and signs. In the differential diagnosis of the lumbar disc disease; it must be kept in mind that tethered cord syndrome might present itself as a typical lumbar disc disease

    Total removal of cervicothoracic intramedullary 160-mm-long spinal cord ependymoma: a rare case report

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    Ependymomas are neuroectodermal tumours arising from ependymal cells of the ventricular system, choroid plexus, filum terminale, or central canal of the spinal cord. We report on a 160-mm-long cervicothoracic intramedullary spinal cord ependymoma. The tumour was totally removed; no radiotherapy was used as an adjunctive therapy. Postoperative magnetic resonance imaging confirmed that the tumour had been totally removed