4 research outputs found

    Karaciğer trematodlu koyunların serum ve yapağılarında kobalt, mangan, selenyum ve çinko düzeylerinin araştırılması

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    In this study, the hematological and biochemical blood values and the differences in serum and wool trace elements (cobalt [Co], manganese [Mn], zinc [Zn], and selenium [Se]) were compared in healthy and livertrematode-infected sheep. A total of 100 ovines (80 trematode-infected and 20 healthy sheep) were included. The trematode-infected sheep had significantly greater (P<0.01) leucocyte (WBC), neutrophil (Neu), and eosinophil (Eo) values and significantly lower (P<0.01) erythrocyte (RBC), hematocrit (Hct), and hemoglobin (Hb) values when compared with the healthy control group. The trematode-infected sheep had significantly higher serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) enzyme activity values when compared with the healthy control group (P<0.01, P<0.05, and P<0.01, respectively). Serum and wool Co, Mn, Zn, and Se levels were significantly lower (P<0.01) in the trematodeinfected sheep than in the healthy control group. The effect of liver infections on trace element concentrations was determined to be similar in measurements in wool and serum. Decreases in trace element concentrations were mostly attributed to changes in the biotransformation of trace elements induced by pathologic disorders in the liver.Bu çalışmada sağlıklı ve karaciğer trematodu ile enfekte olmuş koyunlarda hematolojik ve biyokimyasal kan değerleri ile serum ve yün eser elementlerindeki (kobalt [Co], mangan [Mn], çinko [Zn] ve selenyum [Se]) farklılıklar karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla 80 baş karaciğer trematodlu ve 20 baş da sağlıklı olmak üzere toplam 100 baş koyun kullanıldı. Karaciğer trematodlu koyunların lökosit (WBC), nötrofil (Neu) ve eozinofil (Eo) düzeyleri kontrol grubunun aynı parametrelerinden istatistiki olarak önemli düzeyde yüksek (P<0,01) tespit edilirken, eritrosit (RBC), hematokrit (Hct) ve hemoglobin (Hb) değerleri daha düşük (P<0,01) bulunmuştur. Karaciğer trematodlu koyunların alanin aminotransferaz (ALT), aspartat aminotransferaz (AST) ve gamma glutamil transpeptidaz (GGT) değerleri sağlıklı koyunların aynı parametrelerine göre sırasıyla P<0,001, P<0,005 ve P<0,001 düzeylerinde yüksek tespit edildi. Karaciğer trematodlu koyunların serum ve yün Co, Mn, Zn ve Se seviyeleri sağlıklı koyunlara göre istatistiksel olarak önemli düzeyde düşük bulunmuştur (P<0,01). Karaciğer enfeksiyonlarının iz element konsantrasyonları üzerindeki etkisinin yün ve serumdaki ölçümlerinin benzerlik gösterdiği saptanmıştır. Karaciğer trematodlu koyunların serum ve yün iz elementlerin konsantrasyonundaki düşüşlerin karaciğerdeki patolojik bozukluklarına bağlı olarak oluşan iz elementlerin biyotransformasyonundaki değişimlerinde kaynaklanabileceği düşünülmektedir

    Comparison of yield characteristics of Damascus and Kilis goats in dry climatic conditions

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    The aim of this study was to compare the reproductive traits, lactation milk yield, and body measurements of the Damascus (Shami) and Kilis goats raised as dairy goats in the dry climatic conditions of the Southeastern Anatolia region of Turkey. The study was perfomed using 596 Damascus goats and 82 Kilis goats between 3-5 years old. It was observed that the lactation milk yield, lactation period, withers height, and leg circumference of the Damascus goats (175.86 kg, 227.48 days, 72.67 cm, and 74.10 cm, respectively) were significantly higher (P&lt;0.05) than those of the Kilis goats (107.48 kg, 170.39 days, 69.70 cm and 71.83 cm, respectively). This analysis indicated that the Damascus goat may be a good breed for dry climatic conditions. It is suggested that focusing on growing Damascus goats could increase productivity in the Southeastern Anatolian region of Turke

    Some Morphologic Characteristics of Central Anatolian Merino Sheep

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    This study aimed to investigate the body weight and some body measurements in Central Anatolian Merino sheep regarding ages and to carry out a comparative analysis between them. The study included a total of 60 animals aged 2, 3 and 4 years. The sheep were fed daily with hay, vetch, alfalfa and limited amount of concentrated feed (400 g head-1) until the pasture period, and pasture grass and mixed grass-clover hay during the pasture period. The live weights of the sheep of different ages in the farms were measured with a digital scale, and some body size were measured using a measuring tape and a measuring stick. When the live weight and chest circumference values of the 4-year-old sheep were compared with the data obtained in the other age groups (2 and 3 years old), and it was statistically significant, chest width and rump height values were found to be similar to those in the 3-age group. There were significant correlations between live weight and chest circumference, between withers height and rump height and significant correlations between live weight and chest width, body length with rump height, chest width with chest depth. In addition, significant correlations were found between live weight and chest depth, and between withers height, body length, and chest depth. Present findings revealed that the Central Anatolian Merino sheep can be beneficial in the development of meat-type sheep breeding

    Comparison of reproductive performance, live weight, survivability, and fleece characteristics of indoor-raised Central Anatolian Merino and Malya sheep

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    This study was conducted to compare Central Anatolian Merino (CAM) and Malya sheep under intensive conditions in terms of reproductive traits, birth and weaning weights, fattening performance, and some fleece characteristics. In this study, 840 CAM and 194 Malya ewes were used for the comparison of reproductive performance, whereas 740 and 211 lambs were used to compare growth traits between the two breeds. Additionally, the fattening performance of 61 CAM and 68 Malya lambs were compared. Finally, for the comparison of wool quality traits, 94 CAM and 90 Malya lambs were used. The lambs were kept together with the sheep that gave birth to them for 10 days. After this period, lambs were given lamb starter feed, alfalfa hay, and vetch hay in addition to milk. When lambs reached 40 days old, they were taken to the pasture with the sheep. In this period, pasture grass, growing lamb concentrate feed, alfalfa hay, and vetch hay were given in addition to milk. Lambs were weaned when they reached an average age of 90 days, and their live weights were determined. A determined number of lambs was selected from weaned male lambs. For these animals, in the fattening period, barley, alfalfa hay, vetch hay, meadow hay, and lentil straw were provided ad libitum in addition to 400 g/day/head of fattening feed. This study indicated that birth rate was better for CAM sheep than for Malya sheep. However, Malya lambs may have more advantages than CAM lambs in terms of survival and fattening performance. Although birth weight was higher for Malya sheep than for CAM sheep, the opposite result was observed for the weaning weight. The beginning weights of fattened male lambs were higher for CAM lambs than for Malya lambs, but the ending weights of both fattened groups were similar