57 research outputs found

    The Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS) -VII. Clustering Segregation with Ultraviolet and Optical Luminosities of Lyman-Break Galaxies at z~3

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    We investigate clustering properties of Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) at z~3 based on deep multi-waveband imaging data from optical to near-infrared wavelengths in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field. The LBGs are selected by U-V and V-z' colors in one contiguous area of 561 arcmin^2 down to z'=25.5. We study the dependence of the clustering strength on rest-frame UV and optical magnitudes, which can be indicators of star formation rate and stellar mass, respectively. The correlation length is found to be a strong function of both UV and optical magnitudes with brighter galaxies being more clustered than faint ones in both cases. Furthermore, the correlation length is dependent on a combination of UV and optical magnitudes in the sense that galaxies bright in optical magnitude have large correlation lengths irrespective of UV magnitude, while galaxies faint in optical magnitude have correlation lengths decreasing with decreasing UV brightness. These results suggest that galaxies with large stellar masses always belong to massive halos in which they can have various star formation rates, while galaxies with small stellar masses reside in less massive halos only if they have low star formation rates. There appears to be an upper limit to the stellar mass and the star formation rate which is determined by the mass of hosting dark halos.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The high-affinity binding of Clostridium botulinum type B neurotoxin to synaptotagmin II associated with gangliosides GT1b/GD1a

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    Abstract125I-labeled botulinum type B neurotoxin was shown to bind specifically to recombinant rat synaptotagmins I and II. Binding required reconstitution of the recombinant proteins with gangliosides GT1b/GD1a. Scatchard plot analyses revealed a single class of binding site with dissociation constants of 0.23 and 2.3 nM for synaptotagmin II and synaptotagmin I, respectively, values very similar to those of the high- (0.4 nM) and low-affinity (4.1 nM) binding sites in synaptosomes. The high-affinity binding of neurotoxin to synaptosomes was specifically inhibited by a monoclonal antibody recognizing with the amino-terminal region of synaptotagmin II. These results suggest that this region of synaptotagmin II participates in the formation of the high-affinity toxin binding site by associating with specific gangliosides

    A New Constraint on the Lyα\alpha Fraction of UV Very Bright Galaxies at Redshift 7

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    We study the extent to which very bright (-23.0 < MUV < -21.75) Lyman-break selected galaxies at redshifts z~7 display detectable Lya emission. To explore this issue, we have obtained follow-up optical spectroscopy of 9 z~7 galaxies from a parent sample of 24 z~7 galaxy candidates selected from the 1.65 sq.deg COSMOS-UltraVISTA and SXDS-UDS survey fields using the latest near-infrared public survey data, and new ultra-deep Subaru z'-band imaging (which we also present and describe in this paper). Our spectroscopy has yielded only one possible detection of Lya at z=7.168 with a rest-frame equivalent width EW_0 = 3.7 (+1.7/-1.1) Angstrom. The relative weakness of this line, combined with our failure to detect Lya emission from the other spectroscopic targets allows us to place a new upper limit on the prevalence of strong Lya emission at these redshifts. For conservative calculation and to facilitate comparison with previous studies at lower redshifts, we derive a 1-sigma upper limit on the fraction of UV bright galaxies at z~7 that display EW_0 > 50 Angstrom, which we estimate to be < 0.23. This result may indicate a weak trend where the fraction of strong Lya emitters ceases to rise, and possibly falls between z~6 and z~7. Our results also leave open the possibility that strong Lya may still be more prevalent in the brightest galaxies in the reionization era than their fainter counterparts. A larger spectroscopic sample of galaxies is required to derive a more reliable constraint on the neutral hydrogen fraction at z~7 based on the Lya fraction in the bright galaxies.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Number Density of Old Passively-Evolving Galaxies at z=1 in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey Field

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    We obtained the number counts and the rest-frame B-band luminosity function of the color-selected old passively-evolving galaxies (OPEGs) at z=1 with very high statistical accuracy using a large and homogeneous sample of about 4000 such objects with z' <25 detected in the area of 1.03 deg^2 in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS) field. Our selection criteria are defined on the i'-z' and R-z' color-magnitude plane so that OPEGs at z=0.9-1.1 with formation redshift z_f=2-10 are properly sampled. The limiting magnitude corresponds to the luminosity of galaxies with M_*+3 at z=0. We made a pilot redshift observations for 99 OPEG candidates with 19 < z' < 22 and found that at least 78% (73/93) of the entire sample, or 95% (73/77) of these whose redshifts were obtained are indeed lie between z=0.87 and 1.12 and the most of their spectra show the continuum break and strong Ca H and K lines, indicating that these objects are indeed dominated by the old stellar populations. We then compare our results with the luminosity functions of the color- or the morphologically-selected early type galaxies at z=0 taking the evolutionary factor into account and found that the number density of old passive galaxies with sim M_* magnitude at z~1 averaged over the SXDS area is 40-60% of the equivalently red galaxies and 60-85% of the morphologically-selected E/S0 galaxies at z=0 depending on their luminosity evolution. It is revealed that more than half, but not all, of the present-day early-type galaxies had already been formed into quiescent passive galaxies at z=1.Comment: 28 pages, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal. The full version of the paper including Fig.3 and Fig.4 (large size) in full resolution is put at http://optik2.mtk.nao.ac.jp/~yamada/astronomy/sxdsred.htm

    Systematic Survey of Extended Lyman-alpha Sources over z~3-5

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    Spatially extended Ly-alpha sources which are faint and compact in coninuum are candidates for extremely young galaxies (age of ~<10e+7 yrs) at high redshifts. We carried out a systematic survey for extended Ly-alpha sources, using deep intermediate-band imaging data taken with the Suprime-Cam on the Subaru Telescope. Our survey covers a field of view of 33' * 25' and a redshift range of 3.24<z<4.95, down to a Ly-alpha flux of ~1e-17 ergs/cm^2/s. We identified 41 extended Ly-alpha sources. The redshift distribution of these sources shows that this kind of objects are common in the early universe over the surveyed redshift range. The identified objects have typical sizes of \~10-15 kpc and luminosities of ~10^42 ergs/s. Follow-up spectroscopy made for 7 of the 41 objects showed that our sample suffers from little contamination. All 7 objects have large equivalent widths of Ly-alpha emission line, all but one exceeding 240A in the rest frame. The large equivalent widths suggest that their extended Ly-alpha emissions are unlikely to be due to normal starbursts, but possibly originated from very young galaxies. All 41 objects in our sample have much smaller Ly-alpha luminosities than the two Ly-alpha Blobs (LABs) found by Steidel et al. (2000) in spite of our much larger survey volume. This suggests that large and luminous extended Ly-alpha objects like the two LABs are very rare and are clustered in overdense regions.Comment: 35 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Subaru Deep Survey V. A Census of Lyman Break Galaxies at z=4 and 5 in the Subaru Deep Fields: Photometric Properties

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    (abridged) We investigate photometric properties of Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) at z=3.5-5.2 based on large samples of 2,600 LBGs detected in deep (i'~27) and wide-field (1,200 arcmin^2) images taken in the Subaru Deep Field (SDF) and the Subaru/XMM Deep Field (SXDF). The selection criteria for the LBG samples are examined with 85 spectroscopically identified objects and by Monte Carlo simulations. We find in the luminosity functions of LBGs (i) that the number density of bright galaxies (M_{1700}<-22; corresponding to SFR_{corr}>100 Msolar yr^{-1}) decreases significantly from z=4 to 5 and (ii) that the faint-end slope of the luminosity function may become steeper towards higher redshifts. We estimate dust extinction of z=4 LBGs with M<M^* from UV slopes, and obtain E(B-V)=0.15+/-0.03 as the mean value. The dust extinction remains constant with apparent luminosity, but increases with intrinsic luminosity. We find no evolution in dust extinction between LBGs at z=3 and 4. We investigate the evolution of UV-luminosity density at 1700A, rho, and find that rho does not significantly change from z=3 to z=5, i.e., rho(z=4)/rho(z=3)=1.0+/-0.2 and rho(z=5)/rho(z=3)=0.8+/-0.4, thus the cosmic star-formation rate (SFR) density remains constant. We find that the stellar mass density estimated from the cosmic SFR is consistent with those derived directly from the stellar mass function at z=0-1, but exceeds those at z~3 by a factor of 3. We find that the ratio of the UV-luminosity density of Ly-a emitters (LAEs) to that of LBGs is ~60% at z=5, and thus about a half of the star formation at z=5 probably occurs in LAEs. We obtain a constraint on the escape fraction of UV-ionizing photons produced by LBGs, f_{esc}>~0.13.Comment: 41 pages, 22 figures, ApJ in press. Paper with high resolution figures is available at http://hikari.astron.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~ouchi/work/astroph/SDS_V_VI/SDS_V.pdf (PDF

    Cosmic shear statistics in the Suprime-Cam 2.1 sq deg field: Constraints on Omega_m and sigma_8

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    We present measurements of the cosmic shear correlation in the shapes of galaxies in the Suprime-Cam 2.1 deg^2 R_c-band imaging data. As an estimator of the shear correlation originated from the gravitational lensing, we adopt the aperture mass variance. We detect a non-zero E mode variance on scales between 2 and 40arcmin. We also detect a small but non-zero B mode variance on scales larger than 5arcmin. We compare the measured E mode variance to the model predictions in CDM cosmologies using maximum likelihood analysis. A four-dimensional space is explored, which examines sigma_8, Omega_m, Gamma and zs (a mean redshift of galaxies). We include three possible sources of error: statistical noise, the cosmic variance estimated using numerical experiments, and a residual systematic effect estimated from the B mode variance. We derive joint constraints on two parameters by marginalizing over the two remaining parameters. We obtain an upper limit of Gamma0.9 (68% confidence). For a prior Gamma\in[0.1,0.4] and zs\in[0.6,1.4], we find sigma_8=(0.50_{-0.16}^{+0.35})Omega_m^{-0.37} for flat cosmologies and sigma_8=(0.51_{-0.16}^{+0.29})Omega_m^{-0.34}$ for open cosmologies (95% confidence). If we take the currently popular LCDM model, we obtain a one-dimensional confidence interval on sigma_8 for the 95.4% level, 0.62<\sigma_8<1.32 for zs\in[0.6,1.4]. Information on the redshift distribution of galaxies is key to obtaining a correct cosmological constraint. An independent constraint on Gamma from other observations is useful to tighten the constraint.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS). IV. Evolution of Lya Emitters from z=3.1 to 5.7 in the 1 deg^2 Field: Luminosity Functions and AGN

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    We present luminosity functions (LFs) and various properties of Lya emitters (LAEs) at z=3.1, 3.7, and 5.7, in a 1 deg^2 sky of the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS) Field. We obtain a photometric sample of 858 LAE candidates based on deep Subaru/Suprime-Cam imaging data, and a spectroscopic sample of 84 confirmed LAEs from Subaru/FOCAS and VLT/VIMOS spectroscopy in a survey volume of ~10^6 Mpc^3 with a limiting Lya luminosity of ~3x10^42 erg/s. We derive the LFs of Lya and UV-continuum (~1500 \AA) for each redshift, taking into account the statistical error and the field-to-field variation. We find that the apparent Lya LF shows no significant evolution between z=3.1 and 5.7 within factors of 1.8 and 2.7 in L* and phi*, respectively. On the other hand, the UV LF of LAEs increases from z=3.1 to 5.7, indicating that galaxies with Lya emission are more common at earlier epochs. We identify six LAEs with AGN activities from our spectra combined with VLA, Spitzer, and XMM-Newton data. Among the photometrically selected LAEs at z=3.1 and 3.7, only ~1 % show AGN activities, while the brightest LAEs with logL(Lya) >~ 43.4-43.6 erg/s appear to always host AGNs. Our LAEs are bluer in UV-continuum color than dropout galaxies, suggesting lower extinction and/or younger stellar populations. Our stacking analyses provide upper limits to the radio luminosity and the f(HeII)/f(Lya) line fraction, and constrain the hidden star formation (+low-luminosity AGN) and the primordial population in LAEs.Comment: 75 pages, 27 figures; ApJS in press. High resolution version at http://www.ociw.edu/~ouchi/work/astroph/sxds_LAEs/ouchi_SXDSLAE_ApJS.pd
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