24 research outputs found

    Relationship between urbanization and cancer incidence in Iran using quantile regression

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    Quantile regression is an efficient method for predicting and estimating the relationship between explanatory variables and percentile points of the response distribution, particularly for extreme percentiles of the distribution. To study the relationship between urbanization and cancer morbidity, we here applied quantile regression. This cross-sectional study was conducted for 9 cancers in 345 cities in 2007 in Iran. Data were obtained from the Ministry of Health and Medical Education and the relationship between urbanization and cancer morbidity was investigated using quantile regression and least square regression. Fitting models were compared using AIC criteria. R (3.0.1) software and the Quantreg package were used for statistical analysis. With the quantile regression model all percentiles for breast, colorectal, prostate, lung and pancreas cancers demonstrated increasing incidence rate with urbanization. The maximum increase for breast cancer was in the 90th percentile (β=0.13, p-value < 0.001), for colorectal cancer was in the 75th percentile (β=0.048, p-value < 0.001), for prostate cancer the 95th percentile (β=0.55, p-value < 0.001), for lung cancer was in 95th percentile (β=0.52, p-value=0.006), for pancreas cancer was in 10th percentile (β=0.011, p-value < 0.001). For gastric, esophageal and skin cancers, with increasing urbanization, the incidence rate was decreased. The maximum decrease for gastric cancer was in the 90th percentile(β=0.003, p-value < 0.001), for esophageal cancer the 95th (β=0.04, p-value=0.4) and for skin cancer also the 95th (β=0.145, p-value=0.071). The AIC showed that for upper percentiles, the fitting of quantile regression was better than least square regression. According to the results of this study, the significant impact of urbanization on cancer morbidity requirs more effort and planning by policymakers and administrators in order to reduce risk factors such as pollution in urban areas and ensure proper nutrition recommendations are made. © 2016, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention

    Safety and effectiveness of high-dose vitamin C in patients with COVID-19: a randomized open-label clinical trial

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    Background: Vitamin C is an essential water-soluble nutrient that functions as a key antioxidant and has been proven to be effective for boosting immunity. In this study, we aimed to assess the efficacy of adding high-dose intravenous vitamin C (HDIVC) to the regimens for patients with severe COVID-19 disease. Methods: An open-label, randomized, and controlled trial was conducted on patients with severe COVID-19 infection. The case and control treatment groups each consisted of 30 patients. The control group received lopinavir/ritonavir and hydroxychloroquine and the case group received HDIVC (6 g daily) added to the same regimen. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between two groups with respect to age and gender, laboratory results, and underlying diseases. The mean body temperature was significantly lower in the case group on the 3rd day of hospitalization (p = 0.001). Peripheral capillary oxygen saturations (SpO2) measured at the 3rd day of hospitalization was also higher in the case group receiving HDIVC (p = 0.014). The median length of hospitalization in the case group was significantly longer than the control group (8.5 days vs. 6.5 days) (p = 0.028). There was no significant difference in SpO2 levels at discharge time, the length of intensive care unit (ICU) stay, and mortality between the two groups. Conclusions: We did not find significantly better outcomes in the group who were treated with HDIVC in addition to the main treatment regimen at discharge. Trial registration irct.ir (IRCT20200411047025N1), April 14, 2020 © 2021, The Author(s)

    Prioritizing methods of control and reduce noise pollution in Larestan cement Factory using analytical hierarchy process (AHP)

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    Introduction: exposure to noise pollution leaves Different effects on human. Goal in this Paper is the prioritizing methods of control and reduce noise pollution in Larestan cement Factory using analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Methods: For screening criteria and methods used in AHP technique, Delphi method was used. After polling of 15 experts, 8 criteria and 9 methods was selected from their consensus. Then, in order to prioritizing methods of reduce and control noise pollution, carried out Paired comparison of the methods and criteria, by experts using Analytical Hierarchy Process. Results: result of paired comparison of criteria show that initial investment cost was the most important criteria with the relative weight of 0.247, satisfaction from using of method, Account for the least important with the relative weight of 0.035. A paired comparison of methods according to the target of selecting control methods show that Personal exposure to noise Control method with the weight of 0.224 .was the first priority, and Insulation of building’s Method with the weight of 0.067 was the last priority. Conclusion: Because of personal exposure to noise control method obtained as the best method of controlling noise pollution in this Factory, ACGIH instruction about the time of noise exposure in the workplace suggested to directors

    Adropin-A novel biomarker of heart disease: A systematic review article

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    Background: Heart disease is one of the most common chronic disease and leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Adropin, a newly identified protein, is important for energy homeostasis and maintaining insulin sensitivi-ty, and has been referred to as a novel regulator of endothelial cells. Endothelial dysfunction is a key early event in atherogenesis and onset of HD. Therefore, this review gives a systematic overview of studies investigating plasma adropin level in patient with heart disease. Methods: Data carried out in PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, Google scholar and MEDLINE, from the earliest available online indexing year through 2015. The search restricted to studies conducted in humans. The key-word search was adropin to apply in title, abstract and keywords. References lists of all original published articles were scanned to find additional eligible studies. Results: Heart failure (HF), coronary atherosclerosis acute myocardial infarction and Cardiac Syndrome X (CSX) were type of heart disease acknowledged in this study. Majority of evidences introduced low adropin as an independ-ent risk factor of heart disease. In a case-control study, the plasma level of adropin increased with the severity of HF. Conclusion: Adropinmay be a potential serum biomarker for early diagnosis of HD. © 2016, Iranian Journal of Public Health. All rights reserved

    The examination of relationship between socioeconomic factors and number of tuberculosis using quantile regression model for count data in Iran 2010-2011

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    Background: Poverty and low socioeconomic status are the most important reasons of increasing the global burden of tuberculosis, not only in developing countries but also in developed countries for particular groups. The purpose of this study was to assess the association between socioeconomic factors and the number of tuberculosis patients using quantile regression for count data. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 11,320 tuberculosis patients from March 2010 to March 201 in Iran. Data was gathered from the 345 sections of Iran by Ministry of Health and Medical Education and Statistical Center of Iran. The jittering method was applied for smoothing, and then, the quantile regression for count data was fitted. The AIC was used to compare the fitness of quantile regression for count data model and Poisson log-linear model. The R (3.0.1) software and Quantreg and AER packages were used for all analysis and modeling of the data. Results: The results of fitting the quantile regression for count data showed that in all percentiles, the more increase in immigration rate, illiteracy rate, unemployment and urbanization rates, the more tuberculosis morbidity rate was increased. The maximum increase of tuberculosis due to immigration rate, urbanization rate, unemployment rate, and illiteracy rate was in 95th percentile (β=0.315), 85'Th percentile (β=0.162), 75'Th percentile (β=0.114), and 95'Th percentile (β=0.304), respectively. For 50th percentiles and higher percentiles, with increasing the sum of physicians to the number of population, the tuberculosis morbidity rate was decreased, and the maximum decrease was in 95'Th percentile (β=-0.1). For all percentiles, the AIC showed that quantile regression for count data had been a better fit to data. Conclusion: With respect to the relationship between socioeconomic factors and TB rate, health care observers should pay close attention to improving these factors in Iran to reduce the TB mortality and morbidity

    A single-cell micro-trench platform for automatic monitoring of cell division and apoptosis after chemotherapeutic drug administration

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    Abstract Cells vary in their dynamic response to external stimuli, due to stochastic fluctuations and non-uniform progression through the cell cycle. Hence, single-cell studies are required to reveal the range of heterogeneity in their responses to defined perturbations, which provides detailed insight into signaling processes. Here, we present a time-lapse study using arrays of micro-trenches to monitor the timing of cell division and apoptosis in non-adherent cells at the single-cell level. By employing automated cell tracking and division detection, we precisely determine cell cycle duration and sister-cell correlations for hundreds of individual cells in parallel. As a model application we study the response of leukemia cells to the chemostatic drug vincristine as a function of cell cycle phase. The time-to-death after drug addition is found to depend both on drug concentration and cell cycle phase. The resulting timing and dose-response distributions were reproduced in control experiments using synchronized cell populations. Interestingly, in non-synchronized cells, the time-to-death intervals for sister cells appear to be correlated. Our study demonstrates the practical benefits of micro-trench arrays as a platform for high-throughput, single-cell time-lapse studies on cell cycle dependence, correlations and cell fate decisions in general

    Denture Stomatitis and Candida Albicans in Iranian Population: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: Denture stomatitis is the common form of oral candidiasis, which is seen in the form of diffused inflammation in the areas covered by dentures. Many primary studies report the prevalence of denture stomatitis and candida albicans among patients in the Iranian population; therefore, using meta-analysis is valuable for health policy makers. PURPOSE: The purpose of the present study is to determine the prevalence of denture stomatitis and candida albicans in Iran. MATERIALS AND METHOD: Using relevant keywords, national and international databases were searched. After limiting the search strategy and deleting the duplicates, the remaining papers were screened by examining the title and abstract. In order to increase the sensitivity of search reference lists of papers were examined. Finally the index of heterogeneity between studies was defined using Cochran test (Q) and I-squared (I(2)). According to heterogeneity, the random effects model was used to estimate the prevalence of denture stomatitis and candida albicans in Iran. RESULT: The prevalence of denture stomatitis in 12 studies, and the prevalence of candida albicans in patients with denture stomatitis have been reported in 6 studies. The number of sample under investigated and its age range among primary studies included meta- analysis was 2271 individuals and 32.7 till 87.5 years respectively. The prevalence of denture stomatitis in preliminary studies imported to a meta-analysis varied from 1.9% to 54.6%, and its rate in Iran using the meta-analysis was estimated 28.9 % (CI 95%: 18.2-39.6). Also the overall prevalence of candida albicans in patients with denture stomatitis in Iran was estimated 60.6% (CI 95%:50.1-71.2). CONCLUSION: This study showed that the prevalence of denture stomatitis and candida albicans among patient infected denture stomatitis is relatively significant in Iran

    Genomic structure of Burkholderia mallei Razi 325, the strain used for industrial production of Mallein in Iran

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    Background and Objective: Iran remains a major stronghold for glanders in the Middle East. In Iran, the non-indigenous Burkholderia mallei Razi 325 strain is used in manufacturing of the mallein, required for malleination of animals. Multi Locus Variable number tandem repeat analysis is currently the standard globally accepted genotyping system for Burkholderia mallei. This study was done to survey the genomic structure of Burkholderia mallei Razi 325, the strain used for industrial production of Mallein. Methods: In this descriptive study, a MLVA genotyping system with 4 previously-characterized loci VNTR140, VNTR1367, VNTR2065, VNTR2971 along with two new loci of VNTR24, VNTR41 was used. Results: Optimization of PCRs resulted in a single protocol that enabled simultaneous amplification of all the six loci. Sequencing of PCR products revealed there were 2, 3, 12, 6, 1 and 2 copies of the unit repeat hold in the genome of the Burkholderia mallei Razi 325 strain. This observation was extended to include the already-whole genome sequenced Chinese Burkholderia mallei ATCC 23344 and Burkholderia mallei BMQ and also Burkholderia mallei SAVP1 strains. Conclusion: The Burkholderia mallei Razi 325 strain is distinguishable from the other three strains through MLVA genotyping method

    Safety and effectiveness of azithromycin in patients with COVID-19: An open-label randomised trial

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    As no specific pharmacological treatment has been validated for use in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), we aimed to assess the effectiveness of azithromycin (AZM) in these patients at a referral centre in Iran. An open-label, randomised controlled trial was conducted on patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. A total of 55 patients in the control group receiving hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) were compared with 56 patients in the case group who in addition to the same regimen also received AZM. Patients with prior cardiac disease were excluded from the study. Furthermore, patients from the case group were assessed for cardiac arrythmia risk based on the American College of Cardiology (ACC) risk assessment for use of AZM and HCQ. The main outcome measures were vital signs, SpO2 levels, duration of hospitalisation, need for and length of intensive care unit admission, mortality rate and results of 30-day follow-up after discharge. Initially, there was no significant difference between the general conditions and vital signs of the two groups. The SpO2 levels at discharge were significantly higher, the respiratory rate was lower and the duration of admission was shorter in the case group. There was no significant difference in the mortality rate between the two groups. Patients who received AZM in addition to HCQ and LPV/r had a better general condition. HCQ+AZM combination may be beneficial for individuals who are known to have a very low underlying risk for cardiac arrhythmia based on the ACC criteria. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd and International Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherap