25 research outputs found

    Managing iron and steel enterprises: study of innovative methods of industrial engineering (logistics approach)

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    Specifics of the logistics approach in managing an iron and steel enterprise is reviewed. Attention is focused on the logistics management issues; the areas of their solution are defined. The article proposes an economic mechanism for managing the logistics activities of iron and steel enterprises, including a set of consistent, mutually agreed management activities and measures that encompasses the cycle of assessing, analyzing and optimizing logistics activities and aims at achieving the performance goals. The mechanism is based on a system of methods, models and techniques and provides for the adjustment and control of deviations, thereby ensuring timely response to the deteriorating parameters of managing the logistics activities of an iron and steel enterprise

    Vertically integrated holdings in the system of developing the national complex of iron and steel industry of Russia

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    This article shows brief results of analyzing the competitiveness of Russian vertically integrated holdings and independent enterprises of the iron and steel industry. Besides, it indicates key areas of this industry development in the external and internal market aspect. The promotion of Russian iron and steel products on the external market can be successful only if the production of enterprises is refocused from creating products of low technological conversions to creating products of high technological conversions


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    While evaluating business partners networking effectiveness, one comes across many problems. Approaches to solve main problems areexamined. Basic factors that infl uence the value of market relationships are identified along with a system of network business entities interaction indicators. The growth of the satisfaction of stakeholders with the market network structure is to be recognized as general criterion of the effectiveness of interaction between business partners within the network.При оценке эффективности сетевого взаимодействия бизнес-партнеров возникают проблемы. Рассмотрены подходы к решению основных проблем. Выделены наиболее существенные факторы, определяющие ценность рыночных взаимоотношений, приведена система показателей эффективности взаимодействия сетевых бизнес-субъектов. Общим критерием эффективности взаимодействия бизнес-партнеров в рыночных сетях следует считать рост удовлетворенности заинтересованных лиц

    Model for integrating monetary and fiscal policies to stimulate economic growth and sustainable debt dynamics

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    This article examines the main integration trends of the state's monetary and fiscal policy in influencing economic growth and maintaining the sustainability of public debt. It is argued that the relationship between these trends of macroeconomic regulation is predetermined, on the one hand, by the potentially negative impact of fiscal expansion from the point of view of inflation, and by the negative impact of a likely state default in failing to refinance the debt from the Ministry of Finance, on the other hand. The paper studies the selected array of statistical data using the fiscal policy multipliers concept, the relationship between the effect of increase/decrease in budget expenditures, the slowdown in economic activity and the efforts by the Central Bank to offset fiscal measures, on the one hand, and the ratio of an increase/decrease in budget revenues and debt expenditures used to finance the budget investments, on the other hand. It is revealed that the investments are effective if implementing budget expenditures in the presence of the GDP gap and unrealized expectations of economic agents, while reducing spending in such a situation will intensify the recession. The GDP growth determined by these investments should provide the tax effect sufficient to cover the expenses. Otherwise, there can be negative effects of debt that establishes the need for measures to refinance public debt by the Central Bank. The conclusions of the paper can be used to assess the possible integration of monetary and fiscal policy based on various states.peer-reviewe

    The country's economic growth models and the potential for budgetary, monetary and private financing of gross domestic product growth

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    This article examines the financing of GDP growth within the framework of catch-up, evolutionary and dynamic models of economic development. Methods/statistical analysis: using the principles of the Solow model and the Cobb-Douglas function, an analysis of the nature of the models has been carried out, considering the processes of capital accumulation, the rate of growth of the workforce, and various aggregate factor productivities. With the help of historical logic and statistical evaluation, examples of countries relating to each of the models examined are reviewed. Based on the analysis, the main ways of financing economic growth are noted: both the state ones, due to budgetary and monetary policy measures, and private ones. It has been proven that with the transition from catch-up to an evolutionary or dynamic model, the role of the state as a centralizing force is diminishing. At the same time, the specificity of a dynamic model is due to the country's objective ability to be among the technological leaders, which is predetermined by the high values of current GDP, per capita GDP, and population size. Countries with an evolutionary model of development are constrained in their ability to maintain a comparable pace of development only within separate "growth points". The main result of the work is the assessment of Russia's potential from the viewpoint of one of the models considered, based on a comparative analysis of several capital indicators, as well as a logical analysis of data on the level of GDP and population with other countries. This makes it possible to make recommendations for financing the country's GDP growth in the medium to long term. Scope/Improvements: The findings can be used in the development of Russia's financial and economic strategy up to 2030.peer-reviewe


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    Abstract: Main innovation diffusion development theory stages are: Rogers model of moving new products to the market including characteristics of its segments; mathematic substantiation of this model by Bass; Moor model taking into account gaps between adjacent market segments; Goldenberg model making it possible to predict sales drops at new product life cycle initial stages. It is reasonable to use this theory while moving innovative products to the market.Основные этапы развития теории диффузии инноваций: модель Роджерса (распространение нового продукта на рынок) с характеристикой её сегментов; математическое обоснование этой модели Бассом; модель Мура, учитывающая влияние разрывов между смежными сегментами рынка; модель Голденберга, позволяющая прогнозировать величину спада в продажах на начальном этапе жизненного цикла нового продукта. Теорию целесообразно применять при продвижении инновационного продукта на рынок

    Work Engagement and Burnout Prevention through the Intervention of Learning Java Programming Skills to Blue-Color Professionals

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    The research features Java programming skills interventions introduced to an experimental group of shop assistants in Russia (years 2020-2021) as a part of the work engagement enhancement framework. The interventions’ cycle included 4 weeks, featuring videos describing Java basics. The results are promising since the participants reported brief manageable stresses, the development of positive social bonds, the enhancement of perceived social support, and the engagement in help-seeking behaviors. The rate of work engagement was measured according to Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. The results were validated with the statistical method of Rosenbaum Q criteria. The proposed interventions outline focuses on seven areas: 1) the attitude of society to learning interventions featuring an unknown subject field; 2) the formation of the learning environment; 3) psychological diversity of participants; 4) work engagement; 5) planning and evaluation of results; 6) social relationships; 7) personal growth and professional development. It is a common belief that a smaller workload, shorter working hours, or bigger financial rewards can solve burnout problems and increase work engagement. We propose a different approach which is a careful intervention of new studying programs as a work engagement enhancement strategy, as well as an anti-burnout method. © 2021

    «Контракт жизненного цикла» в сфере транспортной инфраструктуры как новый механизм государственно-частного партнерства

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    Purpose: the purpose of this article is to analyze the Russian experience in using public-private partnership mechanism (further – PPP) for the supply and maintenance of rolling stock for Moscow public transport vehicle fleet under the «Life Сycle Сontract» (further – LLC). Overview of LLC, benefits, strengths and weakness identification are needed to achieve the objectives. Methods: methodological and theoretical background of the article based on feasibility study of LCC implementation projects as well as practical experience of LCC in CUE «Mosgortrans» and CUE «Moscow Metro». Information based on official data from Ministry of Economic development of the RF, Moscow Mayor official website, Moscow City Investment Agency. Results: research into LCC in PPP system, strengths and weaknesses identification will allow to minimize risks and to improve system. Conclusions and Relevance: this article proves that LCC model under the tready of of rolling stock procurement and maintenance contracts for Moscow public transport can provide a city with the new generation rolling stock, increase comfort and safety, obtain additional reliability assurance and timekeeping, remain high properties of rolling stock during exploitation period. Цель: Целью настоящей статьи является анализ Российского опыта применения модели государственно-частного партнерства (далее – ГЧП) на примере договоров поставки и обслуживания подвижного состава общественного транспорта Москвы на условиях «контракта жизненного цикла» (далее – КЖЦ). Для достижения поставленной цели были решены следующие задачи: проведен общий обзор КЖЦ, определен эффект от реализации модели, выделены сильные и слабые стороны. Методология проведения работы: Теоретическую и методологическую основу статьи составили работы специалистов, посвященные технико-экономическому обоснованию проектов по внедрению КЖЦ. Проведен анализ практического опыта применение модели КЖЦ в ГУП «Мосгортранс» и ГУП «Московский метрополитен». Информационной базой послужили официальные данные Министерства экономического развития Российской Федерации, сайта Мэра Москвы, ГБУ города Москвы «Городское агентство управления инвестициями». Результаты работы: Изучение КЖЦ в системе ГЧП, анализ сильных и слабых сторон модели позволит разработать стратегию минимизации контрактных рисков и выработать мероприятия по дальнейшему усовершенствованию модели. Выводы: Материалы, изложенные в статье, показывают, что использование модели КЖЦ в рамках договоров поставки и обслуживания подвижного состава общественного транспорта позволяет обеспечить город транспортными средствами нового поколения с повышенным комфортом и безопасностью, получить дополнительные гарантии надежности и соблюдения графика движения, сохранить высокие потребительские свойства подвижного состава на протяжении всего срока его эксплуатации.

    Spectrometric method to detect exoplanets as another test to verify the invariance of the velocity of light

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    Hypothetical influences of variability of light velocity due to the parameters of the source of radiation, for the results of spectral measurements of stars to search for exoplanets are considered. Accounting accelerations of stars relative to the barycenter of the star - a planet (the planets) was carried out. The dependence of the velocity of light from the barycentric radial velocity and barycentric radial acceleration component of the star should lead to a substantial increase (up to degree of magnitude) semi-major axes of orbits detected candidate to extrasolar planets. Consequently, the correct comparison of the results of spectral method with results of other well-known modern methods of detecting extrasolar planets can regard the results obtained in this paper as a reliable test for testing the invariance of the velocity of light.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure


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    While evaluating business partners networking effectiveness, one comes across many problems. Approaches to solve main problems areexamined. Basic factors that infl uence the value of market relationships are identified along with a system of network business entities interaction indicators. The growth of the satisfaction of stakeholders with the market network structure is to be recognized as general criterion of the effectiveness of interaction between business partners within the network