445 research outputs found

    Comparing Open and Sealed Bid Auctions: Theory and Evidence from Timber Auctions

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    We study entry and bidding patterns in sealed bid and open auctions with heterogeneous bidders. Using data from U.S. Forest Service timber auctions, we document a set of systematic effects of auction format: sealed bid auctions attract more small bidders, shift the allocation towards these bidders, and can also generate higher revenue. We propose a model, which extends the theory of private value auctions with heterogeneous bidders to capture participation decisions, that can account for these qualitative effects of auction format. We then calibrate the model using parameters estimated from the data and show that the model can explain the quantitative effects as well. Finally, we use the model to provide an assessment of bidder competitiveness, which has important consequences for auction choice.Auctions, Timber

    Comparing Open and Sealed Bid Auctions: Evidence from Timber Auctions

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    We study entry and bidding patterns in sealed bid and open auctions with heterogeneous bidders. Using data from U.S. Forest Service timber auctions, we document a set of systematic effects of auction format: sealed bid auctions attract more small bidders, shift the allocation towards these bidders, and can also generate higher revenue. We show that a private value auction model with endogenous participation can account for these qualitative effects of auction format. We estimate the model's parameters and show that it can explain the quantitative effects as well. Finally, we use the model to provide an assessment of bidder competitiveness, which has important consequences for auction choice.Open Auction, Sealed Bid Auction

    Entry regulation and business start-ups : evidence from Mexico

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    The authors estimate the effect on business start-ups of a program that significantly speeds up firm registration procedures. The program was implemented in Mexico in different municipalities at different dates. Authors estimates suggest that new start-ups increased by about 4 percent in eligible industries, and the authors present evidence that this is a causal effect. Most of the effect is temporary, concentrated in the first 10 months after implementation. The effect is robust to several specifications of the benchmark control group time trends. The authors find that the program was more effective in municipalities with less corruption and cheaper additional procedures.Corporate Law,Microfinance,Regional Governance,Urban Governance and Management,Urban Partnerships&Poverty

    Las vicisitudes del calendario único de vacunación

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    El calendario de vacunación constituye uno de los grandes pilares de la política de inmunización. Su confección plantea complejos retos y exige tomar decisiones comprometidas de cara a incluir o descartar ciertas vacunas de la cobertura sanitaria pública que facilita su generalización, sin olvidar la fijación de las pautas de vacunación apropiadas. La Ley General de Salud Pública manda la existencia de un calendario único en España, limitando la capacidad de modificación de las Comunidades Autónomas a las razones epidemiológicas. La realidad, no obstante, parece apartarse de este plan toda vez que, por un lado, el Consejo Interterritorial del Sistema Nacional de Salud no ha acordado todavía un calendario que califique formalmente de único, optando por la fórmula del calendario común; y, por otro, las Comunidades Autónomas siguen aprobando sus respectivos calendarios, a veces con diferencias significativas. En el trabajo se analizan las claves explicativas de este fenómeno y se crítica la lenidad con la que están actuando todos los actores implicados, con el riesgo de deterioro de la imagen del sistema de vacunación que ello está portando consigo

    Breves consideraciones sobre la regulación del informe en el Proyecto de Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo Común de las Administraciones Públicas

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    Consideraciones sobre la regulación del informe en el Proyecto de Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo Común de las Administraciones Públicas

    El poder del juez administrativo de limitar las costas procesales

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    El juez administrativo aparece investido con una facultad singular que va a permitirle moderar ex offi cio, según su prudente arbitrio, el contenido y alcance de la condena en costas procesales a la luz de las circunstancias particulares de cada caso. El uso de este poder ha desbordado los márgenes tradicionales de la casación, ámbito en el que se venía desenvolviendo con naturalidad, bien que con algún sobresalto, dando lugar a una serie de derivaciones, como las condenas simbólicas, que deben hacernos meditar sin falta acerca de las virtudes y limitaciones de esta generosa facultad. Y no solo eso. Las sendas que transita hoy este poder de limitación de las costas nos ponen sobre aviso de la posible existencia de disfunciones más profundas, de desajustes en nuestro sistema de costas procesales que están en grado de comprometer el acceso a la justicia administrativa

    Who are the unbanked ?

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    This paper uses nationally representative survey data from Mexico to compare households with savings accounts in formal financial institutions to their neighbors who do not have such accounts. The survey,which was conducted in 2005, contains information on nearly 5,000 households. The findings show that although neighboring banked and unbanked households have similar demographic and occupational profiles, the former are more educated and have markedly greater wealth. The median banked household spends 32 percent more per capita than the median unbanked household, and the median per capita wealth in banked households is 88 percent higher than that in unbanked households. The findings suggest that education levels, wealth, and unobserved household attributes that might be correlated with wealth and education play a major role in explaining who is banked.Access to Finance,,Banks&Banking Reform,Emerging Markets,Debt Markets

    Evolution of Occupational Therapy Practice: Life History of Elizabeth Skidmore, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, FACRM

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    Objective: The purpose of the study is to provide current and future generations of occupational therapists a view of the history and how occupational therapy practice has evolved from its inception to current practice through the life history stories of occupational therapists who have held leadership roles at the national level and beyond. It is anticipated that the life history process will be a powerful way to gather this information. Method: A detailed, semi-structured interview was conducted at the University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences. The interview took approximately 120 minutes to complete, followed by a transcription and data analysis used to organize the information collected from the interview into 21 codes and further create eight emerging themes. Results: Four themes were derived from the data analysis which represent key aspects of Dr. Skidmore’s life and career: her values which have guided her career decisions, her role in overarching systems which have allowed her to advocate for others, her willingness to seek opportunities, and the factors of success and challenge which have motivated her to continue to make an impact on others. Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate that Dr. Skidmore has had many experiences that have shaped her values, motivated her, and given her opportunities to become an advocate, mentor, and leader to others as an educator and a therapist