19 research outputs found

    Inhibiting pathologically active ADAM10 rescues synaptic and cognitive decline in Huntington’s disease

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    A disintegrine and metalloproteinase 10 (ADAM10) is implicated in synaptic function through its interaction with postsynaptic receptors and adhesion molecules. Here, we report that levels of active ADAM10 are increased in Huntington’s disease (HD) mouse cortices and striata and in human postmortem caudate. We show that, in the presence of polyglutamine-expanded (polyQ-expanded) huntingtin (HTT), ADAM10 accumulates at the postsynaptic densities (PSDs) and causes excessive cleavage of the synaptic protein N-cadherin (N-CAD). This aberrant phenotype is also detected in neurons from HD patients where it can be reverted by selective silencing of mutant HTT. Consistently, ex vivo delivery of an ADAM10 synthetic inhibitor reduces N-CAD proteolysis and corrects electrophysiological alterations in striatal medium-sized spiny neurons (MSNs) of 2 HD mouse models. Moreover, we show that heterozygous conditional deletion of ADAM10 or delivery of a competitive TAT-Pro-ADAM10709–729 peptide in R6/2 mice prevents N-CAD proteolysis and ameliorates cognitive deficits in the mice. Reduction in synapse loss was also found in R6/2 mice conditionally deleted for ADAM10. Taken together, these results point to a detrimental role of hyperactive ADAM10 at the HD synapse and provide preclinical evidence of the therapeutic potential of ADAM10 inhibition in HD

    The tetraspanin Tspan15 is an essential subunit of an ADAM10 scissor complex

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    A disintegrin and metalloprotease 10 (ADAM10) is a transmembrane protein essential for embryonic development, and its dysregulation underlies disorders such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and inflammation.  ADAM10 is a “molecular scissor” that proteolytically cleaves the extracellular region from >100 substrates, including Notch, amyloid precursor protein, cadherins, growth factors, and chemokines.  ADAM10 has been recently proposed to function as six distinct scissors with different substrates, depending on its association with one of six regulatory tetraspanins, termed TspanC8s.  However, it remains unclear to what degree ADAM10 function critically depends on a TspanC8 partner, and a lack of monoclonal antibodies specific for most TspanC8s has hindered investigating this question.  To address this knowledge gap, here we designed an immunogen to generate the first monoclonal antibodies targeting Tspan15, a model TspanC8.  The immunogen was created in an ADAM10-knockout mouse cell line stably overexpressing human Tspan15, because we hypothesized that expression in this cell line would expose epitopes that are normally blocked by ADAM10.  Following immunization of mice, this immunogen strategy generated four Tspan15 antibodies.  Using these antibodies, we show that endogenous Tspan15 and ADAM10 co-localize on the cell surface, that ADAM10 is the principal Tspan15-interacting protein, that endogenous Tspan15 expression requires ADAM10 in cell lines and primary cells, and that a synthetic ADAM10/Tspan15 fusion protein is a functional scissor.  Furthermore, two of the four antibodies impaired ADAM10/Tspan15 activity.  These findings suggest that Tspan15 directly interacts with ADAM10 in a functional scissor complex