11 research outputs found

    Sars-COV-2 Vaccination DID Not Affect the Clinical Course of IGA Nephropathy in Latvian Adult Cohort

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The current strategy to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic involves active patient vaccination. Patients with renal and autoimmune diseases are in high risk for severe COVID-19 infection [1]. Therefore they should be prioritized for vaccination. Immunoglobulin A nephropathy (IgAN) is one of the most common primary glomerulonephritis triggered by mucous membrane alteration; however, there is a discussion about vaccination-caused IgA flare [2]. The immunological nature of IgAN and misleading information in public sources leaves patients skeptical about whether to get vaccinated [3]. The study aimed to investigate the impact of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination on the clinical course of IgA nephropathy. METHOD: Adult patients treated in Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital with morphologically proven IgAN were included in the study. Patients with secondary IgAN were excluded. Evaluation of clinical and laboratory markers was performed on inclusion visit and on the second visit 6 months later. SARS-CoV-2 vaccination type and status were noted on both visits. Estimated GFR was calculated with CKD-EPI creatinine-cystatin equation. IBM SPSS Statistics version 27 and Microsoft Excel 10 were used for data analysis. RESULTS: The study involved 54 patients, 36 were unvaccinated and 18 were fully vaccinated. A significant difference between the two groups was observed by baseline proteinuria. Other differences were not observed. Fourteen patients were vaccinated with mRNA vaccine, 13 with Comirnaty and 1 with Spikevax, and four patients were vaccinated with Vaxzevria vector vaccine. The differences between the two groups are shown in Table 1. During study period, two patients had COVID-19 infection; a patient in the vaccinated group had COVID-19 prior to vaccination. CONCLUSION: SARS-CoV-2 vaccination did not affect the clinical course of IgA nephropathy. Our study results indicate that SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in IgA nephropathy patients was safe regarding renal function and disease activity markers. (Table Presented).publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Geological structure and composition of the Devonian Pļaviņas Formation in exposures at banks of the Amata River

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    Bakalaura darbs ir par augŔējā devona Pļaviņu svÄ«tas nogulumiežu uzbÅ«vi un sastāvu Amatas krastos. Pētot trÄ«s netālu esoÅ”us atsegumus DolomÄ«tu krauju, Vizuļu iezi un ÄŖļaku iezi, tika sagatavoti Ä£eoloÄ£iskie griezumi, izgatavoti 28 pieslÄ«pņi un 16 plānslÄ«pējumi. Noskaidrots, ka Å”ajos objektos Kokneses ridas nogulumi veidojās ļoti sekla Å«dens un vismaz epizodiski palielināta sāļuma apstākļos, bet Sēlijas ridas nogulumi seklā, normāla sāļuma jÅ«rā, ko periodiski ietekmēja subaerālās atsegÅ”anās epizodes. Secināts, ka Sēlijas ridā lielākā daļa nodalÄ«to slāņu ir izsekojami starp visiem trijiem griezumiem, novērojot tajos tikai mazas izmaiņas. Griezuma augŔējā daļa visvairāk atŔķīrās starp pētÄ«tajiem objektiem.The Bachelorā€™s thesis deals with the structure and composition of sedimentary rocks of the Upper Devonian Plaviņas Formation on the banks of River Amata. During the study of three closely located objects the Dolomite Cliff, Vizuļi Rock and ÄŖļaki Rock Outcrop logs, 28 cut and polished specimens, and 16 thin-sections were prepared. It was clarified that the deposits of Koknese Member formed in very shallow water, at least episodically hypersaline settings, but the deposits of Sēlija Member formed in shallow sea of normal salinity, periodically influenced by subaerial exposure. It was concluded that most layers in the Sēlija Member are traceable between all three sections, observing only small changes. The upper part of sections differed most among the objects

    Frequency and importance of bacterial biofilm formation for peritoneal dialysis patients

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    MedicÄ«naVeselÄ«bas aprÅ«peMedicineHealth CareStaphylococcus sugu biofilmas veidoÅ”anas nozÄ«me ar peritoneālo dialÄ«zi asociētu peritonÄ«tu gadÄ«jumā Ievads. Peritoneālā dialÄ«ze (PD) ir izplatÄ«ta nieru aizstājterapijas metode. Kā galveno PD komplikāciju var minēt infekciju slimÄ«bas, kas ir kā bÅ«tisks cēlonis Ŕīs nieru aizstājterapijas metodes pārtraukÅ”anai vai ir kā viens no galvenajiem mirstÄ«bas cēloņiem PD pacientiem. Staphylococcus sugas ir biežs iemesls ar PD asociēta peritonÄ«ta attÄ«stÄ«bā. Å Ä«m baktērijām ir plaÅ”s virulences profils un spēcÄ«ga biofilmu veidoÅ”anas spēja. Biofilma ir ievērojama barjera, kura pazemina antibakteriālo vielu ietekmi uz tajā iekļautajām baktērijām, kā arÄ« novērÅ” saimniekorganisma imÅ«no atbildi uz Å”iem mikororganismiem. Materiāli un metodes. PētÄ«juma mērÄ·is bija noteikt Staphylococcus sugu biofilmu veidoÅ”anās spēju, kas tika izolētas no PD pacientiem ar peritonÄ«tu. Kopumā tika izdalÄ«tas 11 Staphylococcus kultÅ«ras no PD pacientiem, kam bija attÄ«stÄ«jusies ar PD asociēta infekcija un kas ārstējās Paula Stradiņa KlÄ«niskā universitātes slimnÄ«cā. Baktēriju identifikācija tika veikta ar MALDI-TOF vai VITEK-2 sistēmu. Antibakteriālā jutÄ«ba tika noteikta saskaņā ar EUCAST V11.0 standartu. Baktēriju spēju veidot biofilmu tika noteikta, izmantojot 96 bedrÄ«Å”u mikroplati. SekojoÅ”i baktēriju biofilmas optiskais blÄ«vums (OD) tika mērÄ«ts ar mikroplates spektrofotometru (TECAN INFINITE F50) pie 570 nm viļņa garuma. Dati tika analizēti, izmantojot Microsoft Excel 10. Rezultāti: Baktēriju celmi tika izolēti no 9 peritoneālās dialÄ«zes pacientiem (4 dializāti, 7 uztriepes no peritoneālās dialÄ«zes katetra izejas atveres). BÅ«tiska biofilmas veidoÅ”anas spēja tika novērota 8 izolētajiem baktēriju celmiem. Visbiežāk Staphylococcus celmi uzrādÄ«ja vidēju biofilmas veidoÅ”anas spēju (6; 55%), spēcÄ«gu (2; 18%) un neveidoja vai veidoja ļoti minimāli (3; 27%). Pieciem izolētiem celmiem bija rezistence pret penicilÄ«nu G, viens celms bija rezistents pret ampicilÄ«nu. Viens no S. aureus celmiem bija rezistents pret meticilÄ«nu un uzrādÄ«ja spēcÄ«gu biofilmu veidoÅ”anas spēju. Secinājumi. IzdalÄ«tie Staphylococcu celmi uzrādÄ«ja biežu biofilmu veidoÅ”anas spēju un lÄ«dz ar to tai ir svarÄ«ga loma pie ar PD asociēta peritonÄ«ta attÄ«stÄ«bā. Antibakteriālā rezistence un biofilmu veidoÅ”ana ir nozÄ«mÄ«gi faktori, kas ietekmē Ar PD asociēta peritonÄ«ta ārstÄ“Å”anu un vispārējo iznākumu.Impact of Staphylococcus species biofilm formation in peritoneal dialysis associated peritonitis. Introduction. Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a common method of renal replacement therapy. Infection as PD associated peritonitis is a major complication and cause of dialysis failure and is one of the leading causes of mortality. Frequently Staphylococcus species are the cause of PD associated peritonitis. These bacteria have wide profile of virulence and strong ability of biofilm formation, it is a significant barrier which lowers the penetration of antibacterial substances and prevents bacteria against host immune system. Materials and methods. The aim of the study was to determine biofilm formation ability of Staphylococcus species isolated from PD patients with the peritonitis. In total 11 Staphylococcus species were obtained from PD patients with PD associated infections at Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital. Bacterial identification was performed with MALDI-TOF or VITEK-2 system. Antimicrobial susceptibility was performed according to EUCAST V11.0 standard. Biofilm growth was detected using microtiter plate assay. Afterwards, the optical density (OD) of bacterial biomass was measured with a microplate spectrophotometer (TECAN INFINITE F50) at 570 nm wavelength. Data were analysed using Microsoft Excel 10. Results. Bacterial strains were isolated from 9 Peritoneal dialysis patients (4 dialysate,7 smears from peritoneal dialysis catheter exit site). Relevant biofilm production was observed among 8 isolated strains. Most commonly, strains produced moderate biofilm (6; 55%), strong (2; 18%) and non or weak (3; 27%). Five isolated strains showed resistance to penicillin G, one strain was resistant to ampicillin. One of S. aureus strains was methicillin resistant and produced strong biofilm. Conclusions. Biofilm formation was detected commonly in isolated bacterial strains and plays an important role in the development of peritonitis. Antibacterial resistance and biofilm formation is an important factor of peritonitis treatment and overall prognosis

    Balancing the property right of forest owners and the right to healthy environment in Latvia

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    Strong and reliable right in property has not only been one of the cornerstones of a democratic capitalistic society, but also the provider of confidence for development in forest investment and sustainable management. Being a fundamental human right, right to property is also frequently recognised in constitutions, including the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia under Article 105. Even though the right to healthy environment is not universally accepted, the emergence and expansion of the concept of sustainable development has led to a broader base of stakeholders in forest properties. With a convincingly growing confidence it has been repeatedly stated by both legislators and judicial bodies, that social, economic and environmental rights must be viewed interconnectedly. This paper analyses various written sources to examine the regional legal obligations and current practice in setting up nature preservation areas in Latvia, considering international practice and environmental policy instruments. The research concludes that policy implementation process should be enhanced in Latvia by firmly combining forest management planning with the environemental planning, while also affording a higher degree of participation of forest owners in the protected site designation process. The current compensation mechanism for limiting the property right is considered and propositions for improvement are made. The need to develop a standard for assessing the degree of impact on stakeholder rights is enhanced. Potential improvements in current compensation mechanisms are discussed, while additional incentives should be provided to facilitate self-regulation in Latvia

    Challenges and prospects for the development of Latvian banking system

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    PētÄ«juma mērÄ·is ir veikt Latvijas komercbanku sistēmas attÄ«stÄ«bas analÄ«zi un izpētÄ«t ar kādiem izaicinājumiem bankām nāksies saskarties perspektÄ«vā. MērÄ·a sasniegÅ”anas realizÄ“Å”anai, jāīsteno sekojoÅ”i pētÄ«juma uzdevumi: izpētÄ«t un izanalizēt literatÅ«ru un citus informācijas avotus par komercbanku sistēmu; izanalizēt komercbanku sistēmas attÄ«stÄ«bas dinamiku; noskaidrot galvenos faktorus, kuri ietekmē komercbanku sistēmas attÄ«stÄ«bu; izdarÄ«t secinājumus un izteikt priekÅ”likumus komercbanku sistēmas tālākajai attÄ«stÄ«bai. PētÄ«juma autors secina, ka Latvijas komercbanku sistēma transformācijas procesa ietvaros uzlabojusi stabilitāti paaugstinot kapitāla pietiekamÄ«bas rādÄ«tājus un saÅ”aurinot darbÄ«bu to pārorientējot uz rentabliem un droÅ”iem darbÄ«bas segmentiem.The aim of the research is to carry out the analysis of the development of Latvian commercial banking system and to study the possible further challenges that banks can encounter. In order to achieve the aim, following objectives were set: to study and analyse literature and other sources of information on commercial banking system; to analyse the dynamics of the development of commercial banking system; to identify the major factors affecting the development of commercial banking system; to draw conclusions and to bring forward proposals for the further development of commercial banking system. The author of the paper concludes that during the process of transformation Latvian commercial banking system has become more stable by rising capital adequacy ratio and narrowing its scope of action to profitable and secure operating segments

    Impact of Risk Minimisation Measures on Valproate Use among Women of Reproductive Age in Latvia Between 2013 and 2020: A 7-Year Nationwide Prescription Database Study

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    Abstract Background A relevant safety concern for the use of valproate (VPA) in women of reproductive age is its teratogenicity. In 2014 European Medicines Agency (EMA) introduced risk minimisation measures (RMMs) to reduce the VPA use by women of reproductive age, where the impact on VPA use was not as large as expected. In 2018, the EMA introduced additional RMMs, and it is essential to assess impact of these interventions. Objective The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of the EMA-published RMMs in 2014 and 2018 on the prevalence of VPA use and to describe trends in the prevalence rate and incidence proportion of VPA use in epilepsy, bipolar disorder and off-label indications in Latvia. Methods This was a nationwide population-based study using a primary care prescription database. The study included women in age groups Ā 49Ā years and men in age group 15ā€“49Ā years who have received VPA. This study assessed the prevalence rate and the incidence proportion of VPA use. The impact of RMMs on the two study intervention periods [fourth quarter (Q4) 2014 and Q4 2018] in men and women was evaluated using causal impact analysis. Results In the study cohort, VPA use in women in the age group 15ā€“49Ā years decreased after the first and second intervention periods, where after the first intervention period the relative reduction in prevalence of VPA consumption was āˆ’7.7 [95% confidence interval (CI) āˆ’10%, āˆ’5.1%] and after both study periods āˆ’6.4% (95% CI āˆ’11%, āˆ’1.5%). In girls Ā 49 years old VPA use increased. In men aged 15ā€“49Ā years, an increase after the first period and a non-significant decrease after both intervention periods was observed. The prevalence of valproate use in girls <Ā 15Ā years and women 15ā€“49 years of age with bipolar disorder, epilepsy and off-label indications decreased per 1000 people during the study period. The incidence proportion of VPA use in women aged 15ā€“49Ā years decreased each year since the beginning of the study period. Conclusions A statistically significant decrease in the prevalence of VPA use was identified among girls <Ā 15 years and women 15ā€“49Ā years of age. In Latvia, an overall good reaction to the EMA RMMs was observed. The effects go beyond the target population and affect the use of VPA in young girls as well

    Meza sertifikacijas ieguldijums nenoplicinosa meza apsaimniekosana Latvija

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    Abstract in Latvian, English, GermanAvailable from Latvian Academic Library / LAL - Latvian Academic LibrarySIGLELVLatvi