15 research outputs found

    Effect of Genotype and Maternal Affective Disorder on Intronic Methylation of FK506 Binding Protein 5 in Cord Blood DNA

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    A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP: rs1360780) in FKBP5 (FK506 Binding Protein 5) has been shown to interact with exposure to childhood adversity to promote loss of methylation and increase in gene expression in adults. We asked whether rs1360780 can influence FKBP5 intronic methylation in the context of exposure to maternal affective disorders in utero. Sixty cord blood DNA samples from the Boston Birth Cohort were genotyped at rs1360780 and studied for methylation changes as they relate to genotype and exposure to affective disorders during pregnancy. Linear regression was employed to contrast the risk (TT) genotype to the heterozygous (CT) and homozygous (CC) genotypes with adjustment for potential confounders. The recessive genotype (TT) was associated with increased methylation at multiple CpGs in the FKBP5 intron 5 region (p < 0.01). These findings were enhanced among cases exposed to maternal affective disorders (p = 0.02). A human cell line treated with cortisol showed that changes in intron 5 CpG methylation and FKBP5 expression were inversely associated. These findings suggest that rs1360780 can influence FKBP5 intronic methylation by acting in cis as a methylation quantitative locus and highlight the impact of genotypic risk on methylation in utero. Additionally, prenatal stress exposure compounded with the risk genotype may lead to a compensatory increase in methylation

    SMURF: Genomic mapping of fungal secondary metabolite clusters. Fungal Genet Biol 47: 736–741

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    a b s t r a c t Fungi produce an impressive array of secondary metabolites (SMs) including mycotoxins, antibiotics and pharmaceuticals. The genes responsible for their biosynthesis, export, and transcriptional regulation are often found in contiguous gene clusters. To facilitate annotation of these clusters in sequenced fungal genomes, we developed the web-based software SMURF (www.jcvi.org/smurf/) to systematically predict clustered SM genes based on their genomic context and domain content. We applied SMURF to catalog putative clusters in 27 publicly available fungal genomes. Comparison with genetically characterized clusters from six fungal species showed that SMURF accurately recovered all clusters and detected additional potential clusters. Subsequent comparative analysis revealed the striking biosynthetic capacity and variability of the fungal SM pathways and the correlation between unicellularity and the absence of SMs. Further genetics studies are needed to experimentally confirm these clusters

    Misregulation of ELK1, AP1, and E12 Transcription Factor Networks Is Associated with Melanoma Progression

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    Melanoma is among the most malignant cutaneous cancers and when metastasized results in dramatically high mortality. Despite advances in high-throughput gene expression profiling in cancer transcriptomic studies, our understanding of mechanisms driving melanoma progression is still limited. We present here an in-depth bioinformatic analysis of the melanoma RNAseq, chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)seq, and single-cell (sc)RNA seq data to understand cancer progression. Specifically, we have performed a consensus network analysis of RNA-seq data from clinically re-grouped melanoma samples to identify gene co-expression networks that are conserved in early (stage 1) and late (stage 4/invasive) stage melanoma. Overlaying the fold-change information on co-expression networks revealed several coordinately up or down-regulated subnetworks that may play a critical role in melanoma progression. Furthermore, by incorporating histone lysine-27 acetylation information and highly expressed genes identified from the single-cell RNA data from melanoma patient samples, we present a comprehensive list of pathways, putative protein-protein interactions (PPIs) and transcription factor (TF) networks that are driving cancer progression. From this analysis, we have identified Elk1, AP1 and E12 TF networks that coordinately change expression in late melanoma when compared to early melanoma, implicating these TFs in melanoma progression. Additionally, the sumoylation-associated interactome is upregulated in invasive melanoma. Together, this bioinformatic analysis potentially implicates a combination of TF networks and PPIs in melanoma progression, which if confirmed in the experimental systems, could be used as targets for drug intervention in melanoma

    Glucocorticoid receptor regulates protein chaperone, circadian clock and affective disorder genes in the zebrafish brain

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    Glucocorticoid resistance is commonly observed in depression, and has been linked to reduced expression and/or function of the glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1 in human, hereafter referred to as GR). Previous studies have shown that GR-mutant zebrafish exhibit behavioural abnormalities that are indicative of an affective disorder, suggesting that GR plays a role in brain function. We compared the brain methylomes and brain transcriptomes of adult wild-type and GR-mutant zebrafish, and identified 249 differentially methylated regions (DMRs) that are regulated by GR. These include a cluster of CpG sites within the first intron of fkbp5, the gene encoding the glucocorticoid-inducible heat shock protein co-chaperone Fkbp5. RNA-sequencing analysis revealed that genes associated with chaperone-mediated protein folding, the regulation of circadian rhythm and the regulation of metabolism are particularly sensitive to loss of GR function. In addition, we identified subsets of genes exhibiting GR-regulated transcription that are known to regulate behaviour, and are linked to unipolar depression and anxiety. Taken together, our results identify key biological processes and novel molecular mechanisms through which the GR is likely to mediate responses to stress in the adult zebrafish brain, and they provide further support for the zebrafish GR mutant as a model for the study of affective disorders

    Genetic variants of PKLR are associated with acute pain in sickle cell disease

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    Acute pain, the most prominent complication of sickle cell disease (SCD), results from vaso-occlusion triggered by sickling of deoxygenated red blood cells (RBCs). Concentration of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) in RBCs promotes deoxygenation by preferentially binding to the low-affinity T conformation of HbS. 2,3-DPG is an intermediate substrate in the glycolytic pathway in which pyruvate kinase (gene PKLR, protein PKR) is a rate-limiting enzyme; variants in PKLR may affect PKR activity, 2,3-DPG levels in RBCs, RBC sickling, and acute pain episodes (APEs). We performed a candidate gene association study using 2 cohorts: 242 adult SCD-HbSS patients and 977 children with SCD-HbSS or SCD-HbSβ(0) thalassemia. Seven of 47 PKLR variants evaluated in the adult cohort were associated with hospitalization: intron 4, rs2071053; intron 2, rs8177970, rs116244351, rs114455416, rs12741350, rs3020781, and rs8177964. All 7 variants showed consistent effect directions in both cohorts and remained significant in weighted Fisher's meta-analyses of the adult and pediatric cohorts using P < .0071 as threshold to correct for multiple testing. Allele-specific expression analyses in an independent cohort of 52 SCD adults showed that the intronic variants are likely to influence APE by affecting expression of PKLR, although the causal variant and mechanism are not defined

    Genome-wide Methyl-Seq analysis of blood-brain targets of glucocorticoid exposure

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    <p>Chronic exposure to glucocorticoids (GCs) can lead to psychiatric complications through epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation (DNAm). We sought to determine whether epigenetic changes in a peripheral tissue can serve as a surrogate for those in a relatively inaccessible tissue such as the brain. DNA extracted from the hippocampus and blood of mice treated with GCs or vehicle solution was assayed using a genome-wide DNAm platform (Methyl-Seq) to identify differentially methylated regions (DMRs) induced by GC treatment. We observed that ∼70% of the DMRs in both tissues lost methylation following GC treatment. Of the 3,095 DMRs that mapped to the same genes in both tissues, 1,853 DMRs underwent DNAm changes in the same direction. Interestingly, only 209 DMRs (<7%) overlapped in genomic coordinates between the 2 tissues, suggesting tissue-specific differences in GC-targeted loci. Pathway analysis showed that the DMR-associated genes were members of pathways involved in metabolism, immune function, and neurodevelopment. Also, changes in cell type composition of blood and brain were examined by fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Separation of the cortex into neuronal and non-neuronal fractions and the leukocytes into T-cells, B-cells, and neutrophils showed that GC-induced methylation changes primarily occurred in neurons and T-cells, with the blood tissue also undergoing a shift in the proportion of constituent cell types while the proportion of neurons and glia in the brain remained stable. From the current pilot study, we found that despite tissue-specific epigenetic changes and cellular heterogeneity, blood can serve as a surrogate for GC-induced changes in the brain.</p

    Cell-free DNA maps COVID-19 tissue injury and risk of death and can cause tissue injury

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    INTRODUCTION The clinical course of coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) is heterogeneous, ranging from mild to severe multiorgan failure and death. In this study, we analyzed cell-free DNA (cfDNA) as a biomarker of injury to define the sources of tissue injury that contribute to such different trajectories.METHODS We conducted a multicenter prospective cohort study to enroll patients with COVID-19 and collect plasma samples. Plasma cfDNA was subject to bisulfite sequencing. A library of tissue-specific DNA methylation signatures was used to analyze sequence reads to quantitate cfDNA from different tissue types. We then determined the correlation of tissue-specific cfDNA measures to COVID-19 outcomes. Similar analyses were performed for healthy controls and a comparator group of patients with respiratory syncytial virus and influenza.RESULTS We found markedly elevated levels and divergent tissue sources of cfDNA in COVID-19 patients compared with patients who had influenza and/or respiratory syncytial virus and with healthy controls. The major sources of cfDNA in COVID-19 were hematopoietic cells, vascular endothelium, hepatocytes, adipocytes, kidney, heart, and lung. cfDNA levels positively correlated with COVID-19 disease severity, C-reactive protein, and D-dimer. cfDNA profile at admission identified patients who subsequently required intensive care or died during hospitalization. Furthermore, the increased cfDNA in COVID-19 patients generated excessive mitochondrial ROS (mtROS) in renal tubular cells in a concentration-dependent manner. This mtROS production was inhibited by a TLR9-specific antagonist.CONCLUSION cfDNA maps tissue injury that predicts COVID-19 outcomes and may mechanistically propagate COVID-19–induced tissue injury.FUNDING Intramural Targeted Anti–COVID-19 grant, NIH