16 research outputs found

    Spy, track and archive: The temporality of visibility in Eurosur and Jora

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    This article focuses on the temporalities of visibility that are at stake in the functioning of two mapping monitoring softwares devised by Frontex: Eurosur and Jora. Through a study of border practices and security devices that builds on interviews and direct observation, the article shows that while these two systems elaborate on data and information collected in real time, they work as archives for generating future migration risk scenarios and not for border surveillance purposes. After illustrating in detail the functioning and modes of visualization of Jora and Eurosur, the article takes into account how police officers, Frontex and navies use these devices, and how risk analyses are produced. The article demonstrates that these monitoring mapping devices are sustained by coeval temporalities: the detection of migrants ‘on the spot’ coexists with both a future-oriented temporality and an archival one. The second part of the article analyses the impact that mapping monitoring softwares have on migrant journeys and migrant lives. The article concludes by bringing attention to the ways in which migrants in part strategically appropriate and twist the temporality of security and the field of visibility enacted by these devices

    Untersuchungen zur Orientierungsabhängigkeit der longitudinalen Relaxationszeit in postmortalem Gewebe

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    Energetische Nutzung von Biomasse: Stand der Realisierung der katalytisch-allothermen Holzvergasung Vortraege

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    The topic of this event is bound up with the activities of FOeST in the field of gasification of biomass in decentralized small plants (< 2 MW_e_l). The start project was a research work in 1993 to select a gasification process for using wood, sludge or plastic waste, continued 1995 by a research project with gasification tests of tar oil contaminated wood in a small gasification reactor with good results in environmental compatibility. But the following planning process of a demonstration plant for 500 kW_e_l has shown, that the biomass gasification couldn't reach economic efficiency. Due to the development of an catalytic-partial allothermal gasification process of GNS ltd. it was clear, that the technical efficiency could be increased considerably. So, in 2000, a project started to test this catalytic-partial allothermal gasification in a pilot plant. Today the results of research, development and testing of biomass gasification with catalytic-partial allothermal processing as well as practically experience with a gasification plant, general conditions and further activities for energetically utilisation of biomass in Saxonia-Anhalt will be presented. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekMinisterium fuer Raumordnung, Landwirtschaft und Umwelt des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, Magdeburg (Germany)DEGerman

    Betriebserfahrungen mit innovativen Umwelttechnologien

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    The MUT '99 (Merseburger Umwelt-Tag) discussed modern processes, technologies and plants for treatment and utilisation of waste. The conference was attended by industrial organisations and scientific institutions.Der 9. Merseburger Umwelt-Tag MUT '99 steht unter dem Motto 'Betriebserfahrungen mit innovativen Umwelttechnologien - Moderne wirtschaftliche Verfahren, Technologien und Anlagen zur Behandlung/Verwertung nichtvermeidbaren Abfalls', wobei der Begriff 'Abfall' sich letztlich auf alle Umweltmedien bezieht. Entsprechend dem Motto dieser Tagung stellen Unternehmen, Betriebe und wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen ihre Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiet der Umwelttechnologien vor, um Entwicklungen auf diesem Gebiet einer breiten Diskussion zu eroeffnen. Dabei soll es insbesondere um die Behandlung nicht vermeidbarer Abfaelle und Abwaesser gehen. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEMinisterium fuer Raumordnung, Landwirtschaft und Umwelt des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, Magdeburg (Germany)DEGerman