7,814 research outputs found

    Investigation of a hopping transporter concept for lunar exploration

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    Performance and dynamic characteristics determined for hopping transporter for lunar exploratio

    Gravity-Induced Shape Transformations of Vesicles

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    We theoretically study the behavior of vesicles filled with a liquid of higher density than the surrounding medium, a technique frequently used in experiments. In the presence of gravity, these vesicles sink to the bottom of the container, and eventually adhere even on non - attractive substrates. The strong size-dependence of the gravitational energy makes large parts of the phase diagram accessible to experiments even for small density differences. For relatively large volume, non-axisymmetric bound shapes are explicitly calculated and shown to be stable. Osmotic deflation of such a vesicle leads back to axisymmetric shapes, and, finally, to a collapsed state of the vesicle.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX, 3 Postscript figures uuencode

    Mapping vesicle shapes into the phase diagram: A comparison of experiment and theory

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    Phase-contrast microscopy is used to monitor the shapes of micron-scale fluid-phase phospholipid-bilayer vesicles in aqueous solution. At fixed temperature, each vesicle undergoes thermal shape fluctuations. We are able experimentally to characterize the thermal shape ensemble by digitizing the vesicle outline in real time and storing the time-sequence of images. Analysis of this ensemble using the area-difference-elasticity (ADE) model of vesicle shapes allows us to associate (map) each time-sequence to a point in the zero-temperature (shape) phase diagram. Changing the laboratory temperature modifies the control parameters (area, volume, etc.) of each vesicle, so it sweeps out a trajectory across the theoretical phase diagram. It is a nontrivial test of the ADE model to check that these trajectories remain confined to regions of the phase diagram where the corresponding shapes are locally stable. In particular, we study the thermal trajectories of three prolate vesicles which, upon heating, experienced a mechanical instability leading to budding. We verify that the position of the observed instability and the geometry of the budded shape are in reasonable accord with the theoretical predictions. The inability of previous experiments to detect the ``hidden'' control parameters (relaxed area difference and spontaneous curvature) make this the first direct quantitative confrontation between vesicle-shape theory and experiment.Comment: submitted to PRE, LaTeX, 26 pages, 11 ps-fi

    Diffusing proteins on a fluctuating membrane: Analytical theory and simulations

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    Using analytical calculations and computer simulations we consider both the lateral diffusion of a membrane protein and the fluctuation spectrum of the membrane in which the protein is embedded. The membrane protein interacts with the membrane shape through its spontaneous curvature and bending rigidity. The lateral motion of the protein may be viewed as diffusion in an effective potential, hence, the effective mobility is always reduced compared to the case of free diffusion. Using a rigorous path-integral approach we derive an analytical expression for the effective diffusion coefficient for small ratios of temperature and bending rigidity, which is the biologically relevant limit. Simulations show very good quantitative agreement with our analytical result. The analysis of the correlation functions contributing to the diffusion coefficient shows that the correlations between the stochastic force of the protein and the response in the membrane shape are responsible for the reduction. Our quantitative analysis of the membrane height correlation spectrum shows an influence of the protein-membrane interaction causing a distinctly altered wave-vector dependence compared to a free membrane. Furthermore, the time correlations exhibit the two relevant timescales of the system: that of membrane fluctuations and that of lateral protein diffusion with the latter typically much longer than the former. We argue that the analysis of the long-time decay of membrane height correlations can thus provide a new means to determine the effective diffusion coefficient of proteins in the membrane.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Giant vesicles at the prolate-oblate transition: A macroscopic bistable system

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    Giant phospholipid vesicles are shown to exhibit thermally activated transitions between a prolate and an oblate shape on a time scale of several seconds. From the fluctuating contour of such a vesicle we extract ellipticity as an effective reaction coordinate whose temporal probability distribution is bimodal. We then reconstruct the effective potential from which we derive an activation energy of the order of kBTk_BT in agreement with theoretical calculations. The dynamics of this transition is well described within a Kramers model of overdamped diffusion in a bistable potential. Thus, this system can serve as a model for macroscopic bistability.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, epsfig, 4 eps figures included, to appear in Europhys. Let

    Arbitrarily slow, non-quasistatic, isothermal transformations

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    For an overdamped colloidal particle diffusing in a fluid in a controllable, virtual potential, we show that arbitrarily slow transformations, produced by smooth deformations of a double-well potential, need not be reversible. The arbitrarily slow transformations do need to be fast compared to the barrier crossing time, but that time can be extremely long. We consider two types of cyclic, isothermal transformations of a double-well potential. Both start and end in the same equilibrium state, and both use the same basic operations---but in different order. By measuring the work for finite cycle times and extrapolating to infinite times, we found that one transformation required no work, while the other required a finite amount of work, no matter how slowly it was carried out. The difference traces back to the observation that when time is reversed, the two protocols have different outcomes, when carried out arbitrarily slowly. A recently derived formula relating work production to the relative entropy of forward and backward path probabilities predicts the observed work average.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Spheres and Prolate and Oblate Ellipsoids from an Analytical Solution of Spontaneous Curvature Fluid Membrane Model

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    An analytic solution for Helfrich spontaneous curvature membrane model (H. Naito, M.Okuda and Ou-Yang Zhong-Can, Phys. Rev. E {\bf 48}, 2304 (1993); {\bf 54}, 2816 (1996)), which has a conspicuous feature of representing the circular biconcave shape, is studied. Results show that the solution in fact describes a family of shapes, which can be classified as: i) the flat plane (trivial case), ii) the sphere, iii) the prolate ellipsoid, iv) the capped cylinder, v) the oblate ellipsoid, vi) the circular biconcave shape, vii) the self-intersecting inverted circular biconcave shape, and viii) the self-intersecting nodoidlike cylinder. Among the closed shapes (ii)-(vii), a circular biconcave shape is the one with the minimum of local curvature energy.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures. Phys. Rev. E (to appear in Sept. 1999

    Bilayer Membrane in Confined Geometry: Interlayer Slide and Steric Repulsion

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    We derived free energy functional of a bilayer lipid membrane from the first principles of elasticity theory. The model explicitly includes position-dependent mutual slide of monolayers and bending deformation. Our free energy functional of liquid-crystalline membrane allows for incompressibility of the membrane and vanishing of the in-plane shear modulus and obeys reflectional and rotational symmetries of the flat bilayer. Interlayer slide at the mid-plane of the membrane results in local difference of surface densities of the monolayers. The slide amplitude directly enters free energy via the strain tensor. For small bending deformations the ratio between bending modulus and area compression coefficient, Kb/KA, is proportional to the square of monolayer thickness, h. Using the functional we performed self-consistent calculation of steric potential acting on bilayer between parallel confining walls separated by distance 2d. We found that temperature-dependent curvature at the minimum of confining potential is enhanced four times for a bilayer with slide as compared with a unit bilayer. We also calculate viscous modes of bilayer membrane between confining walls. Pure bending of the membrane is investigated, which is decoupled from area dilation at small amplitudes. Three sources of viscous dissipation are considered: water and membrane viscosities and interlayer drag. Dispersion has two branches. Confinement between the walls modifies the bending mode with respect to membrane in bulk solution. Simultaneously, inter-layer slipping mode, damped by viscous drag, remains unchanged by confinement.Comment: 23 pages,3 figures, pd

    Elastic deformation of a fluid membrane upon colloid binding

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    When a colloidal particle adheres to a fluid membrane, it induces elastic deformations in the membrane which oppose its own binding. The structural and energetic aspects of this balance are theoretically studied within the framework of a Helfrich Hamiltonian. Based on the full nonlinear shape equations for the membrane profile, a line of continuous binding transitions and a second line of discontinuous envelopment transitions are found, which meet at an unusual triple point. The regime of low tension is studied analytically using a small gradient expansion, while in the limit of large tension scaling arguments are derived which quantify the asymptotic behavior of phase boundary, degree of wrapping, and energy barrier. The maturation of animal viruses by budding is discussed as a biological example of such colloid-membrane interaction events.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, REVTeX style, follow-up on cond-mat/021242