21 research outputs found

    Rusistika - slavistika - lingvistika : Festschrift für Werner Lehfeldt zum 60. Geburtstag

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    Beiträge in russ. und dt.Die Festschrift ehrt einen der international bekanntesten und produktivsten Slavisten Deutschlands. Die 48 Beiträge des Bandes von Freunden, Schülern und Kollegen des Jubilars aus dem In- und Ausland entstammen – ohne Begrenzung von Raum, Zeit oder Methode – den Bereichen Slavische Sprachwissenschaft, Allgemeine und Quantitative Linguistik, Slavische Literaturwissenschaft sowie Didaktik des Russischen als Fremdsprache. Sie entsprechen in ihrer höchst aktuellen Thematik dem ausserordentlich breiten Interessenspektrum des langjährigen Herausgebers von Russian Linguistics; neben zahlreichen konkreten philologischen, empirischen Studien zur Synchronie und Diachronie sind auch grundsätzliche Überlegungen und Reflexionen vertreten

    K-Ar dating in the Teplá-Domazlice zone at the western margin of the Bohemian Massif

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    K-Ar dating on hornblendes and micas from the Tepla Domazlice zone revealed a pattern of dates which significantly deviates from the mid-Carboniferous to early Permian one that is found in the adjacent low-pressure metamorphic Moldanubian and Saxothuringian. Especially for the Marianske Lazne metabasic complex, confirming early Czech determinations, the dates resemble the early Devonian pattern determined for the Munchberg Gneiss Massif and the Erbendorf-Vohenstrau zone of northeastern Bavaria. This supports the idea that all three units are remnants of a huge' complex which suffered a metamorphic overprint under medium-pressure conditions, probably in the early Devonian. Strong rejuvenation is found in the southern part of the Tepla-Domazlice zone by which micas and even two hornblendes were reset to mid-Carboniferous ages. According to the geological setting, part of the apparently preDevonian dates may be explained by inherited argon from earlier metamorphic and magmatic events, e.g. the high-pressure metamorphism documented in eciogitic relics. However, excess argon, caused by the mid-Carboniferous overprint cannot be excluded

    K-Ar dating of the last metamorphic events in different tectonic units of the western margin of the Bohemian Massif

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    K-Ar dating on hornblendes and micas from the TepläDomazlice zone revealed a pattern of dates which significantly deviates from the mid-Carboniferous to early Permian one that is found in the adjacent low-pressure metamorphic Moldanubian and Saxothuringian. Especially for the Mariänske Läzne metabasic complex, confirming early Czech determinations, the dates resemble the early Devonian pattern determined for the Münchberg Gneiss Massif and the Erbendorf-Vohenstrauß zone of northeastern Bavaria. This supports the idea that all three units are remnants of a huge complex which suffered a metamorphic overprint under medium-pressure conditions, probably in the early Devonian. Streng rejuvenation is found in the southern part of the Teplä-Domailice zone by which micas and even two hornblendes were reset to mid-Carboniferous ages. According to the geological setting, part of the apparently preDevonian dates may be explained by inherited argon from earlier metamorphic and magmatic events, e.g. the high-pressure metamorphism documented in eclogitic relics. However, excess argon, caused by the mid-Carboniferous overprint cannot be excluded

    Geochemistry of a meta-ophiolite suite: An association of metagabbros, eclogites and glaucophanites on the island of Syros, Greece

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    Abstract The famous association of metagabbros, eclogites, glaucophanites, jadeite rocks and ultramafics from the island of Syros forms a distinct lithostratigraphic or tectonic unit. It is interpreted as a high-pressure metamorphic ophiolite suite. This paper provides geochemical and Sr-isotope constraints on the geotectonic setting in which the magmatic protoliths of the Syros metabasites were formed. A compositional gap exists between the metagabbros with Mg-numbers [Mg# = Mg/(0.85Fetot + Mg) atomic ratio] of 0.75-0.88 on the one hand and eclogites and garnet-glaucophanites on the other hand with Mg# of 0.35-0.62, and maximum total iron contents of up to 18 wt.% FeOtot. Metagabbros from various localities and glaucophanites collected around Manna form geochemically coherent groups with smooth correlations between compatible as well as immobile incompatible elements and Mg#. By contrast, the behaviour of immobile incompatible elements, and to some extent also of compatible elements, is highly unsystematic in the eclogites and garnet-glaucophanites. Also, the more mobile elements display a wide scatter in all rocks. This, in conjunction with the unsystematic variation of Sr-isotopes, is thought to be due to secondary alteration. From the strong correlation of Ni and Cr with Mg# and the flat REE patterns lacking Eu-anomalies, a cumulus nature is inferred for olivine, clinopyroxene, and spinel, associated with intercumulus formation of plagioclase in the magmatic protoliths of the metagabbros. There is no direct genetic link between these rocks and the precursors of the Manna-type glaucophanites with REE characteristics typical of N- to T-type MORB. The extremely high geochemical diversity of the eclogites and garnet-glaucophanites from Syros favours individual evolution of their protoliths in small magma bodies as suggested for superferric eclogites from the Western and Ligurian Alps, as well as the ferrogabbros from the ophiolites of the Northern Apennines. From the geochemistry of the Syros metabasites along with the initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the metagabbros between 0.7031 and 0.7033, as well as an eNd value of 7.7 from a garnet glaucophanite, the magmatic protoliths are inferred to have formed in a back-arc setting. By analogy to the association of gabbros and ferrogabbros adjacent to the Atlantis II fracture zone of the SW Indian Ridge, we further suggest an origin at a spreading ridge in proximity to a transform fault