12 research outputs found


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    The United States (U.S.) is a resource-rich nation and the development of our water and water-related resources has created great socioeconomic stability and allowed Americans to prosper for more than 200 years. However, development of these resources has not been without its attendant costs. Global change has impacted virtually every river basin in the U.S., often degrading the quality and availability of water and water-related resources. The concept of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) has evolved over approximately the past 50 years and it was formally accepted internationally as part of Agenda 21 in 1992. IWRM provides a holistic, systematic, and integrated framework that promotes the sustainable development and management of water and water-related resources in order to maximize the economic and social welfare of humans without compromising the sustainability of the environment. IWRM was designed for world-wide applicability; it has been largely embraced by the international water resources community, but not by the U.S. water resources community. However, a growing number of U.S. organizations now believe that IWRM can significantly improve water resources management in the U.S. (e.g., AWRA 2011, AwwaRF 1998, and USACE 2010a). As demands for and conflicts over water and water-related resources continue to increase, it may be time for the U.S. water community to develop more holistic, systematic, and integrated policies, laws, methods, and tools to meet those growing demands and changing needs. IWRM may be the most appropriate next step for managing water and water-related resource needs in the U.S. A few others have discussed conceptual models for implementing IWRM in the U.S. (e.g., Shabman and Scodari 2012). However, most IWRM-related research in the U.S. is focused on the implementation of project-level or watershed-level programs. This research focuses on developing a scientifically-based policy and legal framework to assist state, tribal and federal natural resource and environmental policy- and decision-makers refocus and/or modify their existing policies and laws with respect to implementing IWRM, where they deem it is appropriate and desirable to do so within their jurisdiction.Thesis (Ph.D., Water Resources) -- University of Idaho, 201

    Idaho National Laboratory Materials and Fuels Complex Natural Phenomena Hazards Flood Assessment

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    This report presents the results of flood hazards analyses performed for the Materials and Fuels Complex (MFC) and the adjacent Transient Reactor Experiment and Test Facility (TREAT) located at Idaho National Laboratory. The requirements of these analyses are provided in the U.S. Department of Energy Order 420.1B and supporting Department of Energy (DOE) Natural Phenomenon Hazard standards. The flood hazards analyses were performed by Battelle Energy Alliance and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The analyses addressed the following: • Determination of the design basis flood (DBFL) • Evaluation of the DBFL versus the Critical Flood Elevations (CFEs) for critical existing structures, systems, and components (SSCs)

    Sustainability and Energy Development: Influences of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Options on Water Use in Energy Production

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    Climate change mitigation strategies cannot be evaluated solely in terms of energy cost and greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation potential. Maintaining GHGs at a “safe” level will require fundamental change in the way we approach energy production, and a number of environmental, economic, and societal factors will come into play. Water is an essential component of energy production, and water resource constraints will limit our options for meeting society’s growing demand for energy while also reducing GHG emissions. This study evaluates these potential constraints from a global perspective by revisiting the climate wedges proposal of Pacala and Socolow (<i>Science</i> <b>2004</b>, <i>305 </i>(5686), 968–972) and evaluating the potential water-use impacts of the wedges associated with energy production. GHG mitigation options that improve energy conversion or use efficiency can simultaneously reduce GHG emissions, lower energy costs, and reduce energy impacts on water resources. Other GHG mitigation options (e.g., carbon capture and sequestration, traditional nuclear, and biofuels from dedicated energy crops) increase water requirements for energy. Achieving energy sustainability requires deployment of alternatives that can reduce GHG emissions, water resource impacts, and energy costs

    Mapping water availability, projected use and cost in the western United States

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    New demands for water can be satisfied through a variety of source options. In some basins surface and/or groundwater may be available through permitting with the state water management agency (termed unappropriated water), alternatively water might be purchased and transferred out of its current use to another (termed appropriated water), or non-traditional water sources can be captured and treated (e.g., wastewater). The relative availability and cost of each source are key factors in the development decision. Unfortunately, these measures are location dependent with no consistent or comparable set of data available for evaluating competing water sources. With the help of western water managers, water availability was mapped for over 1200 watersheds throughout the western US. Five water sources were individually examined, including unappropriated surface water, unappropriated groundwater, appropriated water, municipal wastewater and brackish groundwater. Also mapped was projected change in consumptive water use from 2010 to 2030. Associated costs to acquire, convey and treat the water, as necessary, for each of the five sources were estimated. These metrics were developed to support regional water planning and policy analysis with initial application to electric transmission planning in the western US