2 research outputs found

    Maniquí simulador para procedimiento de acceso central venoso

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    La presente invención corresponde a un simulador para acceso central venoso en neonatos para entrenamiento de personal. El simulador comprende un maniquí de neonato, un sensor de posición que se dispone en la mano del personal en entrenamiento y un procesador.Salu

    A low-cost multi-technique portable electrochemical device for remote Biosensors

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    All the code developed for this thesis is located on GitHub.The research world is constantly advancing toward new inventions and expanding the knowledge boundaries. This comes with its challenges; for example, the recent increase in remote work worldwide impacts every industry, and science is no exception. One of these implications is that the number of researchers increased faster than in previous years. Not all research facilities are prepared to sustain this increment and do not have enough equipment for everyone to work; the most common factors are cost or space limitations. Some researchers started to develop their own measurement devices designed within the research specifications in consideration and some limits compared to commercial devices. Those devices cost a fraction of the commercial equipment and are built using low-cost components. This yields a great variety of electronics measurement devices; those devices also tend to be smaller than traditional lab equipment. Furthermore, they had lower consumption of power which means simpler and smaller supply sources, which allows the devices to be powered by batteries, thus making them portable. Moreover, some research groups are constantly improving their developments. Some even are open-source projects which allow the community to enhance its capabilities, like the addition of measurement techniques or the ability to make simultaneous measurements with a single device. Others even communicate between devices and from device to PC or smartphone. And with the great options available to store information in the cloud, some researchers create devices that keep the measurements in remote databases for further analysis.Ministerio de ciencia tecnología e innovación Convocatoria Doctorados Nacionales 727.Credito Condonable Universidad de Los Andes.Doctor en IngenieríaDoctoradoBiomicrosistema