3 research outputs found

    Pronósticos experimentales del posible FEN para la Comisión ENFEN con un modelo de Sistema Tierra de alta resolución para el territorio nacional y el Pacífico oriental

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    Se reporta la implementación en modo pronóstico del modelo de Sistema Tierra regional ‘IGP Regional Earth System Model CROCO-OASIS-WRF v.1’ (IGP RESM-COW v1) y los pronósticos experimentales del posible FEN 2024, conforme al Plan multisectorial ante la ocurrencia del Fenómeno El Niño 2023 - 2024 (D.S. N° 101-2023-PCM). El modelo IGP RESM-COW v1 tiene una resolución de 12 km para el océano y 30 km para la atmósfera y contempla todo el territorio peruano y parte del Pacífico oriental. La implementación actual toma como insumo los pronósticos del modelo climático global NOAA CFSv2, cuyos sesgos promedio son corregidos usando datos observacionales (MERCATOR y FNL), los promedios climatológicos del CFSv2 y una simulación de 22 años del modelo IGP RESM-COW v1. Esto permite realizar pronósticos de las condiciones oceánicas y atmosféricas con hasta 7 meses de anticipación. El pronóstico experimental con el modelo IGP RESM-COW v1 inicializado con datos de diciembre de 2023 indica que El Niño costero 2023-24 se extendería solo hasta enero de 2024 y las precipitaciones pronosticadas no serían como las que se desarrollaron a fines de verano e inicios-mediados de otoño de 2023 frente a la costa norte

    Variability and climate change in the Mantaro river basin, central Peruvian Andes

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    The Mantaro river basin is located in the central Peruvian Andes. It has large socioeconomic importance, since its hydroelectric stations provide 35% of the electricity in Peru. Furthermore, the Mantaro valley provides most of the food consumed in Lima, in which a third of the population of Peru lives. These aspects motivated the proposal and execution of the pilot project Integrated Assessment of the Mantaro basin, whose general objective was: to systematize and to extend the knowledge on the climatic change in the river basin, to evaluate the climatic, physical and social aspects of its vulnerability and to identify viable options of adaptation in the agriculture, water resources, hydroelectric power generation sectors and population to incorporate them in the plans of local and regional development. In this paper, we present the results of the climatic component of the study, which consisted in determining the climatic characteristics of the region, their relation to global-scale atmospheric circulation patterns, and past long-term trends, as well as the development of scenarios of future climate change. In this study, the baseline climatology of air temperature and precipitation for the basin was generated as monthly, seasonal and annual mean maps. The analysis of the climate variability was based on the meteorological phenomena associated with the main threats to socioeconomic activities: droughts, freezes and earth slides. We analyzed the interannual, seasonal, and intraseasonal variability of rainfall, its relation to atmospheric circulation patterns on regional and global scale and the characteristics of the freezes in the basin. The trends in air temperature and precipitation were also analyzed, as well as in the intensity and frequency of the freezes. Future climate scenarios were obtained using regional dynamical and statistical downscaling methods, and the results were consistent with the observed trends during the last 40 years.Pages: 407-41

    Efecto terapéutico y profiláctico de compuestos derivados de solanum nudum sobre el ciclo exoeritrocítico de plasmodium berghei in vivo sobre la línea celular HEPG2-A16 :

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    IP 1115-04-11952Incluye anexosARTICULO(S) EN REVISTA: Efecto de los productos derivadosde laplanta solanun nudum en el control de formas;exoeritrociticas de plasmodium berghei / Berlin Londoño, AmandaMaestre, Jaime Carmona, Silvia Blair, Eliana;Arango. - En: Iatria Revista medica Universidad de Antioquia vol. 16 No 1(2003 : mar); p. 1-110. - Obtencion,;purificacion y caracterizacion de anticuerpos policionales(IgY)anti-trofozoito de aislados Colombianos de;giardia duodenalis desarrollados en gallina / D. A. Garcia, S.Duque, R. S. Nicholls, A. Arevalo, O. torres. -;En: Revista de la Asociacion Colombiana de Infectologia vol. 8No 2 (2004: jun