2,360 research outputs found

    Experimental velocity fields and forces for a cylinder penetrating into a granular medium

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    We present here a detailed granular flow characterization together with force measurements for the quasi-bidimensional situation of a horizontal cylinder penetrating vertically at a constant velocity in dry granular matter between two parallel glass walls. In the velocity range studied here, the drag force on the cylinder does not depend on the velocity V_0 and is mainly proportional to the cylinder diameter d. Whereas the force on the cylinder increases with its penetration depth, the granular velocity profile around the cylinder is found stationary with fluctuations around a mean value leading to the granular temperature profile. Both mean velocity profile and temperature profile exhibit strong localization near the cylinder. The mean flow perturbation induced by the cylinder decreases exponentially away from the cylinder on a characteristic length \lambda, that is mainly governed by the cylinder diameter for large enough cylinder/grain size ratio d/d_g: \lambda ~ d/4 + 2d_g. The granular temperature exhibits a constant plateau value T_0 in a thin layer close to the cylinder of extension \delta_{T_0} ~ \lambda/2 and decays exponentially far away with a characteristic length \lambda_T of a few grain diameters (\lambda_T ~ 3d_g). The granular temperature plateau T_0 that scales as (V_0^2 d_g/d) is created by the flow itself from the balance between the "granular heat" production by the shear rate V_0/\lambda over \delta_{T_0} close to the cylinder and the granular dissipation far away

    Accretion of a satellite onto a spherical galaxy. II. Binary evolution and orbital decay

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    We study the dynamical evolution of a satellite orbiting outside of a companion spherical galaxy. The satellite is subject to a back-reaction force resulting from the density fluctuations excited in the primary stellar system. We evaluate this force using the linear response theory developed in Colpi and Pallavicini (1997). The force is computed in the reference frame comoving with the primary galaxy and is expanded in multipoles. To capture the relevant features of the physical process determining the evolution of the detached binary, we introduce in the Hamiltonian the harmonic potential as interaction potential among stars. The dynamics of the satellite is computed self-consistently. We determine the conditions for tidal capture of a satellite from an asymptotic free state. If the binary comes to existence as a bound pair, stability against orbital decay is lost near resonance. The time scale of binary coalescence is computed as a function of the eccentricity and mass ratio. In a comparison with Weinberg's perturbative technique we demonstrate that pinning the center of mass of the galaxy would induce a much larger torque on the satellite.Comment: 13 pages, Tex,+ 10 .ps figures Submitted to The Astrophysical Journa

    Dynamical friction and the evolution of satellites in virialized halos: the theory of linear response

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    The evolution of a small satellite inside a more massive truncated isothermal spherical halo is studied using both the Theory of Linear Response for dynamical friction and N-Body simulations. The analytical approach includes the effects of the gravitational wake, of the tidal deformation and the shift of the barycenter of the primary, so unifying the local versus global interpretation of dynamical friction. Sizes, masses, orbital energies and eccentricities are chosen as expected in hierarchical clustering models. We find that in general the drag force in self-gravitating backgrounds is weaker than in uniform media and that the orbital decay is not accompanied by a significant circularization. We also show that the dynamical friction time scale is weakly dependent on the initial circularity. We provide a fitting formula for the decay time that includes the effect of mass and angular momentum loss. Live satellites with dense cores can survive disruption up to an Hubble time within the primary, notwithstanding the initial choice of orbital parameters. Dwarf spheroidal satellites of the Milky Way, like Sagittarius A and Fornax, have already suffered mass stripping and, with their present masses, the sinking times exceed 10 Gyr even if they are on very eccentric orbits.Comment: 27 pages including 9 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Part 2, issue November 10 1999, Volume 52

    Rheology of Granular Rafts

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    Rheology of macroscopic particle-laden interfaces, called "Granular Rafts" has been experimentally studied, in the simple shear configuration. The shear-stress relation obtained from a classical rheometer exhibits the same behavior as a Bingham fluid and the viscosity diverges with the surface fraction according to evolutions similar to 2D suspensions. The velocity field of the particles that constitute the granular raft has been measured in the stationary state. These measurements reveal non-local rheology similar to dry granular materials. Close to the walls of the rheometer cell, one can observe regions of large local shear rate while in the middle of the cell a quasistatic zone exists. This flowing region, characteristic of granular matter, is described in the framework of an extended kinetic theory showing the evolution of the velocity profile with the imposed shear stress. Measuring the probability density functions of the elementary strains, we provide evidence of a balance between positive and negative elementary strains. This behavior is the signature of a quasistatic region inside the granular raft.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    GaN/AlN Quantum Dots for Single Qubit Emitters

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    We study theoretically the electronic properties of cc-plane GaN/AlN quantum dots (QDs) with focus on their potential as sources of single polarized photons for future quantum communication systems. Within the framework of eight-band k.p theory we calculate the optical interband transitions of the QDs and their polarization properties. We show that an anisotropy of the QD confinement potential in the basal plane (e.g. QD elongation or strain anisotropy) leads to a pronounced linear polarization of the ground state and excited state transitions. An externally applied uniaxial stress can be used to either induce a linear polarization of the ground-state transition for emission of single polarized photons or even to compensate the polarization induced by the structural elongation.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures. Accepted at Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    The Value of Liquidity

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72848/1/1080-8620.00026.pd

    Darwin Tames an Andromeda Dwarf: Unraveling the Orbit of NGC 205 Using a Genetic Algorithm

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    NGC 205, a close satellite of the M31 galaxy, is our nearest example of a dwarf elliptical galaxy. Photometric and kinematic observations suggest that NGC 205 is undergoing tidal distortion from its interaction with M31. Despite earlier attempts, the orbit and progenitor properties of NGC 205 are not well known. We perform an optimized search for these unknowns by combining a genetic algorithm with restricted N-body simulations of the interaction. This approach, coupled with photometric and kinematic observations as constraints, allows for an effective exploration of the parameter space. We represent NGC 205 as a static Hernquist potential with embedded massless test particles that serve as tracers of surface brightness. We explore 3 distinct, initially stable configurations of test particles: cold rotating disk, warm rotating disk, and hot, pressure-supported spheroid. Each model reproduces some, but not all, of the observed features of NGC 205, leading us to speculate that a rotating progenitor with substantial pressure support could match all of the observables. Furthermore, plausible combinations of mass and scale length for the pressure-supported spheroid progenitor model reproduce the observed velocity dispersion profile. For all 3 models, orbits that best match the observables place the satellite 11+/-9 kpc behind M31 moving at very large velocities: 300-500 km/s on primarily radial orbits. Given that the observed radial component is only 54 km/s, this implies a large tangential motion for NGC 205, moving from the NW to the SE. These results suggest NGC 205 is not associated with the stellar arc observed to the NE of NGC 205. Furthermore, NGC 205's velocity appears to be near or greater than its escape velocity, signifying that the satellite is likely on its first M31 passage.Comment: 34 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, A pdf version with high-resolution figures may be obtained from http://www.ucolick.org/~kirsten/ms.pd
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