30 research outputs found

    Evaluation of vision in gnathological and orthodontic patients with temporomandibular disorders: a prospective experimental observational cohort study

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    Objectives: Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs), orthodontic diseases, and vision dysfunctions seem to be strictly related. The purpose of this study was to prove the relationship, to evaluate the prevalence and the distribution of vision defects in dysfunctional and orthodontic patients, and to establish the type of the relationship. Materials and Methods: A total of 100 patients with TMDs were selected and studied through epidemiological analyses of the following factors: gnathological parameters (temporomandibular joint pathologies according to Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders); occlusal and skeletal parameters (overjet, overbite, dental class, transversal discrepancies, and mandibular asymmetry); and orthoptic parameters (refractive defects and oculomotor diseases). A prospective experimental observational cohort study was conducted. A comparison with the average frequency of vision defects of the Italian population was performed. The prevalence of vision defects was evaluated. All gnathological and orthodontic parameters were associated with the orthoptic ones. A descriptive and statistical analysis of the data was carried out with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software; z test (P 0.05), frequency analysis (frequency 50%), chi-square test, and Student's t test (P 0.05) were performed. The scientific consistency was evaluated by using the scientific criteria of Bradford Hill. Results: The comparison with the Italian population showed a higher frequency of refractive defects in the study sample (P 0.001). The most frequent vision defects were phorias (92%) and tropia (3%). The increased frequency of ocular convergence reduction in the presence of disc displacement with reduction was significant (n = 28; 60%; P 0.05). In the presence of asymmetry, low frequencies of astigmatism (n = 18; 30%) were observed compared to its absence (n = 22; 54%) (P 0.05) and high frequencies of motor ocular deviations (n = 59; 100%) were observed compared to its absence (n = 36; 88%) (P 0.05). In the presence of headache, low frequencies of emmetropia (n = 13; 22%) and higher frequencies of hyperopia (n = 18; 30%) were observed (P 0.05). Two of five scientific criteria of Bradford Hill were met. Conclusion: It seems to emerge a possible positive relationship between TMD and vision defects. In particular, the most interesting associations were found between functional or skeletal orthognathic alterations and oculomotor dysfunctions. However, it was not possible to establish the type of relationship

    Effectiveness of Mp-3 Microperimetric Biofeedback Fixation Training For Low Vision Rehabilitation in Patients Treated With Corticosteroid Ivt in Retinal Vein Occlusions

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    Mariaelena Malvasi,1 Sabrina Compagno,1 Alessandro Segnalini,1 Vito Maurizio Malvasi,2 Fernanda Pacella,3 Paolo Turchetti,4 Elena Pacella1 1Department of Sense Organs, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy; 2Department of Odontostomatological and Maxillo-Facial Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy; 3Department of Ophthalmology, Carlo Poma Hospital, Mantua, Italy; 4National Institute for Health, Migration and Poverty (INMP/NIHMP), Rome, ItalyCorrespondence: Elena Pacella, Department of Sense Organs, University Sapienza, Rome, Policlinico Umberto I, Viale, del Policlinico 155, Rome, 00161, Italy, Email [email protected]: The success of fixation training using microperimetric biofeedback (MP-3 MBFT) in the realm of visual rehabilitation for patients with central vision loss caused by macular pathologies is well established. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness and safety of visual rehabilitation with microperimetric biofeedback in consolidating the benefits obtained, with the goal of reducing the need for repeated intravitreal injections (IVT). Specifically, the focus is on the eyes of patients with central vision loss treated with slow-release corticosteroid IVT following retinal venous thrombosis (RVO), aiming to enhance and maintain postoperative efficacy.Methods: This retrospective review involved the examination of 44 eyes affected by macular edema due to RVO associated with central vision loss. Patients were divided into two groups, with only one undergoing ten sessions of 10-minute visual rehabilitation with a microperimeter (MP-3 MBFT) after IVT over a period of 20 weeks.Results: All the treated patients demonstrated good tolerance to the procedure, with no reported complications. A comparison of best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), retinal sensitivity recorded with a microperimeter, and pre-IVT fixation stability revealed statistically significant improvements at the end of the first month after IVT. However, the treatment group continued to exhibit superior and more enduring results at four months post-IV.Conclusion: The synergistic use of MP-3 MBFT rehabilitation after IVT with slow-release corticosteroids has proven particularly effective in improving BCVA and long-term fixation stability. This led to a significant reduction in the number of required IVTs, with no related adverse events. The authors argue that biofeedback utilization represents a noninvasive therapeutic option devoid of contraindications and easy to implement and that it positively contributes to the overall patient experience regarding quality of life in advanced stages of macular diseases.Keywords: microperimetric biofeedback, visual rehabilitation, macular edema, intravitreal corticosteroid, retinal vein occlusio

    Persistent vertical diplopia after cataract surgery: a case report.

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    Diplopia is an event that can occur following cataract surgery, although its rate of occurrence is limited and ranges from 0.67% to 0.85%. The authors present a case of vertical diplopia arising after peribulbar anaesthesia for cataract surgery in a 78-year-old woman. Diplopia appeared at distance in primary position, while at near there was binocular single vision. Stereopsis was present at the Lang I - II Test, but the Wirth Test was incomplete. Although in the literature the frequency of these "accidents" is very limited, we think it is relevant to emphasize the need to perform pre-operative routine using a careful orthoptic examination along with a thorough medical, especially strabological, history

    Temperature humidity index scenarios in the Mediterranean basin

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    The study was undertaken to describe the temperature humidity index (THI) dynamics over the Mediterranean basin for the period 1971-2050. The THI combines temperature and humidity into a single value, and has been widely used to predict the effects of environmental warmth in farm animals. The analysis was based on daily outputs of the temperature and relative humidity from the Max Planck Institute data using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report Emission Scenario A1B. Data revealed a gradual increase of both annual and seasonal THI during the period under investigation and a strong heterogeneity of the Mediterranean area. In particular, the analysis indicated that Spain, southern France and Italy should be expected to undergo the highest THI increase, which in the last decade under study (2041-2050) will range between 3 and 4 units. However, only during summer months the area presents characteristics indicating risk of thermal (heat) stress for farm animals. In this regard, scenario maps relative to the summer season suggested an enlargement of the areas in the basin where summer THI values will likely cause thermal discomfort in farm animals. In conclusion, the study indicated that the Mediterranean basin is likely to undergo THI changes, which may aggravate the consequences of hot weather on animal welfare, performances, health and survival and may help farmers, nutritionists, veterinarians, and policy-makers to develop appropriate adaptation strategies to limit consequences of climate change for the livestock sector in the Mediterranean countries. © 2012 ISB

    The climatic, eustatic and tectonic controls on the Mid Carboniferous (Visean and Namurian) strata of Northumbria, England

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    The Mid Caiboniferous (Viséan and Namurian) Yoredale cycles of Northumbria were deposited as a result of glacio-eustatic fluctuations, arising from waxing aid waning of Gondwanan ice sheets in the southern hemisphere. Each cycle contains a variety of Uthofacies, generally comprising carbonate platform lithofacies deposited during the transgressive systems ttact, followed by deltaic or marine shoreline lithofocies, deposited during the highstand, lowstand and falling stage systems tract. There may or may not be a transgressive shoreline lithofacies present at the top of each cycle. Although there is a general pattern to the composition of each Yoredale cycle, carbonate platform lithofacies are more dominant in the south of the area due to a close proximity to the main marine source to the south-west. Likewise, deltaic and marine shoreline lithofacies are more common in the north of the area due to a close proximity to the main sedimentary source to the north-east The duration of each cycle has been calculated as approximately 200,000 years resulting in their classification as fourth-order cycles. Within each Yoredale cycle, the components of a sea-level curve have been identified indicating their formation was directly influenced by fluctuations in relative sea- level. By using Fischer plots, third-order cycles have also been identified and it is inferred that composite eustasy was տ operation, resulting from Gondwanan glaciation. Evidence for climate change is abundant throughout the Mid Carboniferom. By using palaeosoils and lithological evidence for climate change has been recognised. A major arid phase at the Asbian I Brigantian boundary has been identified by the presence of calcretes, red flmial sediments, a decrease both the amount of coal the amount of fine siliciclastic material within each cycle. This change in climate can be correlated with other areas of similar palaeolatitude indicating that this change was global. Stable isotope analysis reveals little or no information regarding Mid Carboniferous palaeoclimate and I or palaeoceanogiaphy. It has been possible to identify major post-depositional influences on the Mid Caiboniferous strata of Northumbria. Both the Weardale Granite and the Whin Sill Complex appear to have generated large amounts of hydrothermal fluids, both during their emplacement and in the case of the Weardale Granite, after еmplacement. This has led to the obliteration of the original isotopic composition of the marine limestones. Tectonic activity associated with the Variscan orogeny began in the Late Devonian, but was still active in Northumbria during the Viséan. The resulting extensional tectonics had a profound affect on sedimentation. During the Viséan, active extension was still ongoing, with the syn-rift phase lasting until the end of the Asbian period. The result of this was a series of E-w trending sedimentary basins with wedge-shaped geometry of sediments. The intervening blocks subsided at a slower rate due to underlying buoyant granite masses compared to the Caledonian basement rock of the basinal areas. Differential subsidence ended in the Namurian and the post rift-phase gradually took over from the start of the Brigantian period onwards. This resulted in uniform deposition, with localised intrabasinal faulting. The initial objectives for this thesis were to assess not only the effects of climate, eustasy and tectonics on the Mid Caibontferous strata of Northmnbria, but also to look at the clastic and carbonate interactions within the classic Yoredale cycles. The vast amount of previously unpublished information that has been obtained from the rocks especially with regards to climate change has meant that the clastic-carbonate interaction study was abandoned. In an area that has been studied for over two centuries due to it mineral wealth it is perhaps surprisng to find that there is still much work to be gleaned from such a classic area of British geology.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Restauro e Terremoto

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    La monografia sviluppa il tema del rapporto tra la cultura del restauro e l'emergenza sismica. Il tema è trattato attraverso numerosi saggi raccolti in tre raggruppamenti tematici: i primi due trattano dei sistemi più aggiornati di prevenzione del danno cui si vanno dotando gli organi di tutela e di governo del territorio, l'ultimo documenta la casistica esemplare di restauri realizzati in coerenza con i principi ispiratori dei citati sistemi di prevenzione. Il primo gruppo, infatti, documenta l'attività di ricerca condotta in seno al MiBAC-ICR per la produzione della "Carta del Rischio" del territorio nazionale; l'argomento è sviluppato attraverso i saggi dei principali artefici della Carta del Rischio: Pio Baldi, Gisella Capponi, Annamaria Pandolfi. Il secondo raggruppamento documenta la ricerca condotta dal DiPSA dell'Università "Roma Tre" su incarico del Servizio Sismico Nazionale della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri per la formazione dell'"Atlante dei Centri Storici Italiani Esposti al Rischio Sismico" ovvero di una base GIS ad uso della Protezione Civile per la gestione tecnica delle iniziative di prevenzione e intervento. I saggi di questo raggruppamento sono redatti da Antonio Pugliano, Anna Laura Palazzo e da Ornella Segnalini in veste di autori dell'Atlante. Il terzo raggruppamento contiene saggi a firma di Maria Grazia Filetici (sul restauro della copertura del Tempio di Ercole Olivario)e di Antonio Pugliano sugli strumenti e i metodi progettuali per il restauro antisismico attraverso l'uso di tecniche costruttive tradizionali, e sulla applicazione dei principi precedenti al cantiere di restauro antisismico della Fontana Maggiore di Perugia

    The changes of climate may threat the production of Grana Padano cheese: past, recent and future scenarios

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    Climate and animal agriculture are interrelated processes and related foods may be threatened through changes in temperature, rainfall and extreme weather events. The present study was aimed to investigate the climate trend over the production area of Grana Padano (GP) cheese. The area is in North of Italy, covers a total land of 46,000 km2 and it is highly suited for agricultural and livestock productions. Past (1971–2000), recent (2001–2010) and future (2020–2050) climate scenarios were considered and compared. The analysis showed positive anomalies both for minimum and maximum temperatures and a decrease of precipitation for recent and future climate. The Gaussen-Bagnouls classification pointed out a change from humid to semi-humid climate during summer months. These data suggest a warming trend and increasing risk of summer aridity over the production area of GP cheese. The analysis of temperature-humidity index (THI), from past throughout the future scenario, highlighted an increased risk of heat stress for dairy cows. The worst THI condition was predicted for July of the future scenario when milk loss may reach a level of 7 kg/cow/day. The changes in climate may threat the potential to produce GP cheese, indirectly by the negative effect of precipitation deficit on crops yield for cows feeding, directly by the increase of heat stress-related milk loss. These findings may be of help to animate the debate on climate change-related impacts on regional food systems and support policymakers in developing adaptation strategies for the production system of GP cheese.Highlights Climate is changing in the north Italy. Warming and aridity trend may threat the production of Grana Padano cheese. Adaptation measures are required

    Correlation between specratl-domain optical coherence tomography findings and visual outcome after primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment repair.

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    Purpose: To correlate the postoperative visual outcome with the spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) findings in the fovea after successful rhegmatogenous retinal detachment repair. Cross-sectional, observational study. Methods: Thirty-five patients with preoperative macula-on rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (12 eyes) and macula-off rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (23 eyes) who underwent scleral buckling surgery for primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment were recruited. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study best-corrected visual acuity measurement, microperimetry, and SD-OCT examination were performed on the same day. Foveal center retinal thickness, central 1-mm subfield thickness, and outer nuclear layer thickness were measured using SD-OCT. The presence or absence of epiretinal membrane, intraretinal fluid, and subretinal fluid was assessed. The status of the external limiting membrane, inner/outer segment junction, and intermediate line was also evaluated and judged as disrupted or complete. The correlations between SD-OCT findings and either postoperative best-corrected visual acuity or retinal sensitivities for central 12 degrees were analyzed. Results: The outer nuclear layer thickness was the only significant SD-OCT retinal measurement strongly correlated with both postoperative best-corrected visual acuity (r = 0.61; P < 0.001) and retinal sensitivities for central 12 degrees (r = 0.53; P = 0.001). Among the SD-OCT imaging findings, status of the external limiting membrane, inner/outer segment junction, and intermediate line and the presence of intraretinal fluid showed a significantly high correlation either with best-corrected visual acuity outcome (r = -0.60; P < 0.001, r = -0.63; P < 0.001, r = -0.66; P < 0.001, and r = -0.50; P = 0.002, respectively) or with postoperative retinal sensitivities (r = -0.59; P < 0.001, r = -0.61; P < 0.001, r = -0.66; P < 0.001, r = -0.50; P = 0.002, respectively). Multivariate analysis showed that the outer nuclear layer thickness and the status of the intermediate line were the most important predictors of visual outcome (P, 0.001 and P, 0.001, respectively). Conclusion: This study showed that not only the status of the external limiting membrane and the inner/outer segment junction but also the integrity of the intermediate line and the outer nuclear layer thickness changes may be important predictors of postoperative visual outcome after anatomically successful rhegmatogenous retinal detachment repair. RETINA 32:43-53, 201