18 research outputs found

    New molecular data attest to the absence of cospeciation patterns between Placobdella costata (Fr. MĂŒller, 1846) (Hirudinea) and freshwater turtles (Emys spp.) in Italy

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    The only Palearctic representative of the leech genus Placobdella Blanchard, 1893 is P. costata, an ectoparasite of freshwater turtles. To date, no conclusive evidence about the possible presence of coevolutionary patterns between this leech and its turtle hosts is available due to the paucity of DNA sequence data available for P. costata; moreover, comparative host data is also mostly lacking, making any inferences more difficult. The discovery of new populations of the species in northern Italy and Sicily allowed us to generate novel mitochondrial DNA sequences and to compare the topology of the resulting phylogenetic trees with the phylogeny of the turtle hosts occurring in the study area, i.e., Emys orbicularis and E. trinacris. The branching pattern of the phylogenetic tree for P. costata is not congruent with that of its turtle hosts, thus suggesting the lack of coevolutionary or cospeciation phenomena between these taxa. The lack of a coevolutionary pattern might be ascribed to the different dispersal ability of Placobdella costata and Emys spp. and to the host generality of the leech, as confirmed by the occurrence of P. costata on aquatic turtles belonging to the genus Mauremys in areas where Emys spp. are rare or absent. A single leech cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 haplotype was found in each study region, and the overall nucleotide diversity was very low throughout the investigated distribution. This apparent lack of a clear phylogeographical pattern was unexpected in the P. costata populations occurring in the circum-Mediterranean areas, where the occurrence of high haplotype and nucleotide diversity is customary for most terrestrial and freshwater species. Based on the available data, we suggest a recent, post-glacial origin of the studied P. costata populations

    New molecular data attest to the absence of cospeciation patterns between Placobdella costata (Fr. MĂŒller, 1846) (Hirudinea) and freshwater turtles (Emys spp.) in Italy

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    The only Palearctic representative of the leech genus Placobdella Blanchard, 1893 is P. costata, an ectoparasite of freshwater turtles. To date, no conclusive evidence about the possible presence of coevolutionary patterns between this leech and its turtle hosts is available due to the paucity of DNA sequence data available for P. costata; moreover, comparative host data is also mostly lacking, making any inferences more difficult. The discovery of new populations of the species in northern Italy and Sicily allowed us to generate novel mitochondrial DNA sequences and to compare the topology of the resulting phylogenetic trees with the phylogeny of the turtle hosts occurring in the study area, i.e., Emys orbicularis and E. trinacris. The branching pattern of the phylogenetic tree for P. costata is not congruent with that of its turtle hosts, thus suggesting the lack of coevolutionary or cospeciation phenomena between these taxa. The lack of a coevolutionary pattern might be ascribed to the different dispersal ability of Placobdella costata and Emys spp. and to the host generality of the leech, as confirmed by the occurrence of P. costata on aquatic turtles belonging to the genus Mauremys in areas where Emys spp. are rare or absent. A single leech cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 haplotype was found in each study region, and the overall nucleotide diversity was very low throughout the investigated distribution. This apparent lack of a clear phylogeographical pattern was unexpected in the P. costata populations occurring in the circum-Mediterranean areas, where the occurrence of high haplotype and nucleotide diversity is customary for most terrestrial and freshwater species. Based on the available data, we suggest a recent, post-glacial origin of the studied P. costata populations

    Vibrational Density of States and Elastic Properties of Cross-linked Polymers: Combining Inelastic Light and Neutron Scattering

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    The vibrational dynamics of a new class of cross-linked polymers made up of cyclodextrins is here investigated in the microscopic range by the joint use of light and inelastic neutron scattering experiments. The effect of increasing the connectivity of the polymeric network on the vibrational dynamics of the system is studied by exploiting the complementarity of these two different probes. The derived densities of vibrational states of the polymers evidence the presence of the characteristic anomalous excess of vibrational modes with respect to the Debye level, already observed in the low-frequency Raman spectra and referred to as boson peak (BP). The overall analysis of the spectra suggests an emerging picture in which the motions of hydrogen atoms of the polymers are progressively hampered when the cross-linking degree of the covalent network increases. At the same time, the frequency and intensity of the BP are found to significantly change by increasing the cross-linking degree of the polymeric network, as clearly suggested by the existence of a scaling-law for the BP evolution. These findings support the conclusion that the growing of the covalent connectivity of the system induces a general modifications of the elastic properties of these cyclodextrin-based polymers, which are, once again, modulated by the cross-linking agent/cyclodextrin molar ratio